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suggested by: butterbangmechan

 I woke up letting out a deep sigh and looking over at my alarm clock. It was 11PM which meant I was late to begin my stream. I quickly got up and ran to my wardrobe grabbing an outfit and getting dressed.

 I quickly got up and ran to my wardrobe grabbing an outfit and getting dressed

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(The outfit)

After I changed I sat down and began preparing to stream. I posted that I was and sat for a minute waiting as people poured in. "Hey guys!! I'm so sorry. I know I'm late. Agent and I took a nap and I woke up a lil late. He's still asleep." I said as I moved a little to the side so my bed was in view with Agent lying there, sleeping peacefully. "But he won't be asleep for long. Today we're playing a game. A horror game." I let out a maniacal laugh and opened the game I was going to be playing. A few minutes into the game, I was focused on reading the chat and I got jump scared. I screamed loudly and of course, as expected, Agent woke up. He got out of bed and stretched before making his way over to me. I stood up and gave him a hug. The hug lasted much longer than expected tho. Agent would not let me go. "Hun, I'm streaming." I said quietly, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. "I don't care. Just lemme hold you for a moment." He said in a hushed tone. 

After about a minute of hugging, he let me go. I sat down and he pulled up a chair right next to me and sat down. I started playing my game and Agent rested his head on my shoulder. Chat was going crazy. 'Awwww they're so cute' 'omg he is adorable!' 'You 2 are so cute' 'SCREENSHOTTTTT' I laughed a bit. Agent kissed my cheek and slowly made his way to my neck. "Not right now" I whispered. Agent sucked his teeth and kissed my neck again. "Guys I think we're gonna have to end the stream early. I promise you guys tomorrow alright? I love you guys so so so much, MWAH" I ended the stream and got up, walking to my bed with Agent following along behind me. We laid down and put a movie on. He cuddled up to me, wrapping his arms tightly around me and placing small and quick kisses on my cheek and neck. I smiled and rubbed his head, playing with his hair. "I love you y/n" he said laying his head on my chest. "I love you too, ya big baby." I smiled and kissed is forehead. (fivehead)


word count: 461

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