Wonyoung x Reader: Tonight

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After a quick glance behind your back, you ran through the bushes, a thermal bag in hand as you climbed the tree that had granted you access way back when.

"Who's there?" Wonyoung's shaky voice travelled from the room, little quavers in her voice conveying just how long she had been crying.

"It's me Wony." You whispered, as Wonyoung's eyes opened in shock, quickly running to open the window, allowing you access to the IVE dorm.

"Why are you here?" Wonyoung asked, not bearing to look you in the eye. 

"I heard about what happened." You slid the mint chocolate ice cream tumbler to her, and a smile that was long vacant from Wonyoung's face appeared again, her troubles disappearing, albeit momentarily, as she scarfed down the frozen delight

Despite the situation the two of you were in, you couldn't help but smile at the sight, Wonyoung ravaging the pint of ice cream as if it was going to disappear, the unparalleled smile that formed on her face as she did. It was not an unfamiliar sight by any means, but it was still one that you hadn't seen in a long time, and missed. Watching as she gulped down the last scoops of the ice cream, the frown that had plagued Wonyoung returned.

"Are you okay Wony?" You whispered, lightly resting your hand on her shoulder as you attempted to smile reassuringly at the girl.

"I'd be better if you were here with me." A bittersweet smile rested on Wonyoung's face as she looked into your eyes, reminiscing about the warmth she would feel in your gaze.

"You know we can't do that." You clenched your fist, turning away from Wonyoung, her eyes were magnetic, and you feared what you would do if you got caught in her gaze. The same way you were caught all those years ago.

"It's not fair. Why can't I be in love, just like any other person." Wonyoung muttered out, tears threatening to spill from her eyes, though she tried her best to keep them in. Looking away, she recoiled in shock, then leaned into your gentle touch, your thumb wiping the rogue tears on her face

"I'm sorry Wony, but your career takes precedence over anything. Over us." You cursed yourself as you said those words. This was what was the best for her, isn't it?

"Isn't that for me to decide?" Wonyoung choked back tears, her mind flickering to the day you left her, the result of the agency finding out about your relationship with Wonyoung.

"Isn't that for me to decide?" Wonyoung choked back tears, her mind flickering to the day you left her, the result of the agency finding out about your relationship with Wonyoung

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Wonyoung had grown bitter. Though she appreciated the life of luxury and fame afforded to her by her career as a Kpop idol, grateful for her experiences in Iz*One and now IVE, she found it hard not to look back and wonder if it was all worth it. Childhood years, where most would spend messing around with friends, socialising and having fun, Wonyoung was working herself to the bone, dancing, singing, her life subject to the whims of her trainers. Even after she debuted, the problems didn't stop, the media caring more about narratives than the people the narratives concerned. For all they cared, they would build up a celebrity, just to tear them down, if that guaranteed them a more enticing article. That was the cause of this incident too, the media trying to tear Wonyoung down for exaggerated acting in a commercial, as if that wasn't how most commercials are. She scoffed at the hypocrisy, but she couldn't help but feel small, feel affected by all the backlash, all the hate from people she just wished would go on about their day, instead of dedicating parts of their days to slandering an 18 year old.

Through it all though, Wonyoung endured it, gritted her teeth, bunkered down, and soldiered on. This was life, and she had to work hard for what she wanted. Trolls and Hard Work were not too much to ask for a life of luxury and fame. Wonyoung could accept that.
But losing you was too much. Because through it all, you were there. You were there to massage her shoulders after a tough practice. You were there as the last part of a normal life she could hold on to. You were there to wipe her tears and block out the hate when the pundits decided to go on a rampage. You were there to remind her that no matter what anyone said, she meant something to someone, that she meant everything to you. You were there to remind her that she was loved, that she was worthy of all that she had worked for. So Wonyoung's light left together with you. A little part of Wonyoung hated you, hated how you could just leave her, even if it was for her sake.

You didn't want to see Wonyoung. Not because you didn't love Wonyoung anymore, but because you still did, loved her too much even. The only reason you left her was to protect her from the company, but you still cared for her, greatly. That's why it hurt to watch IVE on variety or talkshows, Wonyoung smiled, but the shimmer and sparkle in her eyes were gone. Her smile looked natural, but you could see right through it. Wonyoung was operating in a fog, heading forward for the sake of it.
What hurt worse were your conversations with Yujin. As a long time friend of Wonyoung, Yujin had also gotten somewhat close to you, close enough to help keep you in the loop on Wonyoung's condition. Hearing about Wonyoung hiding in her room, barely eating, having to be fed by Gaeul, it all hurt you. Because you knew that you were the cause of it. You wondered if it would have all gone better if she never met you, if you had never chosen to sign up for that Dance Competition. Wonyoung's heart would still be intact. 

"I'm sorry Wony, but I can't let you throw away all your hard work just for me

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"I'm sorry Wony, but I can't let you throw away all your hard work just for me." You whispered, gently holding her hand

"Remember to take care of yourself alright? If you need anything, ask Yujin or Gaeul. Please take care of yourself, stay healthy, alright?" You tried to put up a strong facade, but seeing her again hurt more than you thought it would. Having to go was like losing her all again. But you endured it. You couldn't be the anchor around her neck. Leaving a kiss on her forehead, you turned to the window

"Please. Don't go." Wonyoung's voice stopped you in your tracks. Her eyes were swollen, her stutter getting worse as her throat felt swollen, the heartbreak in her voice, it broke you.

"Don't do this to me Wony, please. You know we can't do this. I can't let you do this." You whispered back, trying to hide the tears that hampered your speech, not daring to turn around, because you knew you weren't going to be able to leave if you saw her looking at you, if you saw her in the state you left her in.

"Please, Y/N. Just for Tonight. Please." Wonyoung whispered, afraid of being too loud and scaring you away, a whisper that carried the weight of her world.

You clenched your fist, fighting against your very instinct.

You turned to her, whispering something that you knew very well to be a lie.

"Just for tonight."

KPOP short stories/oneshots( ITZY,IVE,Le Sserafim, NMIXX, New Jeans, Aespa)Where stories live. Discover now