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I am going to try something new and kinda terrifying (for me).

W for shouting, arguing, mvrder, gvns, de@th and that kinda stuff.

Modern/High School AU

"What the hell, Mike?" Ike shouted at his twin as the paper ball hit his head. It hurt quite a bit. Ike grabbed the paper ball and threw it back at Mike for his revenge, but was unfortunately spotted by the teacher. "Ike Guzman, you know the class rules. You are not allowed to shout or throw paper balls across the classroom. Detention."

Ike glared at Mike, who grinned smugly. He was still mad about how the other day Mike had stolen his favourite stuffed toy, and found it half buried in the garden. However, Mike's Nintendo had been stolen and hidden for revenge.

Later that day (Like at lunchtime)

Ike ran over to where he knew his boyfriend was. Sure enough, Hotshot was hanging out with the Brooklyn Boys.

"Shot Shot Shot Shot Shot Shot Shot Shot Shot Shot-"

"Hmm?" Hotshot asked, not looking up from the sandwich he was murdering with his eyes. "Um I kinda got into a fight with Mike today, and the teacher gave me detention, and I also have something to give you." Hotshot nodded, looking up from his sandwich and stuffing it in his pocket. "I gave up trying to murder the sandwich anyways."

A while later, when Ike was about to give the little gift to Hotshot, