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I got in the shower with a smile on my face. Tonight my boyfriend was taking me on a date. I always get excited over stuff like this. I washed my hair and began cleaning myself. Then, I felt arms wrap around me. I jumped and turned around. "Kai you scared the shit out of me" I laughed a little bit. "My bad shorty. You just looked a lil lonely in here" Kai smiled and planted a kiss on my lips. "lemme help you" He grabbed a bottle of body wash and a loofah and began cleaning me. I blushed a bit. I mean Kai has seen me naked before but I always felt a bit embarrassed. Kai turned me around and started washing my back. "GYAAAAAATTTT" I laughed and turned back to him. "You are so dumb, nigga shut up" I laughed and then kissed him. Kai deepened the kiss and wrapped his arms around my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled away from the kiss slowly. "I love you" I whispered. "I love you too ma" Kai kissed me again this time I felt his hand on my thigh. I smiled into the kiss, knowing exactly where this was going. I stepped out of the shower and grabbed his hand, dragging him to the bed. I was gonna have to change the sheets after this but fuck it. 

 Kai climbed on top of me and kissed my neck a few times. He slowly entered me, earning a small moan from me. I bit my lip as he thrusted into me. "Fuck, you feel so good" Kai said as he let out a groan. I wrapped my arms around him and he picked up his pace thrusting a bit faster. I moaned in his ear and tightened around him. "Kai, I'm close" I moaned. Kai began pounding into me. I dug my nails into his back and looked at him. We made eye contacts, bringing me to blush. My face was hot and we were both close. "Fuck, I'm gonna cum!" I cried out, receiving a kiss on the neck from Kai as we both finished. He laid next to me and just held me. I smiled and looked at him. "I love you so much." I said running my hand down his chest. "I love you more" HE said with a smile. HE knew what came next. "NUH UH!" "UH HUH" "NUH UH" 

"CAN BOTH OF YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP!? GOD DAMN" We heard Duke yell. We just laughed.


word count: 426

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