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requested by: classybxtchonpoint

  I looked at myself in the mirror. Fuckkk this was a horrible idea. I looked at the lingerie on my body, it was tight, and it showed every one of my insecurities. I pulled the blanket off of the bed and sat in front of the mirror, wrapping myself in it. I think I look better this way. Covered. I laid my head on my knees and began crying. I shouldn't have done this. I wanted to impress Fanum and I wouldn't. I just knew I wouldn't. I wiped my tears and looked up into the mirror. I felt so fucking pathetic and disgusting. I stood up and rushed into the closet and looked through all my clothes before falling to my knees and breaking down. It was all too much, too revealing, I didn't look the way I wanted to and it was destroying me. I sobbed into my hands, ignoring the door opening. Fanum walked in. He sat down beside me and pulled me into a hug. We were silent for a moment. "I just wanted to look good for you but I don't.  And I'm sorry, I am so so sorry." Fanum kissed my cheek and smiled. "Stand up for a sec baby." I shook my head no and looked down, placing my head in my hands. "Please baby." I sighed and stood up slowly, letting the blanket fall off of my body. Fanum smiled and picked me up, carrying me to our bed and laying me down. 

  He analyzed my body for a moment before speaking. "Fuck, you are so beautiful. What is it that you ain't likin, ma?" I blushed and looked up at him. "My stomach, my thighs, everything." I sighed. Fanum smiled and spread my legs, kneeling down and kissing my thighs. "Absolutely amazing, beautiful." He moved up to my stomach and kissed all over it. "Just, beautiful. Top tier baby. This one of my favorite parts about you." He turned me over on my stomach and grinned. "Now I'm finna show you how much I love this ass, this pussy, and just you, as a whole, baby." He pulled his pants and boxers down before moving on to my panties. He slid them down to my thighs and pushed one finger in me slowly. I moaned and arched my back. He pushed gently in and out of me, adding a second finger, and curling his fingers, hitting my spot. I gripped the shits and buried my face in the bed. He always knew what to do to make me feel like the most beautiful girl on the whole planet. He slowly pulled his fingers out of me and pushed his length into me starting with slow thrusts. He wrapped one hand around my neck and pulled back, making me look up at him. "You're so pretty baby. The most stunning girl to ever exist. I love you so fucking much. Every part of you." I felt butterflies fill my stomach as he spoke. He really loved me for who I was. He thrusted deeper into me and smiled at me. "You like that baby?" He asked as he began picking up pace. "Fuck, yes, I love it. I love you so much." I moaned and looked him in his eyes. I know he loves eye contact. He leaned forward and kissed me before removing his hand from my neck. Moving them down to my hips before pounding into me. I arched my back and let out a loud moan. "Fuck! I love you so fucking much." I smiled. Fanum laid a hard smack on my ass causing a moan to escape my lips. I was so fucking close. "You about to cum baby?" Fanum asked placing another smack on my ass. I whimpered and smiled into the blanket. I lifted my head for a moment to respond with a quick "Yes! Fuck, yes I'm about to cum! Please let me cum." Fanum slowed down and smirked. "Go ahead, cum for me baby. Tonight's about you. I want you to feel good baby." I let out a moan and finished, relaxing my body. Fanum pulled out and finished on my ass. He smiled and backed up grabbing a towel off of a hanger I had above the bathroom door and wiping me off.

  He turned me over and leaned down, kissing me. "Baby, listen to me. You are beautiful. And I ain't just talkin bout when you naked either. You just always beautiful baby. The most beautiful girl ever." I smiled. "Thank you so much. I love you more than anything." He cleaned me off and pulled my panties up and put his boxers on before laying next to me. He pulls me onto his chest and wraps his arms around me. "You my everything baby. What Drake said? BABY YOU MY EVERYTHING! YOU ALL I EVER WANTED!!" I laughed and kissed him. "You are so stupid and weird. I love it. I think that's my favorite thing about you" He smiles and closes his eyes. "Forever and always baby." I smiled and closed my eyes. "Forever and always. Thas a promise." 


word count: 862

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