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 "You don't have to if you don't want to." Davis said as he held his hand out. "I want to, I'm just a little scared is all." I said looking down at his hand. "Y/n, you're perfect. Everyone's going to love you. I promise." He smiled and I took his hand. "Deep breaths alright?" I nodded letting Davis know I was ready as we began walking into the house.

"KAI NO NO NO NO! NIGGA STEP TO ME I DARE YOU I'LL ROCK YO SHI IAN PLAYIN" Duke yelled as I leaned back on the couch. "NIGGA YOU PUSSY!" Kai yelled before getting picked up and slammed on the couch. He was like a little kid. I laughed and leaned my head on Davis's shoulder. "You having a good time?" Davis asked wrapping his arm around me. I nodded and smiled, letting out a short sigh. I didn't think things would go this well but it's almost like I'm just watching a video. This is how they really are. Except they aren't bothering me and Davis. It 's nice.

I stood up and approached Kai. "Whatchu want" Kai said with an attitude. "Imma put you in yo place chihuahua." I smiled and Kai stared blankly at me. "Don't be scared, come one. You wanna be an angry dog all the time I gotchu." Before I knew it me and Kai were wresting in the middle of the living room with everyone watching. Then it happened. I accidentally touched Kai's ass. He backed away and stared at me. "AYO SHE JUS TOUCHED MY ASS!! DAVIS GETCHA GIRL NIGGA" We all started laughing as Kai yelled. Not too much after Davis and I retreated to his room. We sat on his bed and he grabbed my hand. "See, everything went great." I nodded and smiled in response. It was great. "I had a great time tonight. Thank you Davis." I said before leaning in and kissing him. "I love you" he said rubbing my cheek with his thumb. "I love you too"


word count: 338

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