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  I laid my head on Duke's chest and sobbed. It was rare I had these breakdowns. But when I did, they were bad. I often felt like I wasn't enough and when it got to me, I broke down. Duke rubbed my back gently, placing his phone down before throwing the blanket over me. He kissed my forehead and sighed. "You gon be alright baby. I promise. You are more than enough for me. Ma, you are fuckin perfect. And I love everything about you. An I am so happy I get to call you mine." He said, speaking softly. I tried calming myself down and listening, but it's hard when you feel you're never enough. Not for anyone. I just buried my head into his side and curled up. Duke frowned and grabbed his phone, opening his snapchat and starting to record. "Ma, look at the camera. I want you to see yourself now so when we fix this. And you get yo mindset better, you can look back at this and keep pushin yourself. Cause I know this ain't what you want. We finna work on this. Cause you gotta realize how worth it you are." I wiped my eyes and looked at myself in the camera. My eyes were red and swollen and I just didn't look right. He was right. I didn't want this for myself. I wanted to be my best self. Not just for him, but also for me. I deserve better than this. Duke stopped recording and saved the video before placing his phone back on the other side of the bed. He placed his index finger under my chin and smiled down at me. "You so fuckin pretty, even when you cryin." He said as he leaned in, placing a kiss on my lips. I smiled and looked up at Duke. This man, was the most amazing part of my life. Sure, I love my fans and I love my friends. But, Duke was just the most perfect person to ever exist in my eyes. I kissed him passionately and blushed as I felt him smile against my lips. 

Duke's POV:

  Y/n laid her head on my chest, a small smile on her face. I rubbed her back and leaned my head back onto the pillow, closing my eyes and waiting for her to fall asleep because I knew it was coming. That's how these breakdowns work for her. She tires herself out. After about 30 minutes I quietly said her name, waiting for a response. But I got nothing, letting me know she was asleep. I smile and wrap my arms loosely around her before falling asleep. I wasn't asleep for long and neither was Y/n because of course, Kai came in the room with a camera, yelling. "AY IT IS 3PM GETCHO ASSES UP NIGGAS! FUCK Y'ALL GOT GOIN ON!?" Y/n sighed and rubbed her probably now stinging eyes. She looks at kai and rolls her eyes. "Go text SZA, OHHH WAITTTTTT. What a shame." Y/n laughs a bit to herself. "Man Duke getcho rude ass girl. Ion know why she gotta attitude." Kai said standing in the door way, arms down to his sides. I laughed at his stance and kissed Y/n's forehead. "Nigga, you just woke her up, being loud as a bitch. Shut yo ass up and get on somewhere." I said before closing my eyes and laying my head back on the pillow. Y/n rolled on her side, so she was facing me and kissed my cheek. "I love you." I smiled and opened my eyes, analyzing her beautiful face. "I love you too, more than anything. You are so fuckin perfect. Don't ever think otherwise. You understand me?" She nodded and smiled, kissing me passionately once more before laying her head on the pillow and closing her eyes. Kai sucked his teeth and rolled his eyes. "Yeah just go back to sleep like I'm not standing right here." Kai sighed and walked out of the room, slamming the door. Y/n laughed and pulled the blanket up a bit before going right back to sleep. Me following behind her, going to sleep about 10 minutes later.


Word count: 700

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