I am coming to visit!

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A couple days pass and one morning I woke up smiling to myself as I stared at the ceiling thinking about last night and that the one and only Ponyboy Curtis was my boyfriend. I then get up and get changed into jean shorts, and a white long sleeve and a pair of chunky white Fila shoes. I was about to leave my room when I got a call from Jennifer and I got confused, Why is Jennifer calling me at 8am? I wonder to myself but then pick up the phone anyways. "Hey Serena!" Jennifer sounds pretty excited and I wonder what got her so much energy at 8am. "Hey Jenny" I say smiling "Okay guess what?" I raise my eyebrow "What is it?" I ask in response and she squeals "I am coming to Tulsa to visit you for the day!" 

She says and I jump up in excitement "No way! Are you serious?!" I say as we both squeal in excitement "No I am not kidding! I am about to go in the car! I gotta start going" I smile brightly at the thought of me and Jennifer seeing each other again after like two weeks, "I am gonna leave right now, I will see you tonight!" She says with so  much joy in her voice and I smile "Okay sounds great see you then, bye" I hang up and jolt out of bed and go down the stairs and my aunt sees me and smiles "Whats got you in a good mood today Miss Serena?" My aunt says with a small laugh and I look at her with a bright smile

 "Jennifer is coming to visit for the day" I say and her smile grows bigger seeing my excitement of my friend coming to visit "That's great honey!" I smile "I am gonna be at Curtis house, is that okay?" I ask and she nods as she takes a bite of her toast "That's fine by me enjoy and stay safe hun" She says and I smile and leave and get to the Curtis house, I knock on the door and someone opens the door and it is Johnny "Oh hi Johnny" I say with a warm smile and he realizes its me and smiles back "Hey there, Wilson" He opens the door wider for me to come inside "Come on inside, Everyone is here" He leads me to the living room were the whole gang is playing cards and watching TV.

 Ponyboy smiles as he sees me "Hi, Serena" He says as he gives me a quick kiss and gestures for me to sit next to him on the couch and as I do he wraps an arm around my shoulders and kisses my cheek. "So how has it been in the life of Serena Wilson?" Anything new?" He asks me and I smile "Jennifer is coming for the day, She is on her way just might take a bit cause it's farther and traffic.." He smiles as he hears this since he knew how much I missed Jenny "That's great! When she comes you two just you and Jennifer should have a day together catch up get lunch" He smiles sweetly and I turn to face him and put a hand on his cheek "I don't want you to be alone though" I say and he smiles and kissed my cheek 

"It is gonna be really hard not being around you for the day, But I want you to spend the day with Jennifer you rarely see her....Anddd maybe when she leaves you can spend the night here" He smirks and I smile and kiss his nose "Thank you" I smile softly and he rubs my back "Of course, As long as your happy..." We look in each other's eyes and the gang watches this scene of us unfold of me and Pony, He leans into kiss me but before our lips touch... "Get a room, love birds!" Two-bit says loudly and starts mocking us "You dipshit ruined the moment" I say as I roll my eyes and everyone laughs 

Jennifers POV: I was in the car it has been about a hour of driving and I sit in the backseat watching out the window and I look over at my mom who is driving "Hey mom, You know when we will be there?" I ask as she looks at me in the rear view mirror "We should be there soon I just got out of traffic" I smile "Alright". After a bit we get into Serena's neighborhood and I find her aunt and uncles house and my mom drops me off at the front door and gets out of the car herself and we knock on the door and her aunt opens the door 

"Oh hi Jennifer! Hello Ms.  Landon!" My aunt says sweetly and I smile Serena's aunt was always such a sweet welcoming lady "Hi Mrs. Wilson" I say "Is Serena, here?" She smiles softly "No Serena is not here but you see that house across the street?" I look behind me and see a nice small house across the street then turn back to her aunt "Yep, What about it?" I ask and she smiles "Serena is over there cause that's her boyfriend's house" She says and I nod "Alright, Thank you Mrs. Wilson" I say and she smiles and my mom goes inside with Serena's aunt so they can talk while I walk across the street to the Curtis house and knock on the door.

