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 "You gotta big ass head nigga, damn" I rolled my eyes and held back a laugh as Kai stared at me. "WHY ARE YOU DISRESPECTING ME!?" Kai yelled looking back and forth between me and the camera sitting only a few feet away from us. "I'm sorry" I chuckled and stuck my hand out. "Let's start over. Nice to meet you. I'm y/n" Kai took my hand and smiled. I gripped his hand gently and smirked. I had to admit, Kai is very handsome. "I'm Kai. You have a lovely name y/n. What is that? Clearly, it's foreign. YO YO YO SHORTY A FOREIGNER." I laughed, feeling my face turn hot. "No no no, I'm not foreign. I'm from Florida." I smiled and pulled my hand back slowly, pulling my hands down into my lap. "Ohhh shorty from Florida? She a baddie for real. Oh my god," I couldn't help but smile as Kai spoke. "Born and raised." I spoke, looking at him. "damn, well shi, stand up, ma. Lemme get a 360." Kai said, laughing loudly. I stood up and slowly spun around. "GYAAAAAAAAAAT" Kai yelled making me sit down laughing till my face was red. "Oh my god, stop" 

Kai smiled a wide smile and stood up pulling his phone out. "Please, ma. Pleaseeeee" He said handing me his phone. I put my number in and stood up, giving Kai a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "I'll text you later, I swearrrrr" He yelled as he ran back into the room with the other guys. I chuckled and walked off hearing screaming and cheering from behind me.


word count: 271

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