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 I stood with the bow in my hand looking around at everyone. Bitch I ain't neva shot a damn bow in my life. I sighed and looked forward to the target. Shit bro. Imma fuck this up an they gon laugh at me. I look over to where Chris was standing as he's the last person I want to see me fail. But, he's just gone. I sigh and turn to look at the target again when I feel someone behind me. "You struggling" Chris asks as he laughs. I turn to him with a straight face. "Nigga shut up. I ain't neva shot no fuckin bow before. This shit dumb." I rolled my eyes. He grabs my shoulders and turns me around before moving his hands. Placing one on my back and one on my hand. "Keep yo hand here and pull back. The only way that arrow is shooting is if you let it go." I nodded and focused on the target. "Now when they say shoot, pull the arrow back, focus on the arrow, and then aim and let go. It's pretty easy." I smiled and thanked him as I drew my arrow back and aimed it. "SHOOT!" I let the arrow go and looked away right after. I was so afraid to fail. Then I heard it. Cheering and clapping. "YO HOW THE FUCK!?" Kai yelled. "I told you it was easy," Chris said placing a hand on my shoulder. The guide smiled and yelled, "BULLS EYE" I smiled and jumped up and down. "I DID IT" I clapped and turned to hug Chris. "Thanks for the help" I kissed his cheek and passed my bow off to Duke. "So wait, I gotta collect her arrow?? Dis some bullshit." Duke said, sucking his teeth and walking to grab the arrow as everyone else did the same. We laughed and I sat down with Chris. I placed my head on his shoulder and smiled. We talked for only about 15 minutes before it was time to go. "What's next?? Cause I ain't dressed to do too much" my friend Mina said sucking her teeth. Agent wrapped his arm around her and began walking out into the field with her. "Yeah! My girl ain't dressed for this shit" We laughed. Chris looked at me and smiled. "Piggyback?" I nodded as he bent down, allowing me to get on his shoulders.

 As we walked we noticed a net and I knew it really was over for me. It was the one the one sport that terrified me. My worst enemy. Volleyball. I sighed as Chris put me down. "Man, why we always gotta play shit that's gon hurt me nigga" He sucked his teeth and looked over to Fanum and Davis. "Stop bein a crybaby," Duke said walking up to Chris and pushing him softly. "Fuck you nigga" Chris said laughing after. I bit my lip as they chose teams. "Team one! Chris, Y/n, Me, Mina, Agent, and Duke" Kai yelled. "Team two! Fanum, Davis, Asia, Mimi, Lexis, and Jay" Fanum yelled. I sighed and looked over to Chris who was talking to Duke. After about a minute they walked up to me and stood to my sides. I looked at Chris, who smiled down at me. "Let's start!" Kai yelled. After about an hour and lots of help from Duke and Chris the game had ended. I blurred most of it out as I really wasn't too great at it but surprisingly my team had won. Chris picked me up and hugged me tight. I smiled and wrapped my arms around him. He put me down and smiled, wrapping his arm around me. "You good Chris?" I asked with a giggle. "Yeah, my knee hurts a lil but I'm good." I pouted and looked up at him as he wiped sweat off his face. He wore a huge smile. It was cute. "Alright. We'll eat and then do our final activity" Fanum said with a large smile. Of course, he was ready to eat. 

 We walked into a cabin and sat down at these wooden tables. Of course, I sat next to Chris but there were some girls a lil further away, whispering about something. The girls stood up and yelled, "FOOD FIGHT" and not even a full second went by before everyone was throwing food. Of course, I get hit in the eye with, a, uh, bean? Yeah, a fucking bean. I wiped my eyes as I made my way to the corner. Chris walked over, covered in food causing a small laugh to escape my lips. He placed a finger under my chin, lifting my face gently. "You alright?" He asked kinda concerned. I nodded and smiled. "Just got a bean in my eye. Everyday stuff ya know?" I laughed. "Oh yeah, totally. Hate when a bean just flies across the room and hits me in the eye." he laughed and watched as the food fight calmed down. Everyone was arguing over who was going to clean up except Agent and Mina who were in the corner picking food out of each other's hair. 

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