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requested by: classybxtchonpoint

Duke's POV: 

  It was 2 in the morning. I rolled over in bed to find no one next to me. I was so fucking scared. I jumped out of bed and ran around the whole house looking for Y/n. I gave up after about 30 minutes of screaming and searching. I walked back to me and Y/n's shared room. And that's when I heard something. Crying coming from the bathroom. I pushed the door open slowly and right as she noticed she threw her hands behind her back. "Hey bae! Whatchu doin up?" Y/n said in a rushed and worried tone. "Don't play this shit, whatchu hidin from me Y/n." She stayed silent for a moment. "Don't get mad. I'm so fucking scared." Y/n said as tears fell down her face. I kneeled down and wiped her face. "What's goin on, ma? Lemme know." I said, placing a hand on her thigh. She sniffled and placed her hands in her lap. I looked down and stood up immediately. "You fuckin with me right now. You're kidding." I felt a tear slip. "Duke, I am so sorry. I understand your upset-" I cut her off. "Upset? Y/n this is fucking amazing. Imma have a mini-me!!" I laughed and quickly picked her up, hugging her gently. "Holy shit, I'm gonna be a dad. Baby, I'll be here every step of the way. I promise." 

~5 weeks later~

  "Dukeeeeee!" I ran into our room and smiled at my girlfriend, laying in bed with her arms spread. I walked over and gave her a hug and a kiss. "Whatchu want ma?" I smiled and placed my hand on her stomach, rubbing gently. "Okay so, this is gonna sound weird. But, I need you to get me something. I'm hungry. What I need is nachos, m&m's, and marshmallow fluff." I looked at her and cocked my eyebrow. "Uh, okay." I said before throwing a black T-shirt and a pair of jeans. Pairing it with a pair of Rick Owens I had lying on my floor. I grabbed my keys and my phone and dipped. First I went to the nearest Mexican restaurant. I walked in and smiled cause hell yeah this place smelled fucking amazing. (I ain't neva been to one that smelled bad fr like uhhhhh this bitch got me hungry. Imma go to the taco truck one day. Y'all want anything????) I walked up to the counter and smiled as the small woman walked up. "Hi! What can I get for you?" She said in a soft voice. "Just one order of nachos please." I said, pulling my wallet out and grabbing a $20 bill. "That'll be $12.43" I smiled as I passed the bill along to her. "Keep the change." She smiled and walked to the back. I'm assuming to make the food. I stood off to the side and began scrolling through my phone when two little boys ran up to me. "OH MY GOD! YOU'RE DUKE DENNIS!! WE LOVE YOU!" The boys smiled cheerfully and looked up at me. "What's up y'all. I appreciate the support man. Y'all are awesome." I said dapping each of the kids up. They smiled and took a picture with me before thanking me and running off. I looked back to the counter and pushed my phone into my pocket as the lady came back with Y/n's food. I grabbed it and thanked her before leaving and getting into the car. I grabbed my phone and opened doordash, ordering the m&m's and marshmallow fluff to the house. I drove around a little before heading home. As I arrived I hopped out of my car and walked to the door, picking up the doordash bag sitting there. I walked in and made my way back to me and Y/n's bedroom. "I'm back ma." I said as I placed everything down on the bedside table. I opened the nachos and then when I heard Y/n squeal. "Okay babe! Put the marshmallow fluff on the nachos and then sprinkle the m&m's on." She said as she sat up. I did as she said and laughed as I handed her the plastic fork covered in fluff and the bowl of sweet nachos. I watched her as she took a big bite and smiled. "Uhhhh it's just as amazing as I'd hoped it'd be." I laughed and sat down, taking my shoes off. "I'm happy you like it baby." I said as I got out of the chair and went to lay in bed. I wrapped an arm around her and kissed her forehead. "I love you." I said, laying my head on hers. "I love you too"


word count: 780 

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