Chapter 12: Hogsmeade

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 The arrival of October brought new excitement to the students of Hogwarts. Quidditch was back, and Defense Against the Dark Arts became the topic of everyone's conversations.

Toni developed a particular interest in Defense Against the Dark Arts, thanks to Harry's influence. Her uncle, Wolfe, would often seek her out in the hallways, join her during meals, and even visit her and her friends at lunch. While she hadn't completely forgiven him for everything that had transpired, she made the most of the time they spent together. Despite her reservations, she had reluctantly agreed to participate in Wolfe's larger plan, which he had discussed with her privately. However, she remained unsure if she wanted to be present for those particular classes, considering the potential impact it might have on her classmates.

In the meantime, Toni focused on her other classes, striving for high grades and cherishing her time with her friends. However, a faint sense of dread lingered within her. Draco had not uttered a single word to her since the party, and in their shared classes, he actively avoided any interaction with her. He didn't even spare her a glance. Though she had tried to maintain an appearance of indifference, deep down, she was genuinely hurt by his behavior. Toni could no longer deny her growing feelings for Draco, which only made matters worse. To conceal her emotions and maintain her composure, she mirrored his aloofness.

Not only that, but the day had finally arrived for the third years and older students to go to Hogsmeade. It was their first Hogsmeade weekend, and Ron, Hermione, and Toni were filled with excitement. However, Harry would not be joining them. He hadn't managed to get his permission slip signed by his guardians and was now forced to stay behind in the castle.

"Don't worry too much, Harry. They'll catch Black soon, and then you'll be able to go, I'm sure," Hermione said, attempting to lighten Harry's mood.

"Even if Black is caught, Harry still needs permission from the Dursleys, and we all know they won't allow him to leave the grounds," Toni added, her eyes conveying her sympathy for Harry.

"Talk to Professor McGonagall!" Ron suggested. "I'm sure she can do something to help."

"Ron! Toni!" Hermione interjected sharply. "Harry isn't allowed to leave the grounds for his own safety with Black on the loose."

"It's not fair for a third-year to be left behind! Besides, Toni will be with us!" Ron exclaimed, frustrated by the fact that Harry couldn't join them.

"You really need to stop using me as an excuse," Toni said, rolling her eyes at Ron's comment.

Crookshanks leapt onto Hermione's lap, a black spider dangling from his mouth as he toyed with it before devouring it. Ron looked thoroughly disgusted by the cat's presence.

"Keep that thing away, will you?" Ron said. "I've got Scabbers sleeping in my bag. I don't need it scaring him off again."

The cat maintained its gaze on Ron. Without blinking, Crookshanks suddenly pounced at him. In a panic, Ron tried to push the cat away, his words tumbling out in a mixture of fear and protectiveness as he clutched his bag, trying to shield his pet rat. But Scabbers managed to slip out from an opening and scurried across the floor, fleeing from Crookshanks, who chased close behind him.

Toni and Harry watched as Hermione and Ron hurried over to separate their two pets, arguing with each other once they caught them. Toni let out a heavy sigh. This had been going on for a few days, with constant disputes over Crookshanks' natural instincts. She glanced over at Harry, her eyes filled with sorrow.

"I know you wanted to come to Hogsmeade, Harry," Toni said. Harry looked at her, and she continued, "Maybe my father or uncle can help. I'm sure-"

"It's alright, Toni. Really," he interrupted softly. "I'll talk to Professor McGonagall. If she can't help, I doubt your family can. Just promise me one thing, will you?"

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