You moving into the Wilson's house?

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Hello, I know sorry this story might not be the best I hope ya'll like it I will try to make more stories in future. Just a heads up there MIGHT be a possible TW on Chapter 4

(The year is 1994) 

I sit in the backseat of my uncle's truck with my uncle George in the drivers seat and my aunt Casey on the passenger side of the truck  while I sit in the backseat in between my two cousins, Amanda who is about 6 and has brown curly hair and blue eyes, Anthony my other cousin who is 9 has dirty blonde hair with brown eyes. It's been rough these past few months ever since mom and dad have passed. As we get to my aunt and uncle's house my uncle parks the car and him and my aunt get out then I hop out the car myself and help the little ones get out the car as well and they go inside with my aunt. It's a nice house they have. 

"Okay Serena lets help you move your stuff in" My uncle says "Okay" I respond with and grab a box labeled "Posters" and bring it upstairs into the empty room which is now my room and set it nicely on the floor before i go back downstairs to get another box. As I go outside my uncle brings in another box of mine labeled "Cassette Player" and I go to the truck to grab another box  labeled "Cassettes and CD's" and I look across the street to see a boy with light brown hair and greenish gray eyes talking to another boy who had silky dark brown hair and blue eyes. The blue eyed boy walked inside the house and the light brown haired boy noticed me and waved and I smiled  and waved back he started walking towards me until he came up to me on the driveway.

"Hey there, you moving into the Wilson's house?" The boy asks me "Yeah" He smiles "Well that's great because I live in the house across from you so uh..maybe we can hang out sometime?" I smile softly "Yeah sure that sounds great" I say smiling Then he asks "So whats your name?" he says to me and i respond with "Serena, Serena Wilson what about you?" He smiles and says "My name is Ponyboy, Ponyboy Curtis but you can call me Pony for short" Ponyboy said then he looked at me "Are you their oldest kid?" He asks as I look at him "Oh no I am their niece I moved here since my parents passed I have to were else to live" 

I say a I really  do miss my parents a lot and Ponyboy looks at me with a bit of a sad frown "Oh I am so sorry for your loss Y/n I get you, my parents passed in a automobile accident" I look at him and realize he feels the same way about losing both parents "Oh Sorry about your parents too, Pony" He then speaks up "Its no biggie" Ponyboy says as he puts his hands in his pockets then my uncle comes outside and turns to me "Serena! there you are! Oh I see you met Ponyboy" My uncle says "Yeah" I say and my uncle speaks up again 

"Well we got a lot more stuff to bring inside" I nod and turn to Ponyboy "Well It was nice meeting you Ponyboy maybe I will see you soon?" I ask a bit shyly and he smiles a bit "Yeah sure nice meeting you as well bye!" He says waving and I smile and wave back and he walks across the street to his house and goes inside and closes the door behind him he was nice and I hope I can hang out with him.

 After a while I finally brought all the boxes in and started unloading the boxes and setting up my room and when I was finally done setting up my new room I really liked the way it looked then I sat on my bed and opened a magazine and then I heard my aunt call me "Serena! Come downstairs dinner's ready!" I put down my magazine and sat up

 "Coming!" I go downstairs and sit down at the table and my aunt has made Spaghetti and Both my aunt Casey and uncle George go sit at the table  with Amanda and Anthony and we all eat when we are all done I help clear the table and then I sit down on the couch and turn on the TV and watch Friends. After a bit of watching TV it's 7 pm and my aunt Casey is in the kitchen "Dang it! we ran out of milk...Serena do you mind going to the store and getting a carton of milk?" My aunt says and I look at her "Yeah sure I don't mind" My aunt Casey smiles and hands me 5 dollars "You can buy some candy with the change or just save it"

 My aunt says to me and I nod and take the money and walk outside and get my bike and I see Pony and I assume his friends all hanging out on his porch smoking cigarettes  and I also recognize the boy he was with earlier was there again as well and I then ride my bike to the store and grab a carton of milk which was 2$ and decide to keep the 3 dollars and save it after I grab the milk I go to the cashier and put the carton of milk down "Is that all?" The cashier asks me "Yeah that's it thank you" She smiles and nods scans the milk and gives me the change "Have a good day!" The cashier says to me as I leave 

"You too!" I walk out and I go and hold the bag with the milk carton on one arm as I ride my bike back to my house. When I get back home I see Ponyboy and his friends still there and I park my bike and I go inside and my aunt is watching TV while my uncle is reading the news paper and my cousins are playing with there toys "Serena did you buy me candy?" Anthony asks and I shake my head no "Sorry Anth, I did not get enough change to buy some candy" I say as I sit in a chair and he rolls his eyes "Awh man!" He says with a sigh as he continues to play on his game boy and little quiet Amanda continues to play with her barbies, I decide to go upstairs to my room and I sit down at my desk and get a call and pick up my light blue landline phone and hear the voice of my best friend Jennifer Landon from my other school. 

Since my old house were I lived at with my parents is almost an hour away from here so I sadly had to switch schools and leave my friends but we all still keep in touch 

"Hey, Serena" My friend Jennifer says as I picked up the phone "Hey, Jen" I can tell she is doing her hair since I hear her blow dryer on "So? How is your aunt and uncle's place so far?" She asks and I sit up in the chair "It's going well so far, but then yet again I have also only been here for less than 24 hours..." I say and she laughs 

"Oh yeah I forgot! but without you being here it feels like it's been 5 years since we last saw each other, because we did not see each other yesterday since you had to pack.." She says with a sigh and I nod "Yeah" I say and I can hear her get frustrated over the phone and I laugh "Having problems getting the rollers in your hair" 

I say still laughing a bit "Yeah...these damn Velcro rollers work so good but take forever doing em it feels like its not worth it but then seeing the results you think to yourself fuck I was wrong" She says with a small laugh herself "I honestly just use a curling iron" I say with a shrug "Yeah, but remember when we were like 12 I burned myself real bad? I said I wont go back to curling irons and I meant it" She says and I laugh "Damn I forgot about that" I say and she laughs "Well have you at least met anyone today?" 

She asks through the phone as she continues putting hair rollers in her hair "Well I did meet this one boy who lives across the street...he is 14, Real sweet, and very cute" I say with a giggle as my face turns a bit pink and she laughs "OoOoO! You got a crushshhhhhh" She says and I roll my eyes with a smile "Oh shut it" I say with a soft laugh "I could never" She says and I smile "Well I am gonna let you go Serena, I gotta finish my hair I will call you tomorrow and you can tell me about the first day at that school, Alright?" 

She says and I nod "Yeah sounds great bye Jen" I say with a smile "Bye Serena" She hands up and I just zone out looking at my Johnny Depp poster and I decide to let my window open for some nice cool crisp air and see Ponyboy and his friends still there across the street and I see Ponyboy look up and smiles brightly as he sees me "Hey Serena Come down here!" 

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