Forever my love

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Eight years later me and Pony are now 22 and still dating, We also moved into an apartment together. One day I was washing some dishes when Pony comes behind me and wraps his arm around my waist and plants a small kiss on my cheek "Hey baby" He says and smiles and I shut off the water and dry my hand and turn around to face him 

"Hi my love" He smiles and kisses me "I want you to get ready in a fancy outfit, Okay?" I looked up at him and was confused as I ask "What for?" He smiles 

"Can't say anything else I will see you soon cutie" He leaves and I shrug and go in our room and Straighten and curl my hair "I then put on a nice red slip tight dress and black heels and put on some make up and I go to the living room to see Ponyboy in a tux sitting on the couch and as he sees me he gets up and smiles "You look so beautiful honey" He smiles and takes my hands and I smile back "Lets go" We leave the house and he opens the door for me to his car, then he drives "So your not telling me where we are going huh?"

 I say with a soft laugh and he nods "Damn right honey, But it will be worth it" We go to a beautiful spot where there is a field of flowers and fancy gazebo and roses and I smile as I see this "This is beautiful" I say softly as he takes my hand and leads me closer and I kiss him "Thank you so much baby" He smiles "Anything for you" He says with a smile and we watch the sunset and he brings out a radio and plays "My Girl" and kisses me "This song brings it back huh?" He chuckles and I nod 

"Yeah it sure does brings it back to the best part of my life...when you came" He smiles as he takes my hand and slow dances with me to the song as the sun sets behind us and when the song ends he gets on one knee and takes something out his pocket "Serena Wilson, You were my first and only love....My high school sweetheart...and I want you to forever be my love...Will you marry me?" He asks as I smile bright with tears running down my cheeks and he gets up and hugs me close and spins me around and slips the finger on my left hand and kisses me slow and long "I love you so damn much.." He says with a smile and I smile back "I love you too" 

The day of the wedding:

All our close family and friends an sit in the pews as Ponyboy stands at the front with his groomsmen (The gang) and his best man (Johnny) and Jenny and some of my other childhood friends were my bridesmaids. Everyone stands up and looks behind them as my uncle walks me down the aisle, I am wearing a beautiful mermaid wedding dress with my hair all done up nice. Pony smirks as he sees me and we say our vous "I now pronounce you husband and wife...You may kiss the bride" 

The priest says as Pony kisses me and everyone claps and the gang gets together in a group head and to be honest they were all crying even Dally "Man we all had such good memories together, You guys have grown so fast.." Darry says and he smiles and they all nod in agreement "It was like yesterday we met Serena" Dally says and smiles at me and I smile back

Two years later me and Pony ended up having a son named Adam Conor Curtis, and when Adam was almost three we welcomed twin girls named Mikela Lesley Curtis and Mallory Stacy Curtis . Me and Ponyboy have gone through thick and thin but even on the cloudy days he will forever and always be my sunshine...

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