~Duke~5#PART 1#

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  Tonight I had a surprise date. My friend set it up for me. She says I'll enjoy it but honestly, I haven't been interested in dating since I broke up with my ex. But she insisted I go on this date. So, I got ready.

 So, I got ready

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(the outfit)

 I grabbed my keys and walked out of my apartment making sure to lock up behind me. I made my way to my car and turned my GPS on so I knew where to go. Honestly, I was really nervous. I hadn't been on a date in so long. My ex never wanted to leave the house so date night was never a thing. But according to my friend Aya, this dude is one of her streamer friends and HE set up the date. She just convinced me to go. After a 30-minute drive, I arrived at a beautiful little field. And there waiting for me was a table and a card. The card read:

"Hey girly! Just walk through the field and a big black guy will be waiting for you lmao anyway, no babies<3"

I laughed and walked through the field not really paying attention when I ran into a man. I backed up and looked at him. "I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying attention I-" I was cut off by the man's laugh. I inspected his face. He was a handsome guy. He smiled down at me and opened his arms for a hug. I hugged him and honestly, I melted into the hug. It felt so safe. I leaned into him before breaking the hug. "You must be y/n? I'm Duke!" He said with a big smile on his face. I smiled and looked down. "Yeah, nice to meet you, Duke." He used his index finger to lift my chin. "I don't want you to feel embarrassed or anything. Hell, I'm kinda nervous" He laughed. I stared into his eyes, feeling my face heat up. He grabbed my hand and dragged me to the end of the field. It was a beach with a little blanket on the ground and a basket. I smiled as we walked towards it. "So, tell me about yourself y/n," He said happily. I smiled and looked around. "Well, I'm nothing special. I'm 25 years old, I've been streaming for a few years now, I was born in Bangladesh and I lived in England for a few years. But, I moved to Florida a few months ago and decided I'd come here to visit my friend Aya!" I said trying to avoid eye contact with Duke. He smiled and nodded. "That's cool. Well, I'm 29, I'm a streamer and YouTuber and I was born in South Carolina. But if you don't mind me asking. What was your last relationship like?" I sighed and bit my lip. This was the question I was dreading the most. "Well, it wasn't good. He was abusive. I don't really like this topic tho." I looked off into the distance. "Ay, we won't talk bout nun you ain't comfortable with" I smiled at his reply and looked back at him. 

 After about an hour we began wrapping things up. He helped me up off of the blanket and walked me all the way back to my car. He grabbed my hands and I looked up at him. "I don't know bout you ma, but I had a great time. I'd love to do this again." I blushed and looked down.
"I really enjoyed myself, I would love to do this again." I handed him my phone and he put his number in as "Hubby<33" I smiled and put my phone on top of my car. "Ion wanna be to forward or nun but could I-" I cut him off and kissed him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped mine around his neck. He pulled me closer and deepened the kiss. We slowly pulled away and smiled. "I'll text you alright." He sucked his teeth at this and looked at me. "Call me, tonight. I wanna talk to you before bed." I smiled and nodded. "Alright, bye" He smiled. "Bye is forever. Don't say bye. I'll see you later." I nodded and smiled, grabbing my phone, getting in my car going straight to call my friend.

 "Girl it was amazing. He is so sweet!!" I smiled and put my phone down in the seat next to me so I could drive. "That is so good girl! I told you you'd like him!! He is just your type!!" I heard her squeal. We talked for a bit until I got home. "Alright girl. I just got home. I'll talk to you later. I love you" I said before hanging up. I got upstairs and unlocked the door, walking in and throwing my stuff down. I'm just gonna take a nap and then I'll call him. I went to my room and laid down. But I couldn't sleep. For the first time in a long time, I was so excited to just talk to a guy. 

 I watched as the time went by when it finally hit about 11:30. I grabbed my phone and immediately called him. He answered and the moment I heard his voice I was in heaven. "Hey!" I smiled. He laughed a bit. "You sound excited. Wassup, ma?" I bit my lip and closed my eyes. "I'm gonna be honest I have done nothing but wait to call you" I laughed. "well, you're just in time. I just finished up my stream" He said yawning after. "You sound tired. You should go to sleep" I said a little concerned. Gotta make sure my future hubby is well rested ya know. 

Duke's POV

 I smiled at the concern in her voice. I thought y/n was really cute. But I had one important question before I even thought about sleepin. "I will but I have a question." she paused for a moment. Maybe she was scared of what I would ask. "When's your birthday?" She let out a sigh. "August 20th. Why?" I smiled. So her birthday was coming up. "No reason. I'm just asking questions so I have a reason to hear yo pretty ass voice, you know what I'm sayin ma?" She laughed a bit. "Uh huh. Well, ask questions tomorrow. You need to sleep. " I smiled and let out a sigh. "fine fine fine, goodnight ma. Sleep well. I'll talk to you tomorrow." With that, the call ended and I missed her already. I took my shirt off and laid in bed thinking about her voice, her smile, everything about her. Until I drifted off to sleep.


word count: 1132

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