Did not know you hated baloney

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Ponyboy's POV: After Serena wen't inside I start walking to my house. I did not feel to great, my head felt like it was about to explode and my throat was a bit sore but could not smile on the walk back home while thinking of Serena and how sweet and caring she was when she saw I was feeling sick, she really is one great gal. I get to my house and Steve is asleep on our couch, Dally is gone since he wen't to Buck Merrils place for the night, Soda was already in bed, and Two-bit wen't home as Darry was still awake sitting in the arm chair reading the newspaper. I open the door "Hey Darry" I say with a small cough and Darry looks at me "Hey Pone, I think you should get to bed you don't look or sound the greatest" He says with a bit of worry "Alright I think that's the best thing to do anyway" I nod and go to take a nice hot shower and to be honest it did make me feel a bit better. I then go to bed and fall asleep...

It has been a few days after the rumble and Johnny has gotten out of the hospital, I have expected to get better thought the past couple days but if anything I have gotten worse turns out during the rumble I got kicked in the head real hard by a soc and I have been delirious in bed for three days. After what feels like forever I finally wake up in bed and see Serena sitting in a chair next to my bed and she smiles softly when she sees me wake up "Ponyboy?" She says softly and I smile "Yeah? What is it? What's going on?" I ask confused because I did not even know what was happening at this moment 

"Thank god your alright, you have been delirious for about three days now....Apparently you were not in good shape for that rumble...you were already feeling sick from the start and that kick in the head from the soc did not help at all and it made you get a concussion.." She says as she softly holds my hand "Huh? Really? Three days delirious in bed from a concussion?" I ask  and she nods slowly "Yeah three days.." She says then Sodapop barges in the door "Ponyboy!" He says happily and tries to tackle me in a hug but Darry enters and holds him back "Easy there buddy, Pony's gotta take it easy for a while" He says with a small laugh patting Soda's back and Serena laughs a bit too and Darry then looks at me 

"How ya feelin kiddo?" He says as he looks over back at me "I am better" I say and he nods "You haven't eaten in a while we never knew you hated baloney" He says with a small chuckle and I look at him seriously "Never liked it..." I say and Darry nods "Well how would you like some mushroom soup?" He says kindly and I smile and nod at the idea of some nice mushroom soup "Well I would like that just fine" I say and he smiles "Alright I will go in the kitchen and make some, Serena and Soda make sure any of the other boys don't get too rough with him" Me and Soda both nod and Johnny walks in the room "Hey Ponyboy! have not seen you in a while" He says with a smile and Ponyboy smiles 

"Hey Johnny good thing your finally out the hospital" I say with a small smile and he nods "Yeah, Now I can finally use hair grease and use as much as I want" He says with a laugh and Serena laughs along with him "Well I am gonna go to the lot, I will be back soon see ya guys" He says before leaving and Soda leaves the room as well so now its just me and Serena "Oh yeah, I brought some work from school your teachers gave me to bring to you" She says and I groan "Oh god, I must have so much homework from these days I missed and that week in Windrixville awh man!" I say in frustration and Serena smiles sweetly 

"Hey its alright I will help you" She smiles and I look at her "Really? You're gonna help me with all that work?" She nods "Sure if you need the help I got your back" I smile and let out a sigh of relief as I lay back on the bed "Thanks a lot Serena" I smile and she smiles  back...man is she cute I really like her but I don't know how to tell her...I gotta find a way somehow...A couple minuets pass and Darry comes in with a tray table and puts it on the bed and gives me my soup "Thanks Darry" I say as I eat some soup it has been a while since I have eaten "No problem" He says then looks at me with a serious face 

"Oh Ponyboy...I forgot to tell you but in about two days we all gotta go to court ya know, for the murder of Bob" He says and I sigh "Man I forgot about that...Alright but- Johnny can go to jail and he just got out of the hospital" I say saddened if Johnny has gotta leave again, he was my best buddy and us being stuck in Jay mountain made us closer friends "Well who knows whats gonna happen...It will be okay though don't worry" He says with a reassuring smile and I smile back "Alright" I then see Serena get up 

"Where are you going Serena?" I ask with confusion "Oh I gotta get home" She says and I shrug and nod "Alright well stay safe" She smiles "I will, get better soon, see you on Monday" She says sweetly  with that smile of a sweetheart then leaves..I really like that girl...shes just making me like her more and more at this point...

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