I may be 14 but I really am in love

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After Jennifer's car is out of sight I go back to the Curtis house and open the door and Pony smiles as he sees me "Hey, how was it?" I smiled a bit "It was fun...Just went by so fast.....too fast.." I say with a sigh and lean my head on his shoulder and he rubs my back soothingly "I know it is..." He wraps his arms around me in a nice comforting embrace "Wanna go watch a movie at the drive in with Dally and Johnny at 8, It can get your mind off some things" He says with a small soft smile and I look back up at him and smile back "Sounds good".

We then meet Johnny and Dal at the drive-ins a couple minutes before 8 and watch Back To The Future since the drive-ins just randomly played it that night. I take a seat next to Pony and he pulls me close as we watch the movie, I lay my head on his shoulder and smile as he kissed the top of my head, I might be 14 but I really am in love even though its been like 4 days of dating. We get to the party when Marty meets his parents when they were young and Ponyboy gets up. "Wanna come with me to go get some cokes for everyone?" 

He says sweetly and I smile and stand up "Sure I will tag along "He smiles and takes my hand "Great lets go" We get to the line and it was shorter than it was the first time we went to the drive ins which was almost a month ago. We grab 4 cokes for everyone and go back to the seats "Here" I say softly as I give Johnny a coke and he smirks and looks at me "Thanks" I smile back "No problem" I say in a response as Pony gives Dallas his coke and we get back to our seats cuddling as we watch the movie 

"Oh this is the best part" Pony says to me at the scene when Marty McFly plays the guitar at the prom thing. After the movie finishes we all get up and go to the lot, Us four just lay on the grass and smoke cigarettes while watching the stars. Ponyboy leans against a tree as I sit next to him and Dally and Johnny sit on the grass near us as they watch the stars too, Pony lights a cigarette and looks at me "Want one?" I shrug 

"Sure why not" He passes me a cigarette and lights it "Thanks" I say as he gives me a smile and I take a puff of the cigarette as I watch the stars flashing...some bigger than the others some brighter than the others when all of a sudden Ponyboy speaks "Look!" He says as he points to a beautiful shooting star and we all watch the beauty of this. "Man, Never in my life will I see a shooting star.." Dal says in a deep husk voice, Johnny nods and Dally then lights a second cigarette.

at about 10 pm we realize the time, Johnny decided to stay at the lot for the night and Dally went to Buck's place and Pony drops me off at my house "I love you have a great night" He says and puts his arm around my wist and the other arm on my cheek as he gives me a nice long passionate loving kiss and I pull away blushing like crazy and he hugs me and goes back to his house and I open the door smiling and I go up to my room and read a magazine when all of a sudden Anthony comes in my room. I look up 

"What is it Anthony?" I ask and he looks at me "I saw what happend with you and Ponyboy before you came inside" He says and I look at him "So? Shouldn't you be asleep?" He smirks "I am gonna tell my dad!" I roll my eyes "No Anthony stop it come on! Be nice to your older cousin, and what you do is none of your business anyways!" He rolls his eyes "Give me 5 bucks and I wont tell no one" I sigh then eventually get up and get a five dollar bill "Pain in my ass.."I mumble as I give him the bill "You better not tell shit to no one, Capiche?" He nods "Capiche, Thanks for the five bucks" He says and leaves "Your welcome" I lay back on the bed and fall asleep. 

(Sorry this is another short chapter!)

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