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  I set my camera up and smiled. "Hey guys! Welcome back to the channel. It's ya girl y/n and today we gon be making some motherfuckin food cause I'm tellin you this kitchen does not get used bruh. That shit pisses me off. These niggas always orderin food when they got this nice ass kitchen." I said with a laugh as I looked through the cabinets. "Honestly y'all ion know what to make. I kinda want sum sweet tho." I bit my lip as I searched. Finally, I had found peanut butter, powdered sugar, chocolate chips, and graham crackers. "Y'all! This finna be good!" I rushed over to the counter and put everything down. I grabbed a rolling pin and began crushing up the graham crackers till the little bags were filled with nothing but brown dust. I poured it into a bowl before showing it off to the camera and putting it down. "Okay, now we gotta mix two cups of peanut butter and half a cup of melted butter with this. It's gonna make our crust." I grabbed a measuring cup and a spoon, opening the peanut butter and taking out two large scoops. I plopped them into the measuring cup, making sure I had enough. I then scooped the two cups into the bowl and then melted my butter. "Oh, while that's melting. I'm pretty sure it's like a cup of powdered sugar too." I measured out a cup and poured the powdered sugar in. Just as I had finished, the microwave went off. I grabbed my butter and poured it in the large bowl. I smiled as I began mixing it up. That's when I heard a voice. I looked up with a smile on my face and seen my boyfriend, Chris. "Ooo okay, you look good today!" I said with a laugh as Chris walked over, stepping behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist, placing a quick kiss on my neck. I laughed and placed the bowl down before turning to face him. "If you gon be in here, you gotta help. Mix that together please." I said, placing a kiss on his cheek and moving away, grabbing a pan and placing it on the counter. "Okay y'all we finna get another bowl and melt our chocolate! So pretty much Imma use the whole bag of chocolate and do not. DO NOT! melt this with butter or it will come out looking like Fanum just had taco bell." I said the last part with a whisper so Fanum wouldn't hear me. I grabbed a bowl and poured the chocolate in and then scooped about a cup of peanut butter in. I popped it in the microwave and waited for about 20 seconds before taking it out and stirring it till it was smooth. I walked over to the counter where Chris was pressing the mixture into the pan and smiled. "Okay y'all, now just pour your chocolate over the mixture from earlier and pop that in the freezer for about an hour." I said as I poured the chocolate on and smoothed it out. 

  I turned the camera off and took the pan to the freezer. "Chris can you set a timer for an hour." He smiled and nodded, "Yeah, I gotchu bae." He set the timer and placed his phone on the counter before picking me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and smiled before placing a kiss on his lips. "You looking real good today ma. An for what? A video?" He sucked his teeth. I laughed. "No baby, I woke up like this. I wake up lookin good every single day an don't you forget that nigga." He smiled up at me. "Oh I know, you wake up lookin like a angel. Like whatchu doin in the night? It's like you fall from heaven every single night and land in my bed." He said observing my body as if it was his first time. "I'm tryna land in yo bed right now." I said, biting my lip. Chris cocked his eyebrow as if he didn't understand before smiling. "Y/n..so naughty. Say less. Let's go right now, please, hurry!" I laughed. "Chris, you're holding me, I can't hurry anywhere unless you put me down." He sighed, "I know, it's such a struggle having to put you down tho." He said as he began walking to our shared room. 

  Chris laid me down on the bed and kissed me passionately as he pulled my shorts off quickly. I pulled his shirt off and threw it on the floor. Chris smiled and pulled my panties off slowly. I bit my lip and looked down at him before he returned for another kiss. I smiled watching as he fumbled trying to get his belt and pants off. Just as he did, he pulled his boxers down and pulled me closer to the edge of the bed. I moaned as Chris pushed his length slowly inside of me. "Fuck, you feel so good y/n." He said with a groan. I felt my face go hot. He thrusted into me slowly, as he leaned down placing kisses on my neck. I threw my head back and moaned. Chris began to pick up pace, thrusting hard and deep. I felt myself getting close already. I gripped the sheets and let out a loud moan. "Fuck, I'm gonna cum." I said as I wrapped my arms around Chris, pulling him into me as I finished. I arched my back and moaned. Chris picked up his pace once again, pounding into me until he got close. He pulled out and finished on my stomach. I blushed and bit my lip. Chris stared down at me. "And you still look like an angel." I chuckled and got up, kissing his neck. "And you're as handsome as ever, no surprise." He walked into our bathroom and grabbed a washcloth, bringing it back and cleaning me up. I slid my panties and shorts back on, and adjusted my shirt. "Well, I gotta get back to the kitchen before Kai finds out about the peanut butter bars." We laughed and I ran back into the kitchen.

  When I ran in I was too excited to notice Kai standing at the counter. I opened the freezer and my smile faded into a frown. I closed the door and turned around to look at Kai who was just cutting into the pan. I sighed and walked up behind Kai, smacking the back of his head. "Getcho ass outta here lil nigga!" I turned my camera on and glared at Kai. "Go nigga damn!" I yelled before laughing. "Man fuck you! I ain't want that shit anyway!" Kai said walking away. "Clearly you did tho." I rolled my eyes. "Well y'all this the finished product. Kai already cut into it but we gon take a piece." I took a piece out of the pan and took a bite. I smile and place it down. "Okay well, it's cold." I laughed and looked at the pan. "But it's just as great as I remembered. Well, that's how y'all make peanut butter bars. If you do it at home take a pic and tag me in it. I'm excited to see how y'all do. Until next time! I heart youuuu!"


word count: 1224

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