I was scared...

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Me and Pony stand in the line and slowly move along with it "You know Serena...you look very pretty in the moonlight" he says smiling and blushing and I blush dark red and try to cover up my big stupid smile of mine but its so hard to, Thank gosh it was night time so he cant see my burning red face. he is just making me like him more and more at this point "Thanks Pony" I say still smiling stupidly "Of course I am just speaking the truth ya know" He says. We are still blushing like crazy and we get the popcorn and drinks "Oh crap we are a couple dollars short. I will go get some more cash from Dally wait here Serena" Pony says and I nod as he goes to get the couple more bucks and I wait and stand there until I hear a few voices from behind me and I realize who it is and I get nervous "Hey isn't that the new greaser girl? She is pretty cute" Bob Sheldon says smirking

 "Hell yeah I mean look at her she is a real looker!" Randy Anderson says also smirking as they beck me out they are wearing their Polo shirts, Khakis and Loafers and they smell like alcohol and I could tell they are drunk which made me more nervous. I see Bob and Randy come up to me "Hey there pretty, how you hang out with us and leave those filthy dirty greasers and join us socs" Bob says and I look at them scared "oh-uh no thanks I would rather stick with them" I say struggling to even get the words out "Come on we all know you" Randy says and after he says that I get now both mad and scared "No" Bob smirks "come on we don't bite!" he says "Leave me alone.." I say to them "What was that honey?" Randy says "I said...Leave. Me. Alone you bastards!" I said and look at Randy and Bob now they both don't look so flirty now they look like they could kill me with their bare hands. 

"Well we don't take no for an answer!" Bob says and he puts his switch to my throat and slices my neck leaving it dripping blood onto my shirt and Randy punches me across the face giving me a black eye but before they can do anything else Ponyboy comes back and sees whats going on "Hey! Get your hands off her!" Pony yells and they turn around "Oh yeah? What if we don't huh?" Randy says as Pony pulls out his switchblade and slowly walks towards the pair "Get lost!" He says fuming and he corners them 

"Okay okay man! but I hope you know we ain't done with you twerps! we will be back!" Bob says as they walk away and I have a cut on my neck and a black eye "Hey..you okay?" Pony asks me softly as a few hot tears run down my cheeks "Yeah.." I say my voice trembling "Come on we gotta get you back to my house I will help tend your cuts" He says softly and smiling and we go back to Dally and Johnny "What the hell happened?!" Dally asks jolting up from his seat adn Johnny doing the same behind him "Serena got beat up by some damn socs.." 

Their eyes go wide "Man we better go back to the Curtis house" Johnny says "Yeah come on!" Dallas says "Man Serena, you gotta learn to defend yourself" Dally says as we walk "I was scared..." I say shakily "Come on Dal, Lay off" Johnny says and Dally turns to him "You little shit don't tell me to lay off" He gets mad "Serena you gotta protect yourself, and if you can't learn I am gonna make you learn" He says sternly looking me in the eyes 

We go to the Curtis house and Pony sits me down on the couch No one was home Two-bit was still at the party doing Two-bit things and Steve, Darry and Soda were still at work. Johnny hands Pony the first-aid kit and Pony bandages the cut on my neck "Damn..that's a deep wound" Pony says as he put on the bandage I wince a bit "Sorry Serena.." Pony says as he continues to clean my cuts and Dally and Johnny stand next to him and Dally grabs some Ice and puts it on my eye "There ya go kid" Dally says and I am still in a lot of pain after a few minuets I stand up "Well thanks for helping me guys but I gotta get home" I say still holding the ice on my eye "Okay let me walk you" Pony says "Pony its alright I live right across from you it takes only a minuet or two to walk" I say "No really its no big deal I know your just in a lot of pain I could not see you in a worse position" Pony says kindly and I smile and I wave to Dally and Johnny and we walk back to my house when we get to my house Pony turns to me 

"Well hope you get better See ya Y/n" He smiles after he says that and he walks away and waves "Bye Pony thanks" I smile and go inside and my uncle sees my face and spits out his coffee "What the heck happened to you Serena!?" My uncle George asks before he takes off the ice to look at the black eye and my aunt Casey comes "What's with all the noise?" She asks and she sees me "Oh Serena Sweetie! what happened?!" She asks with worry "I got beat up by the socs but hey! It's no big deal" I say and Anthony laughs "Damn she got down baddd!!" He says as he watches TV and I flip him off and my aunt looks at him and back at me "Shut up!" I say and my aunt rubs my arm "Oh Serena you look like your in pain take yous should get some rest make sure to ice that eye so it wont get too swollen" I nod "Yeah I think I will, Thanks" My aunt nods and I go upstairs shower and get in my pajamas I put bandages my cuts again and ice my eyes for a bit I get out my portable DVD Player and put in Ferris Bueller's Day Off  and try to get my mind off things...I lay down my neck was sore and the black eye caused me to have a headache and it will be for a while for this damn deep wound on my neck to heal. After a while once the paraide scene finishes I start to get tired so I turn off the DVD and turn off my lights I then cover myself in the bed sheets and fall asleep with my teddy bear in my arms after a while when I am asleep peacefully  I hear a knock on my window and I rub the sleep out of my eyes and I look at my clock and it says its 2:46am. I stand up and go to my window to see Dallas there. 

(Sorry this chapter is a bit shorter!)

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