Sprace Part One

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"Spot, you're a freaking idiot."

Warnings: Mentions of the Refuge, Snyder, lots crying, confronting Spot in a very shouty way, injures, ANGST, and yeah.

(Gosh Yong why do you keep saying 'yeah'?)

(Also twists the script and whatnot)

(Newsies Jr universe)

Race didn't stop running to Brooklyn. He didn't stop moving his legs, although they were so sore after being kicked and clobbered and such. But it wasn't the time to be thinking about these things.

The only things that were going through the Italian boy's mind was on how much his boyfriend was going to pay for being a coward, and not therefore joining the strike, and therefore leading to the Lower Manhattan Newsies getting seriously injured, and-

"Race. What happened?"

(Me then proceeds to type the rest of this story out the exact moment I wake up on the phone haha)

"You," Race replied, looking at the person's stormy-blue eyes. "Sean Patrick Conlon, I know you want me to be safe, but if you truly wanted me to be safe, you should've joined the strike."

Race got the reaction he expected from the tiny King of Brooklyn.

"Antonio Higgins. Listen, you need Bandage to clean you up. You didn't just get a punch in the jaw, your whole body is-"

The said Lower Manhattan Newsie wasn't thinking straight.

Or even thinking at all as the words spilled out through his mouth, saying everything that had happened in the past two hours.

"If you'd joined the strike, my newsies wouldn't have been soaked so bad, and Crutchie wouldn't have been taken to the Refuge. Crutchie! Crutchie. Was. Taken. To. The. Refuge!"

The tears were literally making Race choke as he shouted at Spot.

Spot jumped down to pat Race's back. "I'm sorry that Crutchie was taken to the Refuge, Nio, but wait. Your newsies?"

"Sean, I love you, but can't you be smarter? Figure it out yourself."

Race kissed the smaller boy on the lips, but then punched him in the arm.

"Spot, you're a freaking idiot."

Part two 'cause I don't want to put the next bit on the same chapter

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