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 I wake up and check my phone. 15 missed calls from Mimi?? Mimi has been my best friend for 12 years now and NEVER has she called me this many times. She's always too busy putting out content as both me and her are streamers and YouTubers. I looked at the time and sighed. I got out of bed and called her back before shuffling to my bathroom. "Hello-?" I asked wiping my eyes. "GURL! I KNOW YOU AIN"T JUST WAKING UP! ANYWAY, DON'T TALK JUST LISTEN.." I sighed and grumbled. Whatever she was about to say I had a feeling I was gonna hate it. "Soooo..AMP INVITED US TO BE IN ONE OF THEIR VIDEOS AND JUST COME HANG OUT FOR A LIL BIT SO I HOPE YOU CAN COOK!!!" I smiled and started mentally freaking out. I've been watching AMP for a long time now so this was big news to me! "NO FUCKIN WAY BITCH!" I squealed. "YES WAY BITCH IMMA COME GET YOU AND YOU BETTER BE READY" I hung the phone up and hopped in the shower. Then it hit me. "I GET TO MEET CHRIS!!!" I yelled and laughed. I had such a big crush on him. He was just EVERYTHING. I got out of the shower and ran to my room putting on a very cute but simple outfit.

 I got out of the shower and ran to my room putting on a very cute but simple outfit

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 After I got dressed and went ahead and did my makeup. A very simple small black wing with some lip gloss. And now, it was time to wait. I scrolled through Twitter when I came across a tweet from Chris that made me even more excited. It read: "Today's a special day." I jumped up and down excitedly when I heard a knock on my door. I ran to answer it, seeing my friend standing there looking cuter than ever. 

 "Hey bitchhhhh!" she yelled

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 "Hey bitchhhhh!" she yelled. "Girl! I am so excited!!" I said clapping my hands. "Me too girl!" We ran outside to her car and got it. First thing of course was playing some music. She of course started the trip off with Bustdown Rollie Avalanche. We was jammin out the whole way there. Except when her damn gps interrupted us. Anyway, we got to the AMP house and ran up to the door like two excited kids on Halloween. "We needa calm down girl," I said keeping a straight face. We knocked quietly and the door opened we looked up at Duke who was standing there with a smile. He was fine an everything, but he not Chris. We smiled as he welcomed us in and showed us to the kitchen where everyone was standing. "Oh shit! Yo, you ain't tell us you was bringin y/n" Kai yelled before jumping up and down. I laughed and tried to hide my blushing face. Like holy shit! They know me. I'm a pretty big streamer but nothing like them. I smiled and waved. "Nice to meet you all," I said with a giggle. 

 Chris walked up to me and stuck his hand out. "What's up with you mamas? How you doin" I laughed and shook his hand. "I'm ight, how you doin?" I said, fangirling on the inside. "I'm doin better now that you here." Chris slowly turned around. "I WANT Y/N ON MY TEAM" I smiled and walked over to the counter. After a few minutes of discussion, we finally picked out the teams. One team was me, Chris, Kai, and Fanum. The other was Mimi, agent, Davis, and duke. Our goal was to successfully make a nice breakfast based on the ingredients we had. Which I knew would suck for Mimi as her specialty has always been dinner. Plus Duke was on her team and that nigga burnt a grilled cheese. So I run to the table on our side and grab bread, strawberries, vanilla extract, butter, and eggs. I put the eggs in a bowl and beat them up. "Chris, I don't know what you're doing but can you heat the stove for me?" I asked softly "Anything for you he smiled. "That nigga a simp bruh," Kai said with a straight face. "Nigga shut up and do yo damn thing," Chris said annoyed. After 30 minutes of cooking, we were done and ready to plate our food.

 My team (team black) served this:

 And Mim's team (team white) served this:

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 And Mim's team (team white) served this:

 Omar was rating our food so this was going to be interesting

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 Omar was rating our food so this was going to be interesting. "I think the winners here are clear." We all stared at Omar, silent, just waiting for him to announce the winners. He stopped and looked at my team, then the camera, then Mimi's team. "TEAM BLACK" Omar yelled. We laughed and hugged each other. Except my hug with Chris lasted a lil bit. Chris leaned down to my ear and whispered, "Listen, meet me in my room when we all go to hang out alright? I wanna talk to you." I smiled and nodded as we pulled out of the hug. As I turned to face everyone Kai was screaming. "MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. HAD A DREAM AND MY BLACK BROTHERS AND SISTA WE MADE IT COME TRUE. THE BLACKS BEAT THE WHITES!!" We all laughed at Kai and walked towards the living room. I walked behind everyone, sneaking my way to Chris's room. I walked in and shut my door and he was sitting on his bed. I smiled and sat next to him. "Okay, so look. I am a big fan. I watch your streams everyday. I think you're a really cool, really genuine person an I like that. Actually, I uh, I like yo-" I cut him off with a kiss. I was so excited. I moved a bit further back on the bed as he rolled over on top of me. We slowly took our clothes, leaving a mess on the floor. He rolled me over on my stomach and pushed his full length into me, earning a moan from me. I bit my lip and pushed my face into the pillow as he began thrusting deep into me. I let out muffled moans from the pillow. Chris place one hand on the arch of my back and began pounding into me. I thought my moans were loud but no- the sound of our skin touching as he pounded me had to have been much louder. I clenched around him which let him know I was going to cum soon. He sped up a bit, causing tears to escape my eyes. I reached back to press against him as I was going to cum soon and he pinned both of my hands behind my back. I moaned loudly and finished, feeling it my warm cum run down my thighs as Chris continued pounding into me. It wasn't long before he let out a groan and pulled out, finishing on my ass. I let out a soft moan as he got up and grabbed his shirt, using it to clean my thighs and ass. I rolled onto my back and he laid down, resting his head on my stomach. I ran my hand gently over his back. "You finna stay wit me tonight mamas?" he asked, not looking at me, just resting his head on my stomach. I smiled and nodded. "Of course." Just as I said that I got a call. "Oh shit, it's Mimi!" Chris grabbed my phone and answered the Facetime call. "Girl where you- Chris where she at?" He smiled and panned up to show my face. "She stayin wit me tonight Mimi! You dippin out by yo self" Chris said laughing. "Uh no, I'm taking Kai cute ass. Y'all lil freaks have fun" We laughed as she hung up. "You're so cute Chris," I said admiring his smile. "Says you," Chris said in reply as he threw the blanket over us, laying his head back on my stomach and drifting off to sleep.


word count: 1402

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