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Requested by: textboba

 A/n: d/n= Daughter's name<33

Duke's POV:

I had just pulled up to my baby mama's house. It's Friday so I get our daughter for the weekend. I got out of the car and walked up to the front door, knocking loudly. Y/n deaf ass won't hear me knock unless it's loud. I hear little footsteps running up to the door and I smile as y/n and d/n open the door. I kneeled down as my daughter ran up to me, giving me a hug. "Hey baby," I said as I picked her up and spun her around in a circle. "Hi, Daddy!" I smiled at d/n. She was the center of my universe. She's just so cute. I looked over to y/n and smiled. "How you doin, mama?" I asked as she looked from d/n to me. "I'm alright, could be better but ya know. I'll be good. I always find a way." She smiled and looked back to d/n. I smiled and looked back to d/n. "Well, I guess we're off. Uh, call me if you need anything, alright?" She nodded and smiled before blowing our daughter a kiss and walking inside. I walked to the car, strapping d/n into her car seat, and then getting in. I looked up into the rearview mirror and smirked. "McDonald's?" She smiled and nodded excitedly. I started driving and I turned on some music. She may not understand it but she loves dancing. But, as much as I wanted to enjoy the moment, I felt bad. D/n is all y/n really has here. She came down here for me and I gave her a child and fucked up. I arrived at the McDonald's and took d/n inside. We ordered her a 4 piece nugget happy meal and went to sit down. I sat in the booth across from her and pulled out my phone, taking a quick video of her eating and posting it. I sat there scrolling for a few minutes before I came across a post by y/n.

 @ pretty.mama.y/n


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@pretty.mama.y/n: If only y'all knew how much I missed her</3 

@y/ns_leftsock: So cute!!
@butterbangmechan: AHHHHH I LOVE THIS!!
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 I sighed and looked up at d/n who was finally finished with her food. "You ready? We gotta go back to see ya ma" I smiled as she nodded and picked her up, carrying her out to the car and putting her in her seat before getting in and leaving not too long after we got back to y/n's place and hopped out. I grab d/n and carry her to the door, walking in. "Yo! Y/n" I shouted as I looked around. 

Y/n's POV:

 I heard my name being called, forcing me to rush out of my room and into the living room. "The hell are you doing here?" I asked looking at Duke confused. He smiled at d/n and put her down, telling her to go watch TV and play in her room. "We gotta talk," Duke said in a serious tone causing me to kind of panic. I nodded and led him into my room. He sat on the edge of my bed and I stood, looking down at him. I was scared and upset. I didn't know why. This is the way he approached me when he left me but he obviously wasn't leaving me this time. I crossed my arms as he licked his lip and looked up at me. "Sit yo ass down, ma" I sat down next to him trying not to blush. No matter what we went through, hearing him call me ma just gives me butterflies. He looked at me and let out a deep sigh. "Look, I fucked up when I left you. I left you because I didn't feel like we were good for each other and I didn't even think to talk it out with you. I just left you and that wasn't right and I'm sorry. But, we have a child together and I know me taking her, hurts you. Cause it hurts me to have to bring her back. I want our child to have a real family. So please can we tr-" I cut him off, pulling him into a hug and kissing his cheek. "Yes, yes, a million times, yes," I said happily. Duke smiled and caressed my face, placing a kiss on my lips. I looked at him for a second before leaning in for another kiss. He deepened the kiss and we both knew what we wanted. He stood up and laid me on my stomach. I bit my lip and looked back at him and he pulled my dress up and my panties down. He leaned down and placed kisses on my thighs, making my face go hot and my heart race. I stood up and pulled his pants down, his boxers followed. I moaned as he gently pushed the tip of his cock inside of me and pulled out a few times before pushing his length slowly into me. I gripped the sheets as he laid a hard smack on my ass. "Fuck, this pussy is so good. I missed you so much." He said, following it with a small gasp as his full length penetrated me. He placed his hands on my hips and thrusted into me slowly. I let out a moan and buried my face into the bed. I won't lie, I missed his dick. He just knows what to do.  But I also just missed him. His thrusts got faster and he smacked my ass again. "Shit, ma. You mine" I pulled my head up slowly, taking my time before responding. "Fuck, I'm all yours. I been yours" I moaned as I felt my climax coming. Duke smiled and wrapped his hand around my neck, forcing my head up. "This about you, ma. Go ahead and cum. Be a good girl and come for me." I felt my legs getting shaking and knew I was extremely close. I buried my head into the bed and moaned as I finished. Duke smirked and leaned down, placing a kiss on my shoulder and speeding up his thrusts. "Fuck, good girl" I smiled hearing the satisfaction in his voice. "Whatchu want baby?" He asked grabbing my hips. "I want you to cum in me, Duke. Please, I wanna have your baby-" I was cut off as a moan escaped my mouth and he finished inside me. He grunted as he thrusted a few times before pulling out and turning me on my back. He looked down at my body with a wide grin on his face. "What?" I asked with a small giggle. "Nun, just can't wait for this beautiful body to carry another one of my children." I smiled and sat up a bit, pulling him close and kissing him. "I love you," he said placing his forehead against mine. "I love you too," I said kissing the tip of his nose.

 After a few minutes of kissing and telling each other about how we felt, we got dressed and went to check on d/n who was lying on the floor of her bedroom, teddy bear in hand, asleep. We smiled and laughed quietly. "She is so cute," I said looking at Duke. "She always tired, She just like her mama." Duke laughed and picked her up, placing her gently in bed and tucking her in. "Now that you say sum, nap time!" I yelled and ran to my room, Duke laughed and ran after me. "For a tired lil lady you sure do got sum energy. How about a round 2?" I laughed and plopped down on the bed, Duke lying next to me. "Yeah, I'll think about that after this nap" I laughed and kissed him. 


word count: 1319

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