Forever and Always

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I open my window to let him in "Dallas, what are you doing here?" He walks into my room "Hey Serena, Sorry to bother you but I need to talk to you" He says a bit worried and I realized that it was bad since Dallas never shows that much emotion "Well what is it what happend?" I ask "Well after Ponyboy took you home I went to bucks and he and Johnny went to the lot, I don't know what happend after that since I never got the full story but Johnny ended up killing a soc and now they are in Windrixville on top of Jay Mountain so they can hide from the cops" he says and I get worried "Oh crap...are they okay?!" I ask panicked 

"Yeah they are fine for now....but they will be in Wildrixville for a while and to be honest I don't know when there comin back, man" He lights a cigarette "Okay thanks for telling me, Dal" I say and he takes a puff of his cigarette "No worries kid, just wanna make sure you know what is happening to your boyfriend, heh" I roll my eyes "Dally we are not even dating" He smirks "Whatever man, anyways I gotta go back to bucks...see ya" He climbs out the window and I close the window then just lay on my bed and think about Pony and Johnny being far away in trouble, I can't even process what's going on it was so unexpected...It was only around 7 hours ago we were fooling around at the diner and 5 hours ago Pony complimented me a we walked through the line to get popcorn..

But then I thought to myself...Johnny...innocent Johnny killed...a soc? He would not even kill a living thing on purpose... I decided to try not to worry myself too much and decided to go back to sleep.  The next morning I woke up and I put on a pair of ripped jeans and a white t-shirt with a black zip up sweater and converse my neck has a bandage on it cause of that  fresh wound I got last night from the damn socs and head out the door and I walk to the Curtis house and knock on the door. 

Then Darry opens the door, I see Sodapop was sitting on the couch and both him and Darry look awful tired probably because they were worried sick about their youngest brother "Hey, Serena" Darry says "Hey, Darry" I say back and I wanna ask him what happend with Ponyboy last night but I don't wanna remind them about the whole situation going on "Did Dally tell you about Pony and Johnny?" Sodapop says "Yeah he told me last night" I say as Darry sighs "Well I gotta go to work see ya, kid" he says to me and walks out the door and Soda puts on his DX hat and looks at me "Don't worry Serena, he aint mad at ya he is just very overwhelmed with Pony being gone he is just not acting like himself, well I also gotta get going Steve is waiting for me at the DX, bye Serena" He smiles and I walk out the door and so does Soda and I decide to see what Dally is up to and hes just in front the diner smoking as usual 

"Hey Dally" He looks at me and takes a puff of his cigarette "Hey Serena, how are ya feeling you sore still?" He asks. Dally was always rude, cold and mean but he was actually pretty nice to me considering how rude he can be "Yeah, I am doin okay? What are you up to?" He flicks his cigarette ashes and looks back at me "Nothin really, was gonna go meet up with Tim and his gang at about 8 but that's later, you worried about Pony and Johnny huh? You now got nothing to do since they aint here" He asks with a small smirk "Yeah I just hope they are doing okay.." Dally pats my shoulder "They will be fine, trust me" I smile "Well I am gonna go back to my house, see ya" he waves and blows out smoke as I leave and I go home and just sit on my bed and my dog who is a girl black and tan Pomeranian names Pasha "Hey girl" I say holding her in my arms and petting her just thinking about what Johnny and Ponyboy are up to all the way at Windrixville...

I had to get it off my mind so I won't worry so much and my phone then rings, and as guessed its Jennifer, I pick up the phone "Hi Jennifer..." I say as I sit on my bed with pasha in my lap "Hey Serena, How is everything going?" She asks and I sigh "Not good..." I say and she gets worried "What happend? Serena...what's going on?" She asks with a lot of concern "Well its a long story" I say scratching my head "I got time" She says softly and I smile a bit, Me and Jennifer always had good friends since the 1st grade, but me and her were the two who are better friends with each other than any one else. "Alright so yesterday me Dal, Johnny and Ponyboy were just having a fun day with each other and we went to the drive ins, I then got beat up by some socs" She gasps 

"Are you okay!?" She says panicked and I nod as I continue holding the phone to my ear with my right hand and softly petting pasha with the left. "Yeah I am okay just got a bad wound on the neck and a black eye, but it's better" She lets out a little sigh of relief "Alright as long as your okay...Continue" She says and I continue telling her about what happend "And Dally told me that Ponyboy and Darry got into an argument and he accidentally hit Ponyboy so he got scared and ran out to the lot and him and Johnny went for a walk when those dickhead socs decided to mess with them. 

Pony said something and they got offended so they drowned him in the fountain and could have killed him but Johnny stabbed the handsome popular soc..." I my voice goes a bit shaky when I tell her the last part "Oh my gosh...Is everything alright?" I sigh "Oh god I hope....Dally said he will keep me updated on as to whats going on up there but I have not heard anything yet" I say "Well it will take time but I promise everything will be okay and if you need someone to rant to or to call for ANYTHING....I will be here" I softly smile "Thanks Jen..." I say softly "Of course" I smile "And if YOU need anything I will be right here as well" I say in a comforting tone "I appreciate it, We got each other's backs Right?" She says and I nod "Forever and Always" She smiles "Alright see ya" She says and I smile "Bye" I hang up and smile thinking about the fun memories me and Jennifer come, Hopefully we can see each other again 

Ponyboys POV: Me and Johnny have to put ourselves in disguise so we wont be so recognizable, Johnny had to bleach my hair blonde and boy do I hate it. "Gee this really makes me look tough" I say taking a puff of my cigarette and Johnny chuckles "alright now you can cut my hair...Get your Jollies.." Johnny says "My pleasure" I say with a smile and grab the dull knife and cut his hair shorter. 

I do miss Serena, and the rest of the gang...its been boring out here in this abandoned church, nothing really to do besides read "Gone With The Wind" and smoke cigarettes it gets pretty boring after doing it for a day or two if i am gonna be honest. Later that night I went out to watch the Jay Mountain the view was so pretty to watch the sunset, Johnny then joined me and we watched the sunset together. "Too bad it can't stay like that all the time.." Johnny says 

"Nothing gold can stay..Natures first green is gold..her hardest hue to hold..her early leaf's a flower...but only so an hour then leaf subsides to Eden sank to grief, so dawn goes down today. Nothing gold can stay" Johnny then turns and looks at me "Where'd you learn that, that's what I meant" he asks I smiled and looked at him "Robert Frost wrote it,  I always remembered it because I never quite knew what he mean't by it" I said looking back into the pretty sunset then Johnny then said to me "I never noticed colors and clouds and stuff until you kept reminding me" I chuckle and smile "Yeah...I don't think I could tell Steve or Two-bit, or even Darry about the clouds and sunset...Just you and Sodapop...hey maybe even Serena Wilson too" I smile thinking about her...

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