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Requested by my favorite reader<3: butterbangmechan

 Fanum threw his hands up in the air, annoyed by my screaming and crying. "Listen ion know what it is you fucking want from me! I ain't even do nun wrong. You trippin bruh" I looked at him, offended by the fact that he would say that. "NIGGA ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS RIGHT NOW!? I SAW YOU REPLY TO HER TEXT! I SAW HER NAME ON YOUR PHONE. YOU NOT FINNA PLAY ME LIKE I'M STUPID." I yelled, turning to face the wall so he wouldn't see me crying. "I am so tired of this shit. You knew about my past, you know what I've been through and still, you push me. You promised to care. You swore on your life you'd not hurt me. Yet here we are." I sucked my teeth and exhaled shakily. He had hurt me, terribly. I mean you laid next to me in our bed and texted your ex. I'm not fucking stupid. I walked to our closet and began pulling my clothes out. "What are you doing y/n." I turned to look at him for a moment. "God you really are dumb, huh? I'm leaving." I said before returning to my clothes. "No you not" he said a little louder. We went back and forth for a few seconds before he finally got fed up. He grabbed my bag and clothes and flung them onto the floor. "I SAID YOU NOT GOIN NOWHERE" he yelled. I was startled for sure. It wasn't like him to raise his voice at me. Even during arguments. I stared at him wide-eyed with tears streaming down my face. I was terrified. He stopped for a moment, realizing he had scared me. He took a step forward and I backed away. "Baby...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-" he started but I stopped him. "I don't wanna hear it. Just leave me alone. Please just leave me alone." His hands fell to his sides in defeat.

 I finished packing my things and as I went to leave Fanum stepped towards me. I tried to push him away but of course, I was no match for him. I kept pushing and hitting his chest as he pulled me into a big hug. He just let me. 

Fanum POV:

 Y/n did everything in her power to get away but I wasn't letting that happen. After a while, she dropped her bags and I slowly brought her down onto the floor with me. I just sat there holding her while she cried. She loved me and did everything to show it. I loved her and I fucked up. But, I'm gonna make it right. I pull out my phone, unlock it and it to her. She looks at me before taking it and going to my contacts, blocking my ex's number. She blocked her on all social media too. I didn't care. She had a right to. I kissed her cheek and whispered in her ear. "I love you. And ain't nothin or nobody finna change that. We for life baby."

Y/n's POV:

A small smile crept onto my face and I replied in a hushed tone, "I love you too. But please, I don't wanna get hurt again." He nodded and pushed my hair out of my face. "I gotchu baby. We gon be alright," he said placing another kiss on my cheek. "Promise?" he smiled and held out his pinky. "Pinky promise"


word count: 576

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