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 I sat down in my chair, looking closely at my screen reading as my chat went wild. "Guys don't jinx it! You're gonna spam Fanum Tax and he gon come get me. Y'all play too much" I said as I slumped down in my chair, taking a bite of my sandwich. "Oh my god, this shit is so good." I laughed a little and looked closely as tons of people joined the stream spamming "FANUM FANUM FANUM" I sighed reading the comments. I doubted the chat so much. And then a loud knock came on my door. My eyes widened and I stood up running to my bathroom with my food in hand.  Fanum bursts through the door, walking slowly over to my setup. He stared at the camera for a moment before his eyes shifted to the chat. "Bathroom, huh?" He laughed and stood up straight, turning to my bathroom. 

"Y/n! Come on, I just want a lil bit. You knew it was finna happen" He said with a wide smile on his face. Without thinking I ran past him going straight to my setup, and hiding my food under the desk. "Fanummmm go awayyy" I whined, leaning back in my chair and looking up at him. He smiled down at me and leaned in. "Gimmie a kiss then ma" I blushed as he spoke and looked at him speechless. Fanum chuckled and leaned in closer, connecting our lips and kissing me gently. I felt my face get hot as I kissed back. After about 5 seconds he pulled back and kissed my forehead, leaving the room at a normal pace, as if he hadn't just kissed me in front of thousands, almost millions of people. I looked at my stream and smiled. "Weird Fanum Tax, I know. Guess he's trying something new. Something tells me Kai's next." I chuckle as I say this. Less than a minute later, non-other than Kai bursts through my door. "I'M NOT GAY NIGGA. FANUM NOT KISSIN NOBODY" I laugh and look over to Kai. "Get sturdy or imma get Fanum to come give you a big ol kiss" "Nigga what?!" Kai yells before scurrying off to his room. 


word count:366

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