Chapter 42: Peter Pettigrew

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 Toni gaped at the sight of Snape. His face was more hardened than usual, visibly angry and irritated. She couldn't help but tighten her grasp on Harry's arm, as if trying to hold him back from making any more moves.

"I found this cloak at the base of the Whomping Willow," Snape said, tossing it back to Harry on the floor. "I should thank you, I suppose."

The look in Snape's eyes darkened as it came to rest upon Lupin, his wand still steady before him. It was then Toni saw a shimmer behind him in the darkness of the hallway. The bright hair gave it away. It was Wolfe. He kept back some paces, leaning against a wall, casually awaiting something to stir. She wanted to call out to him, but with a motion, his hand rose and placed a finger above his mouth, gesturing for her to remain silent.

"I've just been to your office, Lupin. You had forgotten to take your Potion tonight. I took the goblet along with me and very lucky I did... lucky for me, I mean," Snape said, his face still fixated upon Lupin. "My sight found a certain map. I am no stranger to it. One glance upon it, and it told me all I needed to know. Along this passageway and out of sight."


"Not now, Miss Rothley," Snape sneered at her, his eyes seemingly filled with disappointment. "I told Wolfe the longer you insisted on prancing around with Potter, the further down the rabbit hole you would fall. Now look where you have ended up. Cuts, bruises, and filthy with dirt. Something I will have to address later. I've told Dumbledore many times that you are not to be trusted, Remus. I told him you were helping Black into the castle. Here is the proof, right before my eyes."

"Severus, you haven't heard everything," Lupin said, urgently. "Black is not here to kill Harry-"

"Azkaban will have two new faces tonight," Snape said, cutting Lupin off. "How upset Dumbledore will be to learn that you aren't the tame werewolf you pretended to be."

"Are you that foolish? Is a schoolboy grudge really worth sending an innocent man to Azkaban?" Lupin said softly.

Suddenly, the end of Snape's wand burst into large flashes of snake-like patterns, stretching across the room just between the heads of Lupin and Black. Black fumbled, astonished by the instant reaction.

"Give me a reason to do it, and I swear I will," Snape said, his voice cold and calm.

Toni felt Harry part slightly from her, his hand, however, slipping into hers as if he still found a need to keep her close as his eyes darted between them. Toni could feel the tension in the room, but it was too soon to know more. Her eyes darted back to Scabbers, who was still flailing in Ron's hands. She shut her eyes sharply and ripped from Harry's grasp, stepping in front of Snape's wand.

"What do you think you are doing?" Snape sneered. Toni could feel her heart pounding.

Hermione stepped forward, her voice shaky. "It wouldn't hurt to hear them out, Professor."

"The four of you are already facing suspension for being out of bounds, in the company of a convicted murderer and a werewolf. I ask for once, that you all hold your tongue!" Snape sneered towards Hermione before turning his attention back to Toni. "Get out of my way, Miss Rothley."

"No," she said quickly.

Lupin stepped forward, ready to move Toni, but Snape's wand lifted, forcing him back before his eyes returned to Toni again.

"This is no business of yours or your friends! Step aside!" Snape urged, now filled with rage. "I have longed for the day to catch Black... How bittersweet it is... But you are in my way now. Move."

"I will not move! Not yet! We need to know more! Harry needs to know more!" Toni snapped, now angry as well and growing very frustrated. "If you want to stay here, fine, but you will listen to them! I will be damned if I spent my night being dragged in dirt and filth just to be sent back to the castle not knowing the truth!"

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