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When Darry shuts the door its now me, Johnny and Ponyboy "Well what should we do until we go meet up with Dally at 4" Johnny says and Pony looks like he is thinking "Hey why don't we watch some TV then go to the music store its only 8am...and I guess we can decide what to do after that because we will still have so much time" Pony says "Yeah sounds good" I say "Yeah man works for me" Johnny says and I sit in between Pony and Johnny on the couch and Pony turns on the TV and Pony Puts on Cheers "No way man, this shows on way to much at my house" I say taking the TV remote from him and Pony rolls his eyes while laughing and I and put on MTV "You think this is any better Serena? Music videos?" Pony says "Yeah what do you think Johnny you are the final judge of what we are watching MTV or Cheers?" I say to Johnny 

"MTV I agree with Serena Sorry Pony" Pony sighs and we watch TV for a bit and I see Pony has been getting closer to me as and he is siting next to me on my left and Johnny is sitting next to me on my left "Well what now we have been watching TV for a hour" I say and Pony nods "Yeah come on guys lets go to the music store" Me and Johnny nod and we stand up and walk out the house its a nice sunny day. As we are walking we notice a blue mustang and Johnny turns pail and both me and Pony look worried and we all hide in a bush "Its okay Johnny" I say to Johnny and he smiles and calms down a bit as Pony is on the lookout for if any socs come and Pony sees them exit their cars 

"Oh man..they are walking out the cars what if they know we are here?!" Johnny says "Its okay Johnny" Then the socs drive off and we go to the music store Johnny buys a Wu-Tang Clan cassette and Pony buys a Rolling Stones cassette and I buy a En Vouge cassette a few hours pass and through those few hours we have been walking we went to some more stores and just hung out.

Its now 4 and Dally is waiting for us in front of the drug store smoking a cigarette and me Johnny and Pony come "Hey there you guys are" Dally says taking a drag of his cigarette "what should we do?" Johnny asks Dally "We got a while until the movie starts in the meantime lets go bother Soda and Steve at the DX" Dally says smirking and we all go to the DX "Oh Soda here come the hobos" Steve says and Soda laughs "Hey guys" Soda says "Hey Sodapop!" Pony says we all hang out at the DX "Hey who wants to buy a windshield wiper?" Dallas says "Oh come on give it back Dally!" Steve says and I laugh and Soda chuckles "Just give em the money" He says. 

We then go to the diner and take a seat in a booth Dal sits next to Johnny while me and Pony sit across from them and blow the paper off straws at a waitress walking by and we laugh as she moves to the booth next to us so she can  clean it up and we continue to blow straws at her and dally throws a crumpled napkin at her and laughs "Hey if you kids can't behave you can leave" The waitress says and Dally leans back "Hey! We did not do anything man...Were good, Hey Pony give me a lighter" He says and takes a sip of his coffee as Pony gives him a lighter and and and me and Johnny blow more straws at her and when Pony gets his lighter back joins in on blowing more paper straws not caring about one word she said 

"I said knock it off" She said starting to get irritated and Dally blows out the smoke of his cigarette "Come one sweetie we are not trying to cause anything" He says as he looks over at Ponyboy who blows another straw at her and he tried not to laugh "Pony be a good boy" He says taking a sip of his coffee and Pony smiles "Sorry pop" He says with a shrug as he sets the straws down "You know what? Leave. Now" She says and a guy in the background says "Go leave! You four heard her!" He says 

I roll my eyes "Man shut up we don't need no damn parrot!" I say to the guy annoyed and he looks at me and was about to say something but decided to keep his trap shut since he did not expect for me to say anything, the three boys look at this and try not to laugh when dally and the waitress keep arguing "Hey wait let me finish my cawfee I bought some cawfee and I wanna drink it right here" Dally says and she looks sternly at him "Leave" Dally laughs "This is pretty serious huh?" He says to us as we all laugh and end up leaving the diner laughing "Man the look on her face!" Dally says as we walk out.

 We then go to a drug store and sit there and I sit next to Johnny who sits next to Pony and Pone sits next to Dallas and Pony takes a sip of his drink and "How is it man?" Dally asks "It's horrible! Too much syrup or somethin" He says and Dally takes the drink "Here let me try" He takes a sip from it and a lady who works there looks up "Is something wrong?" She asks and Dally nods and puts the drink in front of her "Yeah this- this is garbage I wouldn't feed it to my cat" He says "It's fine.." The lady softly says as Pony looks at her "I am sorry mam, This soda is not suitable" Pony says and me and Johnny watch this go down smirking since we are trying our best not to laugh our asses off "Its gross!" Dally says and the other worker there walks over and talks with us as Pony argues with them "Don't even pay for it!" Dally says as he gets up and steals about 3 packs of cigarettes without the workers were paying attention to Ponyboy because of his drink situation "Lets go man I wouldn't come back" Dally says as he slips the cigarettes in his pocket and Pony slams some coins on the table 

"Keep the change.." he says as we leave and Dally gets out first "Come on man! Hurry up!" He says as me Johnny and Ponyboy walk out and he smacks our heads "Stupid!" He says and we roll our eyes we walk through the alleyway "Suckers!" Dallas says holding up the backs of cigarettes as we all laugh, "Hey did I say you guys can play on my grass?" Dally says to 3 little kids as they shake their heads "No.." Pony lights a cigarette "Then what  are you doing here?" The kids look at each other "Give me those cards will ya?" They give Dallas the cards "You guys ever play 52 pick up?" The kids nod "What? Hey don't get wise...I don't like little kids I just-" He throws the cards Dally then looks back at us and back at the kids "Get outta here ima kill you!" He says as us four chase the kids across the filed "They sky's getting dark lets go" Dally says "Lets go man" Johnny says

We get to the Dingo and sneak in under the gate. We are watching Boyz N The Hood We all take our seats and I am sitting next to Pony and Dally "Hey Serena, ever watch this movie?" Pony asks me "Oh of course I love this movie" I say and that makes Pony smile "Yeah This movies great Its my favorite" He says then I look at him "I thought you said your favorite was The Sound Of Music" I say to Pony and he chuckles and smirks "Well ya know it changes" He blushes "Hey man you two shut up and stop flirting the movies starting!" Dally says and Johnny laugh at me and Pony both laugh and blush as we look away from each other and Johnny smirks Johnny has warmed up to everything a bit more. "See they like each other!" Johnny says and Dally laughs "Shut up guys" Pony says and Dally and Johnny continue laughing 

"How about we all just shut up and watch the damn movie man" I say and Dally looks at us "you two would be cute together you look like a couple" Dally says and I throw my popcorn at him "Hey hey! man I am sorry okay okay stop!" Dally says laughing and Johnny and Pony both laugh at him "Hey Dal make sure you brought an extra shirt don't wanna get a coke thrown in your face again" Johnny says to Dally laughing and Dally rolls his eyes and flicks his head Dallas puts his seat up and falls out his seat and us three burst out laughing and Dally gets up and brushes himself off and looks at us "You punks saw nothing" He says with a serious face and we nod trying not to laugh as Dally sits down and lights a cigarette

"Hey Y/n why don't you go get some more cokes and popcorn" Dallas says handing me some money then Pony stands up "I can come with you if you'd like" Pony says with a smile and I smile back "Alright" I say and Dally looks at us "Okay you lovebirds go before the line gets too long!" He says laughing and Johnny laughs along with him and me and Pony walk and I continue walking as Pony quickly turns around to Johnny and Dal and flips them off as they laugh and he catches up to me in line to get some more popcorn and coke

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