We chased em outta our territory!

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We go to the hospital and go to Johnny's room. We see him there in the hospital bed laying there hes looking better and he smiles when he sees us walk in "Hey you guys" I smile "Hey, Johnny man" He lights a cigarette and fist bumps Johnny "Hi, Johnnycakes" Ponyboy says "So when you getting out, Cade?" I ask Johnny as I pull up a chair and sit next to his hospital bed "I should been getting out tomorrow evening" Johnny says happily, poor thing has been stuck in here for a while "Eh, Johnny we stomped those socs good...chased em out our territory !" Dally says proudly "I can tell y'all look beat up" Johnny says laughing.

 I have a bloody nose, my whole face is bleeding, I got a busted lip and bruises along my arms and back. Ponyboy has a bloody nose and a bloody face with a cut along his arm. While Dally is looking a bit better than me and pony with a bloody lip and just a black eye, his arm makes it worse but it's still healing. "Good thing y'all got those big time socs out the way and away from our territory" Dally nods "Wish you were there man.." He takes a puff out of his cigarette then puts it out 

"You said you'd be out tomorrow right? what time is the evening tomorrow?" Dally asks Johnny "They said around 4 or somethin" Dally smiles as Johnny says that "That ain't too bad" Dally says as he rubs his chin then stands up "Well its pretty late we should all get goin, see ya Johnny" Dally says adn Johnny smiles "Hey thanks for coming to visit" Johnny says with a smile still on his face "No problem Johnny boy" Pony says with a small smile as he takes a puff. "Well we should get going, We don't wan't Darry to be mad" Dally says with a small laugh, hes been pretty happy since he got out the hospital, I bet bucks hes gonna be the same old rough, tough mean Dallas Winston tomorrow I thought to myself. "Yeah, Well thanks again I will see you guys tomorrow when I get out bye" 

We wave and leave the hospital and get into the car me and Pony sit in the back seat while Dallas drives. Ponyboy leans his head against the window I can see hes in pain and feeling sick and I move to the middle seat and put my arm around him "You feel sick huh?" I saw and he nods "Well when we get back at your house you should lay down and take an aspirin or two and drink water" I say softly as I rub his shoulder and he leans his head on me and dally looks in the rear view mirror and smirks at us we then pull up to the Curtis house and get out the car and see Darry sitting in the armchair, Soda sitting on the stairs and Two-bit on the floor and Steve laying out on the couch, they are all beat up too. 

Me, Pony and Dally flop on the couch and I wince because my back is all bruised from being tackled. "What time is it?" I ask and Steve checks his watch "its 9:13" I get up "Oh crap I gotta go" Pony holds me down "Come on Y/n, Hang out for a bit" He says smiling softly and I smile "I know I'm sorry I just gotta go before my aunt and uncle get worried" I say and he Ponyboy stands up "I will walk you home" I look at him and see he looks real sick and under the weather "No no its okay I will walk home myself its literally across the street anyways, quick and easy ya know? you should get some rest" I say softly and he smiles 

"Its really okay, I don't mind as soon as I get back I will go straight to bed" He smiles and I smile back "Okay fine, bye guys" I smile and wave to the gang and they smile and wave back and as we leave Soda gives Ponyboy a wink and a thumbs up. It was still raining but we did not bring an umbrella so he holds me close and puts his jacket over us and we run across the street to my house and he smiles "Have a good night, Serena I will see you soon" He smiles and gives me a quick hug and leaves "Bye you too" I then walk into my house and see my aunt watching the news and my uncle reading the news paper while smoking a cigarette and I still look pretty beat up from the rumble "Oh Serena sweetheart, again?" I laughed lightly 

"Yeah...we had a rumble tonight.." I say and my aunt's eyes widen a bit "A rumble as....as in a fight?" She asks and I nod and my uncle looks up from his news paper and gives me a thumbs up "I remember when I was young me and my gang used to have rumbles before it was a blast...did y'all win?" My uncle asks proud of me and I nod "Yeah we knocked those suckers away from our territory" I say with pride and my uncle gives me a nod of respect "Good for you, now I suggest you shower and clean your cuts and go to bed and get some rest. 

Its been a long night for ya" My uncle says as he puts out his cigarette and my aunt nods in agreement "I agree you look very tired, and beat up" She says sweetly as she rubs my arms "Shower and get some rest Hun" I nod and go upstairs and take a shower and get into my Pajama's and lay down about to sleep but all of a sudden I am not tired anymore, Like not even a minuet ago I was about to fall asleep I honestly don't get it, I then just read a book which always makes me sleepy and after 8 minuets of reading I finally called it a night. 

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