Meet me at the bleachers at lunch

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It has been about a week since the court session and everything has been going pretty good, One day I am at school walking through the halls by myself, going to my next class which is Science when I hear an announcement on the PA "Attention student's we will be having a prom for all Freshman in a couple weeks" I smile as soon as I hear this I really wanna go with Ponyboy but he probably would want to go with some other girl, but maybe he will ask me? I am not too sure...I then get to my class and sit down and I see Ponyboy take a seat behind me we are in the same Science and Math class. I write my notes and listen to the lesson when I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn to see Ponyboy smiling and he hands me a note with no words coming out of his mouth, I turn back around to face the front and open the note... 

"Wanna go to Prom with me? - Ponyboy <3" I smile so widely yes! he is asking me! I think to myself happily I smile and get my pen and write on the paper "I would love to :)" and pass the note back to him quickly before the teacher turns from the chalkboard and he smiles and passes me another note "Meet me at the bleachers at lunch" I look back at him and nod and he smiles.

At Lunch I go behind the bleachers and see Ponyboy smoking a cigarette and he smiles when he sees me "Hey you" he says as he takes a puff from his cigarette, I smile back "Hi" I say and he looks back at me "So were going to prom together huh?" He smirks and I smile and nod "Yeah I am excited" I say and he nods "Me too, never thought I got the opportunity to take such a goddess to prom" He says and smiles and his face is red as a tomato and mine is even redder he has never been this flirty before I though to myself...He smiles "Well we should get going before we get into any trouble I will see you later?" He asks as he crushes the cigarette and puts it out with the heel of his shoe and I nod "Sure" I wave and he smiles and nods

After school I go home with a big smile I can't remove and my aunt looks at me and smiles "Hi honey how was your day?" She asks as she pours a mug of coffee and I set my bag down "It was great" I say as I pick up Pasha and my aunt smirks "Hey you, what's with the big smile? Huh?" She asks and I smile "Ponyboy asked me to prom" I say happily and she smirks "OoOOOo!" She laughs "When's prom?" She asks me and I respond "in about two weeks" She smiles "Bet you can't wait huh?" I nod 

"Yeah...Well is it alright if tomorrow night I go with Dallas, Ponyboy and Johnny to the movies again?" She nods "Sure since it's Friday why not?" I smile "Thanks a lot aunt Casey" She smiles "Of course now, You can go to the Curtis house but you better be home by at least 8, Alright?" I nod "Okay I will be back later bye" I smile and put down pasha and leave to go to the Curtis house and Dally opens the door "Hey, kid" I look up "Oh hey Dal" He nods "Wanna come inside, we are all just hanging out" He says and holds the door open "Sure, thanks" I walk inside and see Soda sitting on the couch with his girlfriend Sandy, Two-bit drinking some beer sitting in a chair, Ponyboy sitting on the floor, and Johnny sitting on the couch smoking and Darry was still at work 

"Hey Serena" They all say at the same time "Hey" I say as I sit on a chair and Dally pulls up a chair and sits on it backwards "How are you doing Wilson?" Sodapop asks me as he has his arm around his girl "I am alright, you?" I ask and he nods "That's good, I am okay" I nod "Good good.." Dally then lights a cigarette and turns to me "So ya allowed to go tomorrow to see the movie?" Dallas asks me as he takes a puff of his cigarette "Yeah I am allowed" He nods "Nice, We can go to the diner a bit before and get a milk shake or somethin" He says "Sure sounds good" Ponyboy then takes a cigarette and lights it and pulls up a chair next to me "So you excited for prom?" He smiles and I smile back 

"Hell yes" He puts his arm around me and the gang sees this and they all smirk at each other "So Serena...Ponyboy told us about you two going to the prom together.." Two-bit says and smiles "Yeah he did so y'all going?" Johnny says and I nod "Yeah we are going" I say with a smile and the gang smiles too "Aww how sweet!" Sodapop says and Sandy laughs "I remember my first prom" She says and I smile "You enjoy it?" I ask and she smiles "That was such a fun time...especially when it's your first prom.."

 She smiles thinking of the time "You and Ponyboy are perfect for each other, and looks so cute together" I raise an eyebrow "Ya think?" She nods slowly "Oh yeah, You two look adorable with each other" Soda nods in agreement "I agree and I know your a good person when my brother won't shut up about ya" He laughs and Ponyboy looks red as its exposed of how he talks about me and I blush a bit myself "Well you two better enjoy prom together its gonna be a real special night" Dally says as he blows out some smoke from his cigarette "I wen't to prom my freshman year...I went with this girl...her name was Kimberly she was a real looker and a real bitch but overall it was a great time" He smiles and we all laugh a bit

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