I want you to be my girl...

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The Night Of The Prom

Ponyboy's POV: Tonight is the night of the prom and the night that I am making Serena my girl. I put on a tuxedo and grease my hair nicely and put on a tie "Alright Ponyboy, you look great...Oh here" Soda says as he hands me a rose "Give this to her too" I smile "Thanks Sodapop I just want tonight to go perfect...Your driving us to prom right?" I ask and Soda sighs but nods "Fine I will only because I want this to go well for ya" I nod "Thanks

Serena's POV: I get ready in a nice long light blue dress with a slit down the left leg, I put on some white heels and I straighten my hair and curl it a bit. After that I put on some jewelry and put on mascara, lipstick and blush on when I am all done I look at myself in the mirror "I think this is enough" I say positioning my hair and I smile "Perfect...Ponyboy should be here soon.." I say to myself taking a deep breath in

Ponyboy's POV: After a bit me I walk out the door and fix my tie "Alright...Serena Wilson here I come" I smirk and walk across the street to her house and knock on the door and wait there patiently for someone to open the door and her uncle opens the door "Oh hello there Ponyboy" He says with a smile and I smile back "Hi, Sir...Uhm is Serena ready?" I ask and he nods "Yes she is about to come downstairs, He moves to the living room and I see Serena slowly walk down the stairs...My jaw dropped to the floor man what a beaut she looks gorgeous...I smile when I see her "Hey, You look beautiful you ready?" I ask and she smiles and looks up at me

 "Mhm, Thank you" I smile and hold out my arm for her to take and we go to the driveway were Sodapop is I open the car door "Hey love birds ready for prom" Soda says with a laugh as we both laugh as well "yep were ready" Sodapop drives to prom and drops us off at the school, Once we get there I open the car door for Serena and hold her hand and lead her inside the school. We get there and there's a bunch of freshman dancing talking and hanging out 

Serena's POV: Me and Pony enter the prom and some Hip-Hop music plays and me and Pony dance together having a good time smiling when a couple slow romantic songs play and Ponyboy puts his arms around my waist and I put my arms around his neck as we slow dance and look into each others eyes smiling as the song continues to play...This moment is just perfect.."You know ever since the day you moved here I had eyes only for you..." He says as he smiles softly "Me too...I have always liked you.." I say softly as we look in each other's eyes and as if we are the only two people in this world. "You look beautiful tonight Serena.." He says with a sweet loving tone and I smile 

"Thank you, you look real great in your tux" I smile and then "My Girl" plays and he smiles softly "Serena, I want you to be my girl" Ponyboy says with a soft loving smile and I smile back and he leans in to close the gap between us and tenderly kisses my lips and we kiss for a good 8 seconds before we both pull away blushing and smiling like never before and he holds me close as we continue slowly dancing 

"I really do like you so, will you be my girl?" He asks lovingly and I nod and giggle a bit "I would love nothing more" He smiles brightly "Just like this song says..you're my sunshine on a cloudy day.." I smile brightly and giggle a bit as my face flushes red and he chuckles "You're a cutie when you blush, ya know?" He says now blushing himself and I laugh and look up at him "You are too"

(Sorry this chapter is short, I hope you are liking the story so far!!) 

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