Chapter 45: The Third Ending

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 Toni moved through the corridors, her pace slow and heavy with the weight of the dream her uncle had returned to her. The images of her fourth year filled her mind with terror. Hiram's control over the Atonement tournament was absolute. He could alter the rules during the duel, turning it into a deadly affair for the losing side.

The thought of failure consumed Toni. It wasn't just about letting down her family or herself; it was the prospect of failing Harry that haunted her the most. The bond between them had grown strong over the past three years, and she couldn't bear the idea of disappointing her friend. This summer would be a sacrifice—a time to put aside any remnants of childhood. She knew that she had to show everyone who she truly was and what she was capable of. It was all for Harry.

With determination burning in her heart, Toni was prepared to give her all. She couldn't let fear or doubt hold her back. This was her chance to prove herself, not just for her own sake but for the people she cared about the most. The summer would be grueling, but she was ready to embrace the challenge.

And so, with her mind set on her purpose, Toni vowed to train harder than ever before. The coming days would be dedicated to honing her skills, pushing herself beyond her limits, and preparing for the Atonement. She knew the road ahead would be tough, but she was determined to face it head-on.

No longer a child, Toni was ready to reveal her true strength and stand tall against whatever challenges lay ahead. Her resolve was unyielding, her spirit unbreakable. For the sake of her family, herself, and most importantly, for Harry, she was willing to go the distance and prove herself as a formidable force to be reckoned with.

Upon returning to the hospital wing, Toni was met with the beaming faces of Hermione and Harry. Overwhelmed with joy, she rushed towards them, embracing them both tightly. Tears of relief streamed down her cheeks, and she held onto them for a long moment until Hermione gently pried her off. Even as they separated, Harry noticed the tears in her eyes and grew concerned.

"Are you alright?" he asked, studying her closely. Toni sniffled but managed to maintain her smile. "Did Malfo-"

Hermione swiftly elbowed Harry in the ribs, causing him to wince in pain. But Toni paid no attention to it. Her mind was solely focused on the happiness of seeing her friends safe and sound. She turned to Ron, sharing a warm smile with him too.

"I-I'm fine... Just... I'm just so happy you're all safe," she said, wiping away the last traces of tears from her eyes.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione, although a bit puzzled, smiled in response. Harry pulled her into another hug, this one more thoughtful than the previous. The four of them remained together for some time, basking in the comfort of each other's company as the sun began to set.

Hermione recounted everything she and Harry had done, including their daring rescue of Buckbeak and Sirius. Toni was relieved to hear their successes, but what struck her most was learning that Harry had successfully conjure a Patronus. She gazed at him with admiration, their hands meeting as they often did, sharing a comforting warmth that bound them together. In that moment, Toni knew she had to train harder than ever for the year to come.

Their bond was everything she needed and the motivation to become stronger. Toni understood that she had a crucial role to play in the events that lay ahead. She was determined to be there for her friends, to protect them, and to face whatever challenges awaited them together.

After spending a few hours with her friends, Toni knew she had one more person to see today—Draco. Making her way through the corridors, she descended into the dungeons toward the Slytherin common room. To her luck, Draco was standing just outside with his usual companions. Pansy seemed less than thrilled to see her but still gestured behind Draco to get his attention.

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