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suggested by: agentsside

 I smiled as I put my phone down and walked to the kitchen. I had just gotten off the phone with my best friend since high school, Fanum. I opened my fridge and grabbed a bottle of water, opening it and taking a sip. Then I heard my phone going off. Of course, as soon as I put my phone down people want to text me. I sighed and made my way back to my room. I picked my phone up and looked at it. It was a text from Fanum. I smiled and unlocked my phone, opening my messages and clicking on his icon. The text had read: "Call me rq" I sighed and clicked on the phone icon, dialing his number. Bro we just got off the phoneeee what does he want?? "Hello" I asked with clear confusion in my tone. "Ayo ma, you still in New York, right?" I cocked my eyebrow and replied with a slow, drawn out "Yesssssss? Why?" I heard Fanum laugh a bit on the other end making me even more confused. "Don't worry about it. Same place?" I sighed and nodded. "Yeah, same place" and just as I finished speaking he hung up. "Wow okay then," I said out loud, shaking my head. I laid in bed and got comfy before turning a movie on and slowly drifting off to sleep.

 I woke up to a loud knocking noise from my front door. I sighed and got up, checking the time on my phone. "Come on, it's 3 in the fucking morning." I walked to my door and opened it quickly. "Listen, It is 3 in the morning what the fu-" I stopped myself from talking as my eyes adjusted to the porch lighting. Fanum was standing there with a big smile on his face. "My bad, did I wake you up?" He said, stepping a bit closer. "No no, holy shit, you're fine" I pulled him into a hug and smiled. "Oh my god, it's been forever." Fanum wrapped his arms around me and swung me side to side. "I missed you so much lil one" He laughed. "Don't call me that. I ain't lil no more. I'm a grown woman now." I said with a small giggle. He put me down and looked me up and down, licking his lip. "Clearly," He said as he looked back up to me, making eye contact. I blushed and backed up. "Shut up, come inside." He walked in and looked around. "Ight ma, I see you really made it huh?" I crossed my arms over my chest and smirked. "Something like that I guess" He looked over to me and smiled. "So you gon show me around or we just gon stand here?" I giggle and nod. "Well, this is the living room, that way is the bathroom and that way is the bedrooms. I have 2 but one of them is the room I work in" I say as we walk towards my bedroom. "This shit nice, ma," Fanum says walking ahead of me into my room and laying on my bed. I laughed and made my way over to him. "Thank you, I worked hard to get here" I sat next to him and crossed my legs.

 "We should watch a movie," Fanum said looking over at me. I nodded and got up, grabbing my remote and turning my TV on. "Whatchu wanna watch?" I asked Fanum letting my eyes wander over his face. He was cute. Much cuter than he was in high school I won't lie. But god, I missed seeing his face every day. He grabbed the remote and put a movie on. "Come on, lay down," Fanum said laying his arm to the side, creating space for me to lay. "Nah, I'm good," I responded with a smile. He sucked his teeth and sat up, getting off of the bed slowly. I watched as he got up and stood in front of me, grabbing my legs and pulling them to either side of his waist. "Stop playin. You know why I came here. I missed you." Fanum said as he licked his bottom lip slowly. I bit my lip and looked down in an attempt to hide my blushing face from him. He placed his index finger under my chin, lifting it. "Don't look away from me" He says with a smile. I nodded and kept eye contact with him and he took his time undressing me. I could feel my face growing hotter as he undressed himself, throwing his belt and pants onto the floor. I looked up at him as he straightened his back, fixing his posture. I smiled at him as his eyes analyzed my body. He leaned in and kissed me, moving his kisses down to my neck. I let out a moan and wrapped my legs around him. He smirked and adjusted himself, pushing his tip into me slowly. I bit my lip and wrapped one arm around his neck. He slowly pushed his full length into me, thrusting at a slow pace. "I missed you so much y/n. And now that I gotchu back, I ain't lettin you go nowhere." I blushed and opened my mouth, trying my best to say something but all I could do was let out breathy moans. Fanum began picking up pace, hitting my spot over and over again. "Fuck, I missed you so much," I said between moans. I felt him begin to pound into me, causing me to tighten up around him. I felt myself getting close and he was just as close as me. "You gonna cum with me baby?" Fanum asked, leaning down and kissing me. I nodded and pulled him closer. "Fuck, I'm so close" I moaned. "Go ahead baby, cum for me," Fanum said smiling down at me. I finished and Fanum came right after me. It was weird cause I hadn't seen him since high school. But it was also so fucking nice. He laid next to me and pulled me close. "I never told you this y/n but I have always loved you." I smiled and kissed his cheek. "I've always loved you too."


word count: 1039

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