Pinky Swear?

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Ponyboy's POV: It was a bit before the rumble, I was looking at myself in the bathroom mirror running my fingers over my chin when I turned and looked out the door and saw Soda and Steve playing cards "Hey Soda? When did you Start shaving?" I ask as Soda passes a card to Steve "When I was fifteen" He says as I keep examining my face "When did Darry?" He looks up at me "When he was thirteen why? figuring on growing a beard to impress Serena?" I roll my eyes "Shut up" I then walk to the table where Steve throws his cards at Soda as they start arm wrestling "Hey where is Serena anyway?" Steve said after beating Soda in the arm wrestle I shrug 

"Not sure Ima go call her" I go to the house phone and dial her number and it rings about two times...I then here someone pick up the phone and hear a beautiful soft voice "Hello?" I smile "Hey Serena, Where are you? Are you coming?" I ask confused as to why she is not here yet "Oh yeah I will be there in a couple minuets, sorry I had to just finish up doing some dishes" I smile as I hear she is coming "No worries" I say "Alright I will be there soon see ya in about 10" I smile as she hangs up and I put the phone down and sit next to Two-bit who is just watching Mickey Mouse. When I hear the door open 

Serena's POV: I walk into the Curtis house and changed my clothes I am now wearing some dark flared jeans and a Pink Floyd T-shirt with my hair down and I have a pair of converse on of course. Ponyboy sees me and smiles he gets up and hugs me and I smile and he looks down at me as we are still hugging and it seems like he wont let go for another minuet

 "You ready for the rumble?" He says softly as he rubs my back "Yeah, you still feel under the weather?" I say a bit concerned as I feel his forehead about him fighting in a rumble while under the weather and he smiles "I took some aspirin I will be alright.." He then pulls away from the hug "You do feel  a bit warm.." He looks at me reassuringly "I will be okay I promise" I look at him a bit skeptical but then hold out my pinky finger "Pinky swear?" He smiles and links his pinky with mine "Pinky swear" He says with a smile

After we turn to see Steve and Soda watching our moment at the dining table and they start laughing "Pony's got a girl!" Steve yells laughing and Soda then joins in "When's the wedding you two?" Soda adds laughing and Two-bit laughs as well and Darry walks in and chuckles to himself at his little brother with me. "Well the rumble starts 7, and its 6:25 we still got a while" Two-bit says and Steve smirks "Only 35 minutes before we stomp those socs good!" he says and Soda laugh 

A little later it is now 7:48 and Darry looks at his watch "Oh, Its already 7:48 and we still gotta walk" We all jump up and run out of the house and Steve does a flip off a car while Two-bit does a flip off the porch we all run laughing and smiling and Darry puts an arm around me "Your the smallest out of us all Serena, will you be okay?" I nod "I will get a hold of a little guy" I say and he smiles and lets me go "I will be by your side" Pony says smiling and I smile back and we all continue running to the area where we are gonna fight the socs. We then get there and see the socs there waiting for us a bit shocked to see me there to fight since I am a girl I then hear a soc snicker and mumble 

"Oh shell be easy..." and him and his friends snicker, Tim Shepard and his gang are with us too. and Paul Holden, Darry's football bud from high school stands in front of him "Hello Darrel..." Paul says and Darry looks him in the eyes "Hello Paul.." Darry then says "I can take you" Paul says and then he punches Darry in the jaw and my eyes widen as everyone starts fighting and punching and kicking each other when i hear a familiar voice..."Hey! No rumble is the same without me!" I then see Dallas but before I could react a soc starts going for me, he starts punching me in the arm and face and I punch him back and kick him in the nuts and falls to the ground in pain, some of the gang that saw this were shocked as their eyes widened and I saw that 2 more socs were running to me 

"OH SHIT!" One of the socs tackles me "GAH!"  I fall to the ground in pain and I try to fight back but I am already in so much pain from before I punch the socs a couple of times before I get winded by a punch in the stomach and my breathing turns into sharp quick breaths as I hold my stomach but after a few minuets I get back up and keep fighting. We all then end up chasing the socs away and we win, I then notice Pony and run to him "You okay?" He nods "I am ok.." he says breathing heavily and Dally then grabs both of us and drags us to the car he took from buck, We then drive to the hospital to see how Johnny is doing. 

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