Chapter 5: Magical Creatures

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 After lunch, Toni, Harry, Ron, and Hermione eagerly made their way out of the castle. They were filled with excitement as they headed towards their first Care of Magical Creatures class, which was going to be taught by none other than Hagrid.

Toni, in particular, was brimming with anticipation for this class. She had spent the summer exchanging letters with Hagrid, seeking his guidance and advice on caring for her niffler, Pepin. Hagrid had always shown a deep affection for magical creatures, even those that were less popular or well-known. He had readily offered his help to Toni whenever she needed it, especially when it came to Pepin. In fact, she had recently noticed that Pepin had gone missing since his adventurous night out, and she hoped that if anyone were to stumble upon him, it would be Hagrid.

Toni walked alongside her friends, her mind buzzing with questions and ideas. She couldn't wait to see what magical creatures they would encounter in Hagrid's class and to learn from his vast knowledge and experience. With each step, her excitement grew, and she eagerly anticipated reuniting with Hagrid, hoping that he could provide some insight into Pepin's whereabouts.

As the students were led into a clear open area not far from Hagrid's hut, Toni took out the textbook that had been assigned to them. The book had tentacle-like straps and emitted a peculiar sound, giving the impression that it was alive. Its spider-like eyes seemed to fixate on Toni, observing her carefully. She studied the book intently before gently stroking its spine, and to her surprise, the creature book settled down, as if reassured by her touch.

"Everyone, gather 'round!" called out Hagrid, drawing the students' attention. They gathered excitedly around him, eager to see what he had planned. "I've got something very special in store for yeh today. Now, the first thing yeh need to do is open up your books."

Draco, wearing a skeptical expression, questioned, "How exactly are we supposed to do that?"

Toni, already familiar with the book's behavior, responded, "Just stroke the spine."

She demonstrated by opening her own book effortlessly. Draco gave her a puzzled look before hesitantly following her advice. To his surprise, the book responded, opening up before him. The other students, intrigued by this newfound technique, began to stroke the spines of their books, and one by one, the books opened up, revealing their contents.

Suddenly, Hagrid interrupted the proceedings, remembering something important. He turned his attention to Toni, his hand delving into his oversized pocket. Cupping his hands together, he quickly revealed their contents to her.

"Pepin!" Toni exclaimed, her eyes lighting up as she took the niffler into her hands. Pepin, excited to see her, snuggled against the large coin her father had given him in her first year at Hogwarts. "Where was he?"

"Scurryin' his way into the Headmaster's office, that little rascal," Hagrid chuckled. "Good thing I caught him before he caused any mischief. But yeh best keep a better eye on him, Antonia. He's quite the explorer, a little too brave for his own good, if yeh ask me." Hagrid's smile showed both fondness and concern for the mischievous niffler.

Toni nodded, grateful to have Pepin back safely in her arms. Harry, Ron and Hermione came beside her, giving Pepin a little scratch on his head. Toni made a silent promise to herself to keep a closer watch on her adventurous companion in the future. With Pepin back by her side, she turned her attention back to Hagrid, ready to delve into the magical creatures that awaited them in their lesson.

"Right then!" Hagrid exclaimed, rubbing his hands together with enthusiasm. "Now that the books are open and Pepin is safely returned, we need the magical creature. I'll be right back."

With a spring in his step, Hagrid turned and headed off into the forest, his excitement evident in every stride. As he disappeared into the trees, Draco couldn't resist making a disparaging remark.

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