Delirious for three days?

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Ponyboy's POV: It has been a few days and Johnny has gotten out of the hospital, I have expected to get better thought the past couple days but if anything I have gotten worse turns out during the rumble I got kicked in the head real hard by a soc and I have been delirious in bed for three days at least that is what Serena told me after I woke up.  My eyes slowly open and I see Serena sitting in a chair next to my bed and she sees me and smiles softly "Ponyboy?" She asks softly and I smile "Yeah?" I say and she smiles, man is she sweet 

"You awake?" She says in such a caring tone and I smile "Yeah I am awake now...What even happend?" I say sitting up and scratching my head "Well we told you Pone, You weren't in a good shape for a rumble. Apparently you got kicked in the head by a soc...You had been delirious for three days..." She says I rasie an eyebrow "Huh, Delirious for three days?" I ask with a hint of shock in my voice and she nods slowly "Yep, three days" She says "Well how long have you been in that chair for?" I ask and she thinks "For about two hours or something" She says and my eyes widen a bit "Really you sat in a chair for two hours for me?" I saw with a small laugh and she laughed a bit herself "Yep" I smiled and looked her in the eyes 

"I really do appreciate it.." I say with a soft smile and Soda barges in the room "Ponyboy!" He says about to tackle me but Darry then comes in and stops him "Easy there little buddy, We gotta town down the roughness for a while" He says and Soda nods "Alright.." Darry then looks over at me "How ya feelin kiddo?" He asks and I nod "Better, Much better" He smiles and nods at that "We never knew you hate baloney so much" He says with a laugh and Soda nods and my face goes dead "I never liked it.." I say and Darry raises an eyebrow "Really? Oh well how would you like some mushroom soup?" He asks kindly and I smile  

"Man, I would like that just fine" I say as he smiles and nods "I will go make some, Serena, Soda make sure that the other boys ain't to rough with him" He says as both Serena and Sodapop nod Johnny then walks in "Hey guys" He says with a smile and I smile seeing Johnny, he was my best buddy and that week in Windrixville only made us more close and he was finally out the hospital "Hey Ponyboy, how ya feeling?" He asks me as he pulls up a chair "Pretty good" I say and he nods "Good man that's good" He continues smiling until his face goes more serious "Ponyboy..." He says looking at me and I look back at him 

"What is it Johnny?" I ask and he speaks up again "We gotta go to court in about two days...ya know because I killed that kid.." He says with a swallow and I sigh "Damn I forgot about that..." I say and Johnny nods "But it will be alright, Serena said worse comes to worse she will be a witness and help us out, same with Dal and everyone else, but I think we will be let off the hook pretty easily because it was in self defense" He says with a nod and I look at Serena and back and Johnny and nod  

"Alright guys well I am going to the lot I will catch you guys later, bye" Johnny says and leaves and Darry then comes in after with a tray table and mushroom soup "Here Ponyboy" He says and gives me the soup and goes to the living room with Soda, It is like I have not eaten in a while and I honestly don't think I have, Then Serena gets up "Where you going?" I ask and she looks back at me "Oh I gotta get home my aunt said I need to do some homework I did not finish earlier" She says and I nod "Alright well stay safe I will see you soon, Okay?" I say and she smiles sweetly "Alright see ya, bye" She leaves and I smile "Man that girl is great..." I say quietly to myself with a big goofy smile as I lean my back against the wall 

Serena's POV: Today is the day of court and the whole gang is now in court they ask both Ponyboy and Johnny questions about Bob's murder I sit in between Dally and Two-bit as I fidget with my fingers and bite my nails worried about whats gonna happen and Dally looks over and sees the anxiety I have and he smiles "Don't worry Serena everything is gonna be alright" He says quietly and gives me a marble to fidget with and I smile 

"Thanks Dally" He gives a small smile back and scratches the back of his neck then looks ahead so he can continue watching the court session, They basically just asked Ponyboy a bunch of questions and asked for what happend details ya know so they know what decision is right to make "They chased us..caught us.." Ponyboy says and Randy then speaks up "It was Bob and I..." He says ashamedly as Ponyboy continues to speak 

"They threw me in the fountain and tried to drown me..." He says quietly and Johnny speaks up himself "They tried to beat me up too" He says looking down and Randy nods and the judge speaks up "Defend is not guilty, at this time I will place him in the custody of his older brother, Darrel this court is finished" She says as Darry and Sodapop smile from afar as we all sit up and cheer and clap and Ponyboy hugs all of us and we all get into a group hug...

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