You still got that blade on ya?

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The next day 

Ponyboy's POV: The next morning I woke up first, still fully clothed in my jeans and Bucks button up which is now covered in ashes...guess I was too tired to get in my Pj's yesterday. I shower and man did it feel nice, I have not showed in almost a week I then change into a clean t-shirt, jeans and sweater and exit the bedroom to see Tim Shepard in our living room sitting on the couch reading the news paper with his feet propped up on the coffee table 

"Hey, Tim" I greet as I close the door behind me and he looks up and nods "Hey kid" I look at him "You want some breakfast or somethin?" I ask and he shakes his head and gets up "No thanks. I gotta get going anyway" he gets up and waves "Alright bye" I say as he closes the front door. The first person that wakes up has to make breakfast while the other two do the dishes, That's just how it works here at our house. 

We all love chocolate cake Mom would never let us have it with ham and eggs though, Sometimes me and Soda bribe Darry to let us have some for breakfast in the morning and sometimes he does let it slide, We are all crazy about chocolate stuff and Soda once said I will be the one to make a chocolate cigarette invented. I started to cook up some eggs for us three I like my eggs hard, Darry likes his in a bacon tomato sandwich and Sodapop likes his with grape jelly I don't know how he enjoys that to be honest. 

I then hear the door open "Don't slam the door!" I try not to yell so loud so I won't wake Soda and Darry but they slam the door anyways and Two-bit and Steve then grab me and throw me around the kitchen and the eggs go flying everywhere "Come on! You guys dropped my eggs and dropped my spoon! Now our breakfast is gone!" I say a bit irritated because it has been a while since I ate, I have not eaten since we went to the Dairy Queen with Dallas in Windrixville "Look at the blond headed Horseboy!" Two-bit says as he nudges my shoulder and Steve laughs along with Two "So tell me Ponyboy, How is it like being a hero?" I put a towel down "A what?" I say and Steve hands me the news paper "a hero man like a- like a big shot or something" He says 

 I read the news out and the headline being "Juvenile Delinquents turn into hero's" There are some pictures of me Darry and Sodapop from yesterday talking about how I was a track start in school I am a pretty fast runner, How Soda is a dropout and Darry walking two jobs and we can stay together as long as we behave. Two-bit then helps me clean the kitchen by scraping an egg off the clock. Fifteen minutes later me Two and Steve are in the living room watching TV while Soda and Darry get ready for work and Steve is already ready for his shift at the DX, We then hear a knock on the door and see the one and only beautiful Serena Wilson enter the house wearing a pink t-shirt and a pair of shorts that is the same color of the shirt but the shorts have black polka dots and she is also wearing a black belt with white converse and her wavy hair bouncing off her shoulders as she enters and Steve smirks and nudges me and I elbow him in the arm 

Serena's POV: I walk inside and the three boys smile at me "Hey, Serena" They all say at the same time "Hi boys" I say as I take a seat Ponyboy smiles and I look over at Steve who is eating a bunch of chocolate cake and Two-bit eating chocolate cake with beer "Beer for breakfast?" i say with a laugh and Two looks up at me taking a swig of beer "You know it" He says with a chuckle and Steve stuffs more chocolate cake in his mouth and holds up his hand full of cake 

"Want some?" He asks with his face smeared with chocolate cake and I laugh "I am alright thanks" Pony then looks at me "Were gonna go visit Dal and Johnny you wanna come?" Pony asks me smiling and for some reason he can't stop smiling "Yeah i'll tag along" I say and we lock eyes for a second and he smiles softly and turns to look back at the TV I smiled as our faces are both red as a tomato. Then Soda, Steve and Darry go to work. So it's just me, Ponyboy and Two-bit. We all then go to the hospital to visit Dally and Johnny we walked up to the front desk lady and asked were Johnny's room was and we eventually found the room and went and saw Johnny there, he did not look too bad hopefully him and Dal are doing well Johnny then looks up at us 

"Oh Hey guys" He said smiling and I smile back "Hey Johnnycakes how you feelin?" He sighs "Doctor said Ima be here for about a week....but il be okay" He says trying his best to smile and I give him a comforting smile "You'll be okay we know you will" Ponyboy says and Johnny looks back at us "These damn people wont let me put grease in my hair.." Johnny says with a sigh and Two-bit chuckles "We will get you some hair grease next time we come" I say as Johnny smiles "Well were gonna get going Johnny see ya" Pony says and I give Johnny a hug 

After that we leave and go to Dally's room to see him fighting with a nurse "Where is your gown?" The nurse says and dally rolls his eyes "I threw it away, go get outta here you make my stomach sick" He says then the nurse leaves and he smiles when we come inside the room "Hey guys! Man, so glad you guys are here these people wont let me smoke I want out!" Dallas says pretty happily and smiles at me "How ya doin' kid? Haven't seen ya in a day" Dally says and I smile, this is maybe the happiest I have ever seen him not too sure why maybe cause seeing some of the gang can make him feel a bit more at home. "I'm okay, how are you feeling yourself?" I ask and he smiles "I'm doing alright kid, Hey Two-bit you got that blade on ya?" Dally asks Two-bit as he nods and flicks out his jet black switch blade, and gives it to Dally

 "Ya know man we gotta win that fight tonight...too bad I can't be in it.." He sighs and puts the switchblade next to him, and I thought to myself how Dally and Johnny not being there won't help us win this fight at all we were down two people.. "They won't let you out the hospital" Ponyboy asks with a frown "Come on Dally you gotta be there your the toughest scariest lookin one outta all of us" Pony says "I will find a way to make it work..." A nurse then comes inside "Sorry you three but visiting hours for now are done" She says and Dally rolls his eyes and waves "See ya" We then leave and sit on a bench waiting for the next bus and Two-bit feels Ponyboys forehead "Ponyboy, you sure are warm you sure your okay?" I look over at Pony to see him looking a bit under the weather and he looks at Two 

"I am alright.." He says his voice a bit hoarse "Darry will kill me if he finds out I'm letting you fight in a rumble feeling sick" Two-bit says concerned "If you keep your mouth shut Darry won't know nothing, Come on Two, be a buddy" Pony says and leans on the bench and we go to the tasty freeze when the bus comes to pick us up and a red car trails around us "oh shit.." I mumble and Ponyboy sees me reaction and puts his arm around me and Two-bit laughs at us and then gets serious when Randy Anderson one of the socs gets out of the car and walks to us "Hey can I speak to ya?" Randy says to Ponyboy and he slowly nods and takes his arm off me and walks with randy to the car. 

Me and Two-bit watch from afar as Randy talks to Ponyboy and I stand there with Two-bit watching them wondering what they are talking about...Two then turns to me "Can ya hear anything, Wilson?" Two asks "What do you think? they are like 6 meters away from us IN a car" I say laughing and Two-bit laughs as well "My bad" He says then we both see Pony walk back to us as Randy drives off and Two-bit looks at him "So, what did Mr. Super Soc have to say?" Pony looks at him "He ain't no soc...hes just a regular guy who wanted to talk..." 

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