This is the gang

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"Alright!" I say in response as I close my window back up and go downstairs I see my aunt is not there since she is in another room ironing clothes so I look over at my uncle "Hey Uncle George I will be across the street at Ponyboy's house is that alright?" I say and he looks up and nods "Yeah sure kiddo, Just make sure your home soon, alright?" He says as he takes a sip of his beer bottle next to him and I nod and walk outside the front door 

When I go to Pony's driveway where him and his friends are he speaks up "Hey Serena I was Wondering if you wanted to hang out with us you can also meet the gang" He in a kind tone and I thought he was kinda cute I nod "yeah sure" I reply with and Pony takes the cigarette from behind his ear and lights it and he takes a puff "So how have you been?" 

Pony asks me blushing a bit and I smile "Good, you?" I say and he smiles and takes another puff of his cigarette "Good good, You gonna go to Will Rogers high?" He asks as I nod in response "Yeah I will Pony turns to the gang and brings me over to them "Serena this is the gang" He points to the same boy with the dark brown hair and blue eyes that was talking to Pony earlier when I was moving the boxes "That's my older brother Sodapop" he then points to a boy who looks very shy with tanned skin and dark jet black hair and big black eyes 

"That's my best friend Johnny" He points to a mean looking guy with brown hair and brown eyes with a cigarette hanging from his mouth "That's Dallas "Dally" Winston" He points to a guy with brown hair and blue eyes and a mickey mouse shirt drinking beer "That's Keith Matthews but we call him Two-bit" He then points to a guy with blue eyes and dark brown hair "That's Steve Randel Sodas best buddy" Then Pony points to a muscular guy with brown hair and and blue eyes "Finally that's the oldest Curtis brother Darry" 

He says smiling and I smile back and he finishes his cigarette and puts it out and the gang waves at me and I wave back, We all then hang out for a bit when it starts to get dark and I check the time on my watch and see it is almost 9 "Well I think I should get going My aunt and uncle won't want me out too late bye Pony, bye guys!" I say waving and walk across the street to my house and open the door "How was hanging out with Ponyboy?" My aunt Casey asks as she holds Amanda to her hip "It was good" I say to my aunt I am starting to really like Pony he is sweet, Welcoming and kinda cute and his friends are cool and chill people to be around. "Well I am gonna get to bed" My aunt and uncle smile "Well goodnight then sweetie" My aunt says in her sweet nice voice "Night" My uncle says in his husky deep voice. I go upstairs take a shower and get in my pajamas then when I am all ready for bed I open a magazine and read it on my bed and flip through the pages after a while It was about 11 pm but I could not sleep for some odd reason

Maybe because I was not back at home...I close my magazine up and sigh as I lay back on my bed and toss the magazine on the floor, I was also pretty nervous since tomorrow was my first day at the new school I was relieved Ponyboy is gonna be at the same school "What would happen if mom and dad were not killed?" I think to myself...When all of a sudden I start to get pretty sleepy so I turn off the lights and fall asleep..

The next morning is my first day at Will Rogers, I wake up brush my teeth, and change into a white and black striped t-shirt tucked into black jean shorts and I put on some converse and put on a nice clear mascara I take my hair out my nigh time braid and look at myself in the mirror "Lookin good.." I say to myself in the mirror as I grab my backpack and go down the stairs and see Anthony and Amanda eating fruity pebbles waiting for their bus to take them to their elementary school and I grab a piece of toast and eat it before putting my backpack over my shoulders

 "Bye honey have a great day" My aunt says to me as she gives me a a quick hug "Stay safe!" She yells as I walk out the door and ride my bike to school, Once I get there I lock my bike to a bike rack and go inside and find my locker and put a couple pictures in the locker to make it less plane and boring and Ponyboy comes next to me and smiles "Hey, Serena" He says with a smile and I turn my head to my left side and smile brightly once I see him "Hey Pony" I say "Ready for the first day? You will be in my Math and History class" He says and I nod and smile and feel a relief we have two classes together 

