Chapter 14: Permission from the Headmaster

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 In the days following the incident with the Fat Lady, the Hogwarts students remained captivated by the swirling rumors and speculations surrounding Sirius Black. The topic refused to fade into the background, especially with the Fat Lady's absence from her portrait. In her place now stood Sir Cadogan, a rather eccentric knight who enthusiastically engaged in duels with anyone who crossed his path. It was a matter of complaint that seemed to go unresolved, much to the dismay of Percy and Professor McGonagall, as well as the other Gryffindors.

Toni shared her dream with Harry, Ron, and Hermione, hoping they could make sense of its significance. However, none of them could piece together the puzzle, although they did mention the patronus charm in connection with her dream. Toni chose not to divulge the extent of her familiarity with the charm, merely mentioning that she had received some training in it. In truth, Gus Jackbuck and Professor Lupin had spent three weeks during the summer guiding her in mastering the patronus charm. The insistence on her learning it had piqued her curiosity, and she couldn't help but wonder why it held such importance for her this year. Furthermore, when Harry shared what he had overheard between Dumbledore and Snape regarding how Black had infiltrated the castle, the mention of possible inside help churned her stomach with unease. She kept her thoughts to herself, determined to uncover more answers before revealing her growing suspicions.

But all the commotion surrounding Sirius Black and the Fat Lady was quickly overshadowed by the news of Gryffindor's next Quidditch match. Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Toni were particularly annoyed when they learned that their opponents would now be Hufflepuff instead of Slytherin, with claims that Draco Malfoy's arm hadn't fully recovered. Toni sat and listened as her friends vented their anger over the deceitful act to get Hagrid fired. She felt the simmering anger rise within her as well, silently seething at the injustice of it all.

Together, the four of them made their way to Defense Against the Dark Arts class, hoping it would provide a much-needed distraction from recent events and the upcoming match. However, to their disappointment, Professor Lupin was absent. Instead, Snape stood at the front of the class with Wolfe lingering in the back, comfortably seated in a lounge chair.

"Where is Professor Lupin?" Harry asked, his frustration evident in his tone.

"He is feeling ill and unable to teach today," Snape replied icily. "Sit down, all of you."

"But we were supposed to have our first important lesson on Violet Summer today... Are we still going to have that?" Ron inquired, looking to Wolfe with a hopeful expression. However, Wolfe merely shrugged and continued playing with the quill in his hand.

"I believe I told you to sit down," Snape snapped, his anger intensifying. The four of them exchanged glances before reluctantly taking their seats. Then, Snape's gaze fell upon Toni.

"You have been asked to report to Dumbledore in his office," Snape announced. Some of the students let out teasing sounds, but Snape remained unamused. "Wolfe, you will escort her."

Wolfe leaped from his chair swiftly and moved towards Toni, his confident and sly demeanor causing a few girls to swoon, much to Toni's dismay.

"But what about—" Toni began to protest.

"There is plenty of time to catch up on missed classes," Wolfe interrupted, a smile playing on his lips. He turned his head to Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Neville, then shifted his gaze towards Draco, Theodore, and the other Slytherins. "I'm sure one of your friends would be more than happy to assist you with whatever you need."

"Mr. Malfoy," Snape interjected, causing Draco to look up curiously. "Since Slytherin is no longer able to play in the match tomorrow, you will ensure that Miss Rothley is up to date on this missed class."

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