Cabin Fever - part 2

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GUYS OMG THROWBACK TO THE FIRST EPISODE AMIRIGHT? Three parts, and now here is the bad part! In three, two...


anyway if you have ideas on that uhhh please help <3

Btw the next part is gonna be posted after the new episode cause some parts of it depend on what happens there okay? Okay

Also barely any YN shit again cause again again, Uzi heavy, have fun reading!

Also btw i hid a song ref in one of the paragraphs tell me of you find it, ok love yall/plat


The door exploded off the hinges, fighting its way to the other side of the yellow-y lit room before breaking apart into many pieces. The parts began to float in midair, assembling together quickly. Uzi stumbled her way into the cabin, forcing the door to hit onto it's frame again before a stool and a chair propped up against the newly fixed door.

Uzi cut her hand through the air around her in a circle, closing all the shudders in the cabin. Being the one of the only light sources, the cabin became almost pitch black other than the glow of Uzi's eyes and the lights on the back of her hands.

And the light in the back of the room.

She fell to her knees with a thud, unzipping her backpack and reaching in for the limbs messily shoved in.

Uzi's head was throbbing, the slightest of sounds or movements or light was irritating. Smoke escaped from her forehead, just above her eyes.

Her vision was blurring, pain pulsing through every portion, every atom of her being.

Uzi stood up dizzily, screaming and screaming while anything that could make noise or anything that moved exploded and stopped working.

She fell to her weak knees, arms and breathing heavy, and a terrible light was found turned on behind her. She grabbed at her right eye, her other hand reaching out for the light, trying to turn it off or... something. But, it turned into the fleshy substance that the arrow turned into. Stretching out of the light and around the room, it looked like some kind of expired, rotting spaghetti your mom made and forgot about in the fridge.

The stuff spread and spread and spread, all along that corner of the room, covering anything near it...

V pushed all her weight against N, pushing him back through the snow. Little piles rested behind his heels, and soft trails were left in front of his toes.

"V, we can't hurt Uzi!"

"We do our jobs, and that thing leaves us alone—"

"—I don't know what you're talking about, because you wont TELL ME!" N turned one of his hands into a blade, pushing V away and causing her to lose balance.

The students behind V soon had faces plastered with horror. Except Lizzy, of course, she whipped her phone out and started filming the interaction.

"What are you so afraid of!?!?"

"...I'm not afraid," V said, as calm as she's ever been, pointing one of her blade hands to N's chin.

"I am," N pushed V's hand away," (Y/N) is, Uzi is! Everyone here is a kid, like us, V! What is wrong with you?!?!" N's voice cracked ever so slightly, and V had a look of worry and concern on her visor,

"Look after the campers." N threw his clipboard at V, turned on his heel, and sped right away.

V just stood there, frozen. Staring.

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