"Alright sounds good" He smiles "Well I gotta get to Science right now, What class you got?" he says and I check my schedule and see I have English "I got English right now" I say and he smiles "Alright well I am gonna get going to my class and I will see you in History" He says with a bright smile and a small blush creeping upon his cheeks and I smile back "Okay see you then" I say as he leaves and I shut my locker and head to English class which was alright but then go to History were me and Ponyboy sit next to each other and talk when the teacher is not looking "Wanna hang out at lunch?" Pony asks and I nod 

"Sure I don't wanna be eating at the garbage can or in the bathrooms" I say with a smile as he chuckles "Ms. Wilson and Mr. Curtis, You two better pay attention" The teacher says as she turns around and looks at us both "Alright, Sorry Mrs. Matthews" Pony says as he rubs the back of his neck and she continues writing on the chalkboard 

At lunch I grab my food and meet Ponyboy at the table and we talk for a bit "Hey have you heard that new song by Nate Dogg and Warren G?" Ponyboy asks me as he eats some of his food "Yeah Regulate is a real catchy song" I say with a nod and he smiles "You got a good taste in music huh?" He smirks while blushing "Guess so huh Curtis?" I say with a smile

When I got home after my day I went to my phone to call Jennifer and she picked up "Hey!" She says "Hi" I say with a smile "So Serena, How was your first day?" She asks with a curious tone "It was great, Remember that boy Ponyboy Curtis I told you about?" I say and she says yes in a hum "Yeah I remember you told me yesterday, What about him?" I smile "We had lunch together" She squeals in excitement "That's a great start!" She says in a happy voice and I softly laugh "I know I know, But Jen what if he was just being nice I also don't want him to feel forced because we live across the street with each other-" She then interrupts "Serena your thinking too much" She says in a soft tone and I sigh "Yeah maybe I am..." I say "Well you have only known him for two days you gotta let this take time Serena" She says and I nod "Your right Jennifer I should not think too much about this.." I say "Well did anything happen at school today?" I ask and she gasps "Oh my gosh so much! Who knew so much can happen in a day" She says and I listen in more "Well what happend?" I ask and she starts rambling about a bunch of random stuff that happend today. We continue just talking about random stuff and I eventually eat dinner and enjoy the rest of my night...

About 3 days have passed and this Morning I wake up and brush my teeth and put on my outfit for the day which is Jean shorts and a Beatles t-shirt with converse and high white socks and decide to put my hair in a high ponytail. I go downstairs and grab some cheerios and pour some in a bowl then pour some milk and start eating my cereal then I hear a knock on the door and open it to see Pony "Hey Pony" I say with a smile and he smiles back "Hey Serena wanna come over to my house? the gang is there too" He said smiling "Yeah sure" I put my bowl of cereal down and we go to the Curtis house and we go inside and I sit on the couch and Dally speaks up "Hey guys I am going to the Dingo tonight if any y'all wanna come" Dally suggested "Oh me and Steve are gonna be working late tonight" Soda said frowning a bit "Same here I am gonna be working tonight" Darry said "Oh I was planning on partying and drinking but I will see were I am the time the movie starts" Two-bit said "Well Johnny, Pony, Serena? Ya'll wanna come?" Dally asked us three and I bet my aunt and uncle would be alright with it since they are pretty chill about hanging out with friends "yeah" Johnny says looking at the TV "Sure" Pony says and turns to me "ya coming Serena?" Pony asks me "Yeah why not? It's Saturday so I able to come" I say and Dally smiles "Alright great you 3, meet me at the in front the Drug store at 4 pm s don't be late see ya" Dally says lighting a cigarette and walking out the Curtis house "Well me and Soda here are gonna go off to work bye guys" Steve says and him and soda leave and go to the DX "Okay guys behave, stay with each other, stay clear of socs, and don't get caught by the fuzz I will be at work" Darry says and he walks out the house.

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