Chapter 29: The Second Memory - Part Two

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The students found themselves in a vast and picturesque pasture, surrounded by lush green grass and majestic trees. In the distance, they could see towering mountain peaks and the sparkling view of the ocean on the other side.

Toni's attention was solely focused on her uncle, who maintained the same composed demeanor as in the previous memory. Her curiosity peaked, wondering what all the shared memories were leading up to. She glanced back at her friends and the other students, noting their mixed emotions of uncertainty, fear, and curiosity. Harry, in particular, had a stern eye on her uncle, likely aware of his involvement in the loss of his parents or at least his attempts to prevent it.

Wolfe led them to a cabin reminiscent of those found in Hogsmeade – peaceful and quaint, yet somehow eerie. Inside, he was seated by the fireside, engrossed in a book with his sunglasses resting on the side table. A creaking sound drew their attention to a closed door, which swung open to reveal the waitress, Jane, with an even brighter smile than before.

The students observed Wolfe's eyes light up with joy as he greeted Jane, taking her on his lap and sharing a passionate kiss. To Toni's surprise, Jane's hand displayed a wedding ring, making her realize that her uncle had been married, and to a Muggle at that. Her eyes shot to Wolfe, but he remained focused on the memory, avoiding her gaze.

"It's our five-month anniversary," Jane said playfully, her eyebrow raised with mischief. Wolfe chuckled and tenderly kissed her hand, marveling at the ring's shimmer. Yet, beneath the surface, Toni could sense the turmoil brewing within him. Jane noticed his unease and asked, "Are you alright?"

Wolfe forced a smile and turned to meet her gaze. "Of course. Now that we are far away from all of them."

Resting her head against his, Jane looked at the ring, voicing her concern, "Will he... will they find us?"

Confidently, Wolfe reassured her, "Roan is the best defense wizard I've ever met, and Gus, no one can cast an enchantment like him. Even if they do, I will protect you. Nothing will ever harm you as long as I am here."

Jane corrected him gently, emphasizing, "Us." She took his hand and placed it delicately on her stomach, saying, "Nothing will ever harm us as long as you are here."

Toni watched in awe as a new light shimmered in her uncle's eyes, a genuine smile stretching across his face as he jubilantly lifted Jane into his arms, celebrating the news of their impending parenthood. However, the joyous moment was cut short when Wolfe waved his hand, causing the scene to shift into nighttime, and the cabin was assaulted by a downpour of rain.

The door burst open, and in came Wolfe, supported by Mathias Rothley and James Potter. Harry stood by Toni's side, visibly moved and ready to cry. Without hesitation, Toni grabbed Harry's hand, offering a comforting squeeze as they focused on the unfolding memory.

Wolfe was soaked and bleeding, his injuries apparent as James and Mathias gently settled him into a chair. Clenching his thigh, Wolfe endured bitter agony while Mathias and James sought their wands. Just then, Jane appeared in distress at the bedroom door, rushing over to Wolfe with genuine concern, clasping his hand tightly.

"What happened?" Jane asked eagerly.

"It was our father," Mathias snarled, wiping rain from his face and leaning on the kitchen counter. "James, please, I'm still feeling the effects."

James sighed, quickly moving to Wolfe's side and using a healing spell on the open wound. Wolfe roared in pain, while a child's cries were heard from the bedroom. Jane stumbled for a moment before rushing to tend to the baby. As James finished sealing Wolfe's wound, he expressed his irritation and concern.

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