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  I had just got into bed when I heard screaming coming down the hall, coming straight for my room. I sighed as my door opened and slammed almost immediately. Then I heard it. A sound so common here that it's just annoying now. A firework. I turn over in my bed, facing my door and who's crouching there. The one, the only, Duke Dennis. I sit up slowly and stare at him.  "I'm giving you 5 seconds to open that door and run to your room before I open my window and make you leave that way, Duke. It is 2 in the morning, and I am exhausted." Duke smiled a big smile and walked over to my window, opening it slowly in an attempt to not make any noise. I lay down again and closed my eyes before hearing a loud thud. I sprang out of bed and ran to the window, looking out to see Duke laying on the ground in pain. I ran to my door opening it to see Fanum and Kai standing there, fireworks in one hand, a lighter in the other. I pushed passed them and ran downstairs and outside. 

~Time Skip brought to you by our favorite editor, Chris~

I smiled at Duke as he sat there in his bed not happy. "Learned ya lesson didn't ya?" I asked trying my hardest not to laugh. Duke frowned and looked at me. "Stop talking and get out if you just gon get on my nerves, lil girl." He said as he lay down. I stood up from his chair and walked over to him. "Duke I'm not here to be annoying, I'm here to apologize for being the reason you got hurt. I shouldn't have made you climb out of my window." I said as I sat next to him, biting my lip carefully. Duke looked up at me and smiled. "I woulda got hurt either way. It was either a fall or fireworks." He sighed. I nodded and stood up getting ready to say my goodnight and go back to my room when Duke grabbed my arm. "yo y/n?" I turned a lil and nodded. "You mind staying in here with me for the night? Just in case I need anything." I thought for a second debating on whether or not I should but to be honest. I had a major crush on Duke, and I wouldn't hate sleeping next to him. "Yeah, if you need anything just let me know." HE nodded in response, and I laid down next to him. 

~Time Skip #2~

It's currently 5 in the morning and still, I haven't been to sleep. I felt so bad about what I did, and I stayed up trying to think of ways to make it up to Duke when suddenly, I feel Duke wrap his arm around my waist and plant quick kisses on my shoulder and neck. I gasp a lil surprised. I turn and look at Duke who is still half asleep. "Are you okay? Do you need something?" I asked kind of worried. "I need you to take yo ass to sleep y/n. You finna be tired as hell when we record and it ain't gon be fun doing Hell's Kitchen 3 without you." I smile as he speaks. "I'm sorry, I just felt so bad-" As I speak, I get cut off by Duke kissing me. And with that, I lay my head on his shoulder and slowly drift off to sleep.

"WAKEY WAKEY MOTHERFUCKERS!" I hear Kai scream at the top of his lungs. "God damn it, Kai, what time is it?" I say clearly annoyed. "It is time for you to get up ya know what I'm sayin'? Nah, it's 2:30 PM" I sigh, crying a bit inside knowing it was time to get up and get dressed so we'd be ready for the video. Duke pulls me in a bit before I get up and gives me another kiss. "Thank you for staying with me ma" I nod and blush before getting up and running to my room. Best night ever, no doubt.


word count: 687

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