Danielle x Reader: Lightning can('t) strikes twice

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"Thank you, please take a seat. The fan-meet will commence shortly" The staff member said, handing you back your ticket. You nodded, moving to the middle of the hall, taking a seat as the tune of Super Shy began blasting through the speakers. The fans around you began clapping to the beat, growing excited and rowdy as the music signified the beginning of the event.
You tried to remain serious, wanting to stay focused on your purpose here, but you had to admit you enjoyed the music, tapping your feet to the beat of the music as your lips curled upwards, reminiscing on watching the music video, if not for the music then for a certain someone.
Then, the 5 girls who were the reason for this huge event emerged from the backstage, waving as fans waved and cheered, some with signs of the idols plastered on, others with bags in hands of gifts intended for the idols.
Amongst the 5 idols, one of them had a vibrant smile, more vibrant than the other 4 as she waved to the cheering fans, though for a moment, her smile cracked. She cursed her wandering eye, wishing she hadn't seen what she had. Thankfully, her media training kicked in. She regained her composure almost as quickly as she had lost it, plastering a smile on her face. 
The event kicked off, lines of excited fans moving along the queue, having a short moment to chat with their idols, giving gifts and expressing admiration for them. Each fan interaction warmed their hearts, happy to interact with the people they performed for. 

However, growing unrest was brewing in one of them. 
"Dani, are you okay?" The girl beside her whispered, lightly grabbing her hand and giving her a reassuring a smile.
"Yeh Minji-unnie, I am." Danielle tried lying, rather unconvincingly, as Minji's eyebrow arched, obviously unconvinced.

Back with you, your worry grew as you noticed an accusatory finger pointed toward you, another girl scowling at you, but hiding it as soon as she could, most likely fearing the repercussions of any aggressive acts. Only the firm grasp of one hand stopped the tremble of the other, your eyes darting around the hall, trying your best to not look at them, for fear of your nerves bubbling up and exploding in your chest.

A rapid tap on the shoulder brought you back to attention, a rather impatient teen beside you urging you to close the gap in the queue. You smiled apologetically, before turning to walk up the queue, noting how close you were to finally getting up on the stage. You took a deep breath, trying to calm down. This was most likely your only chance to make things right, and you had to make it up to her.

You made your way past the first three members, Hanni, Haerin and Hyein. Unaware of who you were, or what you had done, the three members talked to you, asking you about you and your bias. They were excited when they heard you were a doctor, then were in faux disappointment when they heard your bias was Danielle. It was nice talking to the three of them, it helped calm your nerves for what laid ahead of you.

Next was Minji, who greeted you with a sweet smile. You could see the anger in her eyes however, malice in her tone, though she kept up a sweet facade for the media.
"How dare you show up here." Minji said, her smile never fading, and it terrified you.
"I want to make things right." You curtly replied, seeing Minji's face turn somewhat judgemental, as if trying to determine your true purpose.
"You can't mend what's been broken, especially after you stomped on it. If you really think you deserve her after all that you've put her through, you're a bigger idiot then I first thought you were." Minji's facade dropped for a moment, as if to hammer her point home. She wasn't wrong, and you knew it, but you owed her a try.
"I'm an idiot then." You said with a resolute tone, Minji reeling a little in surprise, as if thunderstruck by your words
She moved to reply, but she stopped herself, pursing her lips, then nodding, tilting her head towards the last member of the group.

Moving down the line, you stood in front of the person who was once your world. 
"Hey Dani." You lightly whispered, terrified to how Danielle would react. Danielle looked up with a mask of uncertainty, though it quickly melted away as she gave you a smile, the smile you had seen when you first fell in love with her.
"Dani, I'm s-" You tried to talk, but Danielle quickly cut you off
"How've you been?" Danielle asked, taking an album from under the table, preparing to sign it.
You looked at her with apprehension, before a small smile flashed on your face.
"I've been fine, there's been some problematic patients at the ER but I'm doing fine. How are you? Have you been eating well?" You asked, concern laced in your tone.
Danielle stopped her signing, looking at you in shock, causing you to curse yourself. Her face conveyed a sense of forlorn nostalgia, and slight hurt.
"I have. Thanks for asking." Danielle replied, before waving you off, causing you to finally notice the queue moving on, the security guard beckoning you to continue.
Crestfallen at not being able to do what you came to do, you slowly walked down the stage, before finally noticing a note from Danielle, telling you to stay and meet her after the fanmeet.
You felt yourself fill with ecstasy, feeling a pep in your step as you headed to where Danielle had told you to wait.

An hour or so passed, then you saw two figures emerge from the hallway. By now, Minji's facade was all but gone, shooting you a piercing glare as she wrapped a protective arm around Danielle
"I'm going to be fine, Minji-unnie, go wait with the girls, I'll be there in a little bit." Danielle whispered to Minji, but she stood unwaveringly, as if not hearing Danielle.
Only when Danielle lightly shook her, causing Minji to turn to her. Danielle gave her a small nod, as Minji acknowledged, slowly leaving the room, but never taking her eyes off you.

As Minji left the room, an air of tension and awkwardness filled the room, and it suffocated both you and Danielle. The two of you stood in the room, exchanging glances, almost afraid to make the first move. Eventually though, Danielle had the first word.
"Why have you come here?" Danielle asked, her warm tone contrasting the seemingly sharp question.
"You." You answered in a straightforward manner, Danielle nodding as if she anticipated that answer.
"I mean, what do you hope to accomplish by coming here today?" Danielle's eyes narrowed, a look you had never seen before.
"I'm still in love with you Danielle." You blurted out, unable to think of anything else to say, Danielle letting out a slight chuckle.
"I find that hard to believe, given how we ended."Danielle commented, running her hand through her hair, turning away from you.
"I know I've made mistakes in the past, and I want to make up for them, if you're willing." You said, tone laced with desperation.
"Why should I give you a second chance, after all you did? You left me for your career. I was willing to leave everything for you. " Danielle began to clench her fist, anger evident, but still controlled.
"Because I was an idiot, Dani. I was an idiot for thinking that any stupid job or career was worth losing you for." You pleaded, voice beginning to crack as the prospect of losing Danielle permanently this time seemed to be a forgone conclusion.
"I'm sorry, but no." Turning to face you, Danielle looked at you dead in the eye, a resolute tone, with seeming finality in her voice, but there was a softness to it too, and you had no clue what to make of it.
"Dani, please, remember what we said all those years ago? No matter what the other did, we'd always love each other, right? Please." Your last word came out more of a whimper than a coherent word, feeling your world crashing down around you.
"I still love you. I've always loved you." Danielle whispered
"Even if I do eventually forgive you for what you did, I can never forget what happened. I'm sorry, but I can't be in love with you." Danielle turned away, leaving you in the room, but not before you felt your heart break at her last words
"You and me, whatever we are, We hurt too much."

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