~Fanum~ 2

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Requested by: itsmeforeverrrrr

 I knocked on the door of the AMP house, excited to see my brother and meet his friends for the first time ever. The door opened quickly and to my surprise, it wasn't my brother. I smiled and looked at the man. He was quite cute. He was only a few inches taller than me, he had a cute chubby face and his hair was done. He looked nice. "Uh, Hi! I'm y/n. Kai's sister." He smiled and opened the door allowing me to walk in. "Damn, you're his sister? I'm surprised someone like you could be related to him." He laughed. "NIGGA WHAT!? FANUM SHUT YO ASS UP AND LEAVE MY SISTER ALONE!" Kai yelled running out of his room. Fanum laughed and walked to Kai. "Whatchu tryna do? Cause we can fight right now" Kai nodded in reply to Fanum before drilling his head into Fanum's side. Fanum then picked him up, slinging him over his shoulder as Kai kicked his feet and screamed. "PUT ME DOWN NIGGA! PUT ME DOWNNNN" I laughed as Fanum put Kai down. 

 Kai gave me a hug and smiled. "It's nice to see you sis" I hugged him back and chuckled. "It's nice to see you too." I looked around surveying the room. "Damn, you really made it, huh? Too bad it couldn't be from basketball, short ass nigga" As I finished my sentence I heard the boys laughing. "See cause me personally, I'd never take that" One of them said laughing. "Yo Duke shut yo ass up." Kai said being as serious as possible. He walked me over to the boys and began introducing them. "And you've met him already. This my boy Fanum." They hugged and then Fanum looked at me. "Nice to meet chu, ma" I blushed and went to shake his hand. He sucked his teeth and pulled me into a hug. I blushed a little as the hug continued a little longer than I thought it would. Kai pulled us apart and everyone started laughing. "Yo she bring a bathing suit?" Chris asked. "I did, why?" Fanum smiled a bit and looked down which caused my face to go a little red. "We're doing a video today and if you want you can be in it." I nodded and jumped excitedly. "I'd love to be in a video."

~Time Skip~ 

 I put my bathing suit on and ran outside. "Alright guys, today we're going to see who can hold their breath under the water the longest. Andddd we got my sister here! Say wassup sis" Kai said, pushing the camera into my face. "Hiii everyone!" I said waving. Kai turned the camera and began introducing everyone for the people who had just began watching. Not long after we began sending everyone into the water. Then it was my turn. I got into the pool and as soon as the clock started I went under. I was under for what felt like forever think about Fanum. He was cute. He was funny and he clearly got along with my brother. I came back up and Fanum was cheering for me. "FUCK YEAH! LESSSSGOOO! You got that shit shorty."

I got out and dried off as they finished up the video. Fanum came over to me and smiled. "Lemme help you out. You not dryin ya whole body off, ya know." He grabbed the towel and began drying me over, slowly making his way down my back. As he went down I got a chill down my spine. This felt like a dream. A cute guy drying me off. It was amazing. Just then Kai ran over. "Yo, Fanum whatchu doin? Get off my sister bruh" Fanum laughed and backed up. "My bad man, I was just tryna help." I smiled and walked away, going back into the house. Kai walked over to the others and began getting a lil upset. Fanum walked in a little after me and gave me his phone. "Ay, gimmie yo number, ma. Maybe we can link up and spend some time together when Kai ain't here." He smirked and I took his phone, putting my number in. "Fo sho" I replied. I handed him his phone back and he pulled me in, giving me a kiss. It was passionate and nice. He pulled away and walked to his room. I sat on the couch and smiled as I looked at my phone. 

Text from unknown number:

?: make sure you save my number, aight,ma?

  I saved his number and smiled, putting my phone down. Kai's gonna murder us.


word count: 765

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