~Agent and Duke~!SMUT!

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 I had just packed my bag and was headed over to my best friend's house. I was so excited to get there. Honestly, I missed him so much. I ain't seen him in like a week cause a bitch had family shit. But, I finally get to see him. I texted him that I was on my way and left the house. It was about a 2-hour drive so I had prepared a playlist. I started my drive at 6:00 AM and got there about 8:30 AM. Quite the drive but it was totally worth it. I got there and pulled my bag out of the car, walking to the door and knocking. Duke opened the door. I felt my face go hot as I had a major crush on Duke. Obviously, I wasn't going to tell my best friend Agent this. I mean come on they lived in the same house. Duke was shirtless and had clearly just woken up as he was in nothing but his boxers. He leaned against the door frame and rubbed his eyes. "Yo?" he said in a raspy voice that honestly made me feel weak. I smiled and took a good look at his face. "A week and you forget me? I'm hurt, honestly. I'll just go home" I said turning and laughing a bit. Duke ran up behind me and picked me up by my waist. "Nahhh yo lil ass ain't goin nowhere but inside" He chuckled. He carried me inside. Finally, he put me down on the kitchen counter. He stood between my legs, holding my thighs. "Where yo ass been ma? We all missed you." I smiled and wrapped my arms around him, pulling him into a hug. "I had some family shit to take care of. But I'm here now. Andddd I'm staying the whole week." As I said this Duke backed up a bit. "A whole fuckin week?? Holy shit. We finna have so much fun!" He said excitedly. "What's goin on?" I heard Agent say. I jumped off the counter and Agent ran up, giving me a big hug. "Holy shit, y/n! When did you get here?" I smiled and wrapped my arms around him. "Not too long ago." He kissed my cheek and I looked over to Duke who was leaning against the counter, arms crossed and eyebrows furrowed. He didn't look too happy. I pulled away from agent and smiled. "Well, what should we do guys?!" I asked trying not to be too awkward.

 Duke grabbed my hand and pulled me to his room. "Agent hurry up, you. Sit in my lap. We don't have another chair in my room, sorry." I blushed and sat in Duke's lap, he went to Twitch and began streaming. He had one arm wrapped around my waist and was grabbing his phone with the other. He opened Twitter and tweeted that he was doing a surprise stream. So many people had joined to watch and I was honestly kind of nervous. The chat began going crazy and Agent took a seat next to me and Duke. "Guys, look! This Y/n she's my best friend. My lil girl for real" I swallowed really hard as he said this. He gave me butterflies. "Hiii!" I said waving with a smile. "And we got my boy Agent zero in here wit us" Duke dapped Agent up and smiled. 

 "Agent don't look like he wanna be there," Someone said in the chat. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked over at Agent. He really did look that way. I stood up and grabbed his hand, walking him out of the room. "One moment!" I yelled. I looked at Agent and stayed silent, waiting for him to speak. "Don't look at me like that. I'm fine. Just tired." I sighed at his response and let his hand go. "Well, I guess you need to go to bed then." I turned away and walked back to Duke's room. He was doing backflips when I walked in. I usually would have enjoyed watching this but I plopped down on his bed and laid face down. Duke looked at me confused and rushed over to his chair, sitting down and smiling. "Y'all I gotta deal with something but I'll probably stream later tonight. I love y'all!" He smiled and ended the stream before walking over, sitting next to me. He rubbed my back and after a minute I sat up, tears in my eyes. He picked me up and sat me on his lap, so I was straddling him. He pulled me close and hugged me. I buried my face into his neck and sniffled. I swear, I always forget how great he is at comforting me. "Ay, ma. Ion know wassup wit you and Agent. But whatever it is, y'all gon be aight. Y'all best friends." I looked at Duke and wiped my face. "He won't tell me what's wrong and that means it's gotta be bad cause we tell each other everything." I bit my lip. 'Almost everything'. I thought to myself. Duke smiled at me and leaned in, whispering in my ear. "Sometime you gotta worry about you, and what you want. Cause no matter what happens, you always gon have you. Hold yo self up. Tell people what you want sometimes. You be too soft." Duke sucked his teeth and laughed a bit. "Too soft? Wow, okay. Well, I won't tell you what I want. I'll show you."

 I kissed Duke passionately and smiled as I felt him kiss back. "You got no clue how long I been waitin you," Duke said with a small smile. I ran my hands up his chest and laid him back, and slowly placed kissing down his body. When I reached his boxers I looked up at him, making eye contact as I pulled them down. I looked at his length a bit shocked. Like I had felt it on accident before and I had a feeling it was big but oh my god. It was much bigger than expected. I flicked my tongue against his tip before taking him in my mouth. He let out a groan as I sucked and swirled my tongue around his tip. I spit on his tip before standing up and undressing myself slowly. Just as I finished undressing, Duke sat up and pulled me onto him. I bit my lip and blushed as he analyzed my body. Duke flipped us over so he was on top and he thrusted his length into me. I grabbed onto his arms and moaned. "Fuck! You're so big" I wrapped my arms and legs around him, pulling him into me. I moaned in his ear as he thrusted slowly. He knew now that I wanted him but he wasn't going to give me what I wanted. He kissed me and bit my bottom lip, pulling away slowly. I closed my eyes and buried my face in his neck. "Tell me what you want, baby." I blushed and bit my lip, waiting a second before replying. "I want you to fuck me," I said with a smile. And with that, Duke began pounding into me. I moaned loudly and held him tightly. Fuck, he felt so good in me. He was so big and he was stretching me out. I kissed his neck and sucked gently, leaving a very small hickey. A few kisses and some talk later, Duke pulled out. He got down on his knees and pulled me to the edge of the bed. I looked at him confused as he smiled and pushed two fingers in me. I arched my back and moaned. "Oh fuck! I'm gonna cum" Duke smirked and placed a kiss on my thigh as he pumped his fingers in and out of me. My legs began to shake and I bit my lip trying not to moan. But as I finished I couldn't hold back and I let out a loud moan. He pulled his fingers out of me and sucked on them. I blushed and relaxed myself. Duke stands up and lays next to me, covering us with the blanket. I laid on his chest and he wrapped his arms around me. "Don't stress yo self. You finna be good, baby. I gotchu. Thas a promise." Duke said as he smiled and kissed me. I felt bad about Agent but Duke was right. I was finally getting what I wanted. And I was happy.


word count:1417

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