Chapter 19

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Disclamer: As in the series we never know Alec's past, I decided to invent one! And Alec's character, after he meets the rest of the pack, is pure invention of mine.---------------


You know when they tell you that a single moment or event is capable of changing a person's life?! Yeah, that's exactly what happened to me... But before I tell you my story and how I started to be part of an incredible pack, I'll introduce myself. My name is Alec and I am a seventeen year old teenager. Until recently, I lived with my parents and two older sisters in a small house in Los Angeles.

At first glance I may look like a simple teenager, but the truth is that a few months ago I was bitten by a wolf and I turned into a species that I always thought was just fiction... Every day my routine was the same, I woke up around seven o'clock in the morning, then I went to my school, when I left school, I spent most of my time walking through the streets of Los Angeles and at dinner time I went back to my father's best friend's house, yet little did I know that today was going to be completely different.

I was taking my usual walk through the streets of LA when a group of armed men and women advanced towards me. Without thinking twice, I start running to get away from them, but they are quite fast and there are many of them! After a few minutes of running, I look back and see no one, so I slowed my pace and hid behind a car that was parked on the side of the road to catch my breath. But before I could take a breath, I was hit by an arrow in my leg.

In an attempt to lose them, I ran to the abandoned area of the city and entered the first door I found open, which happened to be an old office space and I try not to make too much noise. I waited a few minutes until I started to move towards the main door, when I heard the sound of a car stopping. In the following seconds I didn't hear any footsteps, so I assumed they were tourists who had stopped here to take some pictures, but before I managed to get out of this hiding place, the door opened and three people entered, one being a man who looked to be in his thirties and two teenagers, who looked to be two or three years older than me.

The boy who had the tattoo on his arm, which by the way was quite strange, knelt down in front of me, looked at me and removed the arrow from my leg.

- You have to shift so you can heal.- said the boy with the tattoo and showed me his bright red eyes and instinctively both my eyes and the eyes of the boy who was standing next to the older gentleman began to shine.

After transforming, it only took seconds for my wound to disappear and with the help of the guy who had the tattoo, I got up and followed them to the SUV that was parked outside the door .

- I know you don't know us from anywhere but you can trust us... The men who attacked you, will return, so we'll take you to a place where they couldn't find you.- said the taller boy, who was wearing a leather jacket. - My name is Isaac, this is Scott and the one stepping into the driver's seat is Chris.

- You're not from here, are you?

- No, we're from Beacon Hills.- replied Scott, who was the guy with the tattoo.

- And what are you doing here? In LA?

- We came to get you! - Chris replied, showing a small smile. - Now let's go, before they find us.

Although I was still a little reticent about getting into an unfamiliar car, it was always better than staying here and being found by that group of men and women with guns, so as soon as Isaac and Scott got into the car, I did the same.

"And what's your name?" asked Scott, turning back.

- Alec. How come your eyes are a different color from ours?

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