 I waited for almost a minute then saw a tall guy with an elfish face and high cheek bones, He was a good looking guy "What is it?" He says in a cold mean tone and I get a bit nervous "Oh uh- I am Jennifer, J-Jennifer Landon Serena's friend" I say and his facial expression turns from mean and cold to a nice and a bit more welcoming "Ah yes! Jennifer Serena has been waiting for you she is just in the living room come on in" He says and I let out a small sigh of relief that this guy wont kill me, I then go inside the living room and see Serena and she turns to see me and runs up and hugs me and I hug her back, Man I really missed my best friend..

Serena's POV: As soon as I saw Jennifer I ran up and hugged her tighter than ever before and I smiled "Serena I missed you so much!" I smile "I missed you too Jenny I have been waiting for you" We then turn and see the gang smiling at this small reunion with me and Jennifer, I told them so much about our friendship and they know how good of friends we are. 

"Jennifer, this is the gang, Guys this is Jennifer" I say and they all wave and introduce themselves "Well it was nice meeting you guys" She says and I give Ponyboy a kiss "I will see you soon, Love you bye" I smile and he pulls me in for one more passionate kiss. "Love you too stay safe, And if a guy tries flirting with you tell me and I will beat his ass" He says with a smirk and I let out a light laugh "Well noted, Love ya bye" Me and Jennifer leave and go out.

Ponyboy's POV: After Serena leaves I smile to myself and the gang looks at me "You sure do love that girl huh, Pone?" Johnny asks me and I nod "Yeah..." I say still grinning like a goof and they all laugh "She is a nice girl, You two are perfect for each other" Soda says and gives me a pat on the shoulder and I smile

Serena's POV: Me and Jennifer go out to lunch and talk and catch up about stuff "So Serena, you and Pony are finally dating huh?" She asks me smirking and I smile and nod "Yep and I have never been happier and she gives me a pat on the back "I am happy for you, I knew you always liked him" I smile "Yeah ever since I moved here and first met him something about him was just so...different ya know? One moment he is shy and blushing, The next moment he is flirty and grinning, The next second he could be bad ass and protective"

 I say and she laughs "Girl you are obsessed over that kid" She says and I shrug with a small smile on my face "Guess I am but I am so happy he is mine, Anywho lets stop talking about me...Anything new happen with you Jenny?" I ask as I take a sip from my coke "Nah not really to be honest, But remember that Joshua kid?" She says and I nod slowly "Joshua Green, right?" She nods her head multiple times "Yes, him...Well he was gone for like 3 weeks I don't know why but he got a new haircut and looks so fricken cute!" She says and I fake gag "He is not cute Jen" I say laughing and she flicks my arm "I could say the same about Ponyboy but I am not" She says teasingly and I laugh 

"Okay okay fine!" She laughs then goes a bit serious "Who knew a haircut can change so much..." She says stairing into space and I laugh and flick her head "Stop dreaming and drooling Jennifer" I laugh and she laughs herself "Sorry bout that...What should we do now? Wanna go to the mall?" She asks and I nod "Sure lets go" We then walk to the mall and go to a poster store "This poster is so hot" Jennifer says as she opens a poster with a picture of Shawn Hunter from boy meets world and I laugh "You think that's hot? Look at this" I open a poster of Mike Vitar and she rolls her eyes 

"Serena your too obsessed with Mike Vitar" I roll my eyes myself with a laugh "I can say the same about you and Shawn" We put the posters back and go shopping and get some new clothes after that it is about 4pm and we get back to my house "Well Serena my mom said I gotta go..." She says sadly with a sigh and I sigh as well "Why it's only 4" I say and she looks back up at me "She said it's gonna be a long drive back with traffic and all that..." She hugs me "I hope I can come back soon..." She says and I hug her back tightly "Me too...I will call you all the time" We pulla way from out hug after about a minuet and a half and she gets in the car and waves from the window as her mom dives off and I sigh and lean against the porch "Man I wish she did not have to leave.."

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