Hanni x Reader: Where the River takes you

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"Deep breaths babe." Hanni whispered, her hand over yours, pressing your hand down slightly in an attempt to center you.
"What if I messed this one up too Han, like the first one?" You whispered, head laying on Hanni's shoulder.
"You're going to be just fine babe, don't worry." Hanni's voice was just like her namesake, smooth and soothing, and it held you down amidst your worries and fears.
Your attention was then drawn by your principal, standing atop the school stage as he began to address the student body.
"Good Afternoon Students, it's been awhile since I last spoke to you all." The principal began a speech, droning on as you began to ignore his speech, head down as you tried to calm down.
Seeing  you tense in your seat, Hanni squeezed your hand, a concerned look on her face.
"And now, the fruits of your labours. Please turn to your civics tutors, who will be handing you your result slips." Finally, the principal's speech had ended, and now, time to face the music, as it were.
Hanni nudged you, pulling you back to the present. Cupping your face in her hand, she gave you a reassuring smile, leaning in to give you a light kiss on the forehead, prompting you to return a light smile, before getting up from your seat. This was it.
You walked to your civics tutor, someone you considered a good friend, Mr William, a big smile you had grown accustomed to adorned his face. Noticing your shaking hands, he put his hand on your shoulder, a smile as he reassured you.
"You did great kid. I'm proud of you." He said, handing you your result slip.
Returning the smile, you took the folder with the result slip, walking to join Hanni at a rather unpopulated corner of the auditorium
Opening the folder, you glanced at your results, face unmoving.
Opposite to you, Hanni tried to analyse your facial expressions, but to no avail.
You dug into your bag, digging around frantically, before finally fishing your phone out. After a few swipes, your shoulder drooped, head looking to the ceiling in an expression that Hanni could only categorise as despair.
"I'm going to need a minute alone." You whispered, putting the folder in Hanni's hands before rushing off.
Curious, Hanni peeled the folder back, glancing at the results, causing her confusion to compound twofold. Slotting the folder into her bag, she ran out of the auditorium, going to the spot she knew you to be. However, she had to stop somewhere first.

Knocking the door to your old classroom, Hanni peeked in, seeing you with your head buried in your hands, shoulders heaving up and down.
Hanni stood there in shock, the two of you had been dating for a few years, but Hanni had never seen you like this before. Whenever Hanni was overwhelmed from exams, or exhausted after hours and hours of dance training, when she was on the verge of breaking down, you were always there, like a rock grounded amidst the raging current of life. Now the roles were reversed, for the first time, you were the one crying, not Hanni. So, it was Hanni's turn to be the rock, the same way you were hers.
Approaching you from the back, Mr William's words rang in her head once again, and Hanni knew he was right. You had to be in the top 10 percentile of the school. What was wrong?
But to her, none of that mattered. Your grades didn't matter to her, how you did didn't matter to her.
As silent as she could, Hanni got to your side, setting down a cup of hot chocolate, marshmallows bobbing up and down once the cup clicked onto the ground.
Now aware of Hanni's presence, you quickly moved your hand to wipe your blood shot eyes. Hanni's hand caught your wrist, concern evident. She lightly shifted the cup a little closer to you, before she reached her hand across your face, a gentle smile on her face, lightly cupping your face then running her hair through your hair.
"It's okay my love. I'm here for you. Just, break, alright? It's okay to break, I'll be here."
As if waiting for permission, once you heard those words, you buried your face into her shoulder, Hanni initially taken aback, but quickly wrapping her hands around you, a gentle but firm hold to calm you, lightly patting you on the back as she whispered sweet nothings, reassuring you that she was there, and that it was going to be okay.
When you retreated from the secure comfort that was Hanni, she smiled, picking up the cup and handing it to you. You gingerly took the cup, trying to supress a hiccup, then sipping the hot beverage, slowing your breath to a steady pace.

"Can you tell me what's wrong babe?" Hanni asked, hazel brown eyes peering into yours.
You unlocked your phone, then sliding it to Hanni. In a glance, Hanni realised what happened.
"I wasn't good enough. I just can't believe I let it happen again." You whispered, the tone of self loathing and despair breaking Hanni's heart.
Your grades were good, great even, but they fell short. As if a curse that had befallen you, you always had a habit of underperforming during national exams. Your preliminary grades were always good enough to go to the best schools, your target school, but when it came to national exams, well, that was another story.
"Babe, remember what you told me when we first met?" Hanni asked, pulling you in.
"How I wasn't supposed to meet you, but I was happy that I did?" You chuckled, remembering how awkward you were with her.
"Yeh. You didn't do the greatest for the first national exams, and did the world end? No. But what happens?" Hanni playfully shook you
"I met you." You whispered with a small smile.
"That's right. You told me that you didn't regret any of it, and you shouldn't! I know you tried your best, because after you tucked me into bed at night, you'd stayed up studying, and you'd put in your all for every single exam that you did."  Hanni ran her fingers through your hair once again, before she lowered her hand to your chin, raising your head up as she looked lovingly into your eyes.
"Sure, sometimes things don't go the way we want it, maybe we don't get what we initially wanted, but it's not a stop, it's just a detour, and maybe you'll find some gems along the way, present company included." Hanni said with a proud smirk, causing you to laugh, playfully elbowing her.
"Keep it down Pham Mario."
Rolling her eyes, Hanni continued. "So, L/N Peach, trust in how it all goes. You do your best, and that's enough. You're one of the most capable people I know, and if anyone can handle whatever curveballs the world throws at you, it's you, my love. So, just grow as we go, and go where the River takes you. And through all of it, know that no matter what happens, I'll be right by your side in that river, in the same boat, rowing along with you."
Tears forming in your eyes once again, you smiled, leaning down and giving Hanni a gentle kiss on the forehead.
"Thank you mi vida."

Walking out of the classroom, Hanni leaned into your chest, your larger stature providing her security and comfort.
"Wait, Han." You said, a devious idea popping into you head.
"Hmm?" Hanni hummed in response.
"So if I go where the river takes me, does it mean I'm going to go somewhere else, and find someone else?" You teased, as Hanni's face soured, pulling away from you and glared at you.
"Watch yourself, I might be small, but all that means is that I'm closer to hell, and a hell of a lot more dangerous where ankles are involved." Hanni shot back, causing you to laugh heartily. Hanni always had that effect on you.
"Don't worry, Han, I'm yours, and you're mine. We'll row together alright?" You reassured, as Hanni smiled, then diving into you again.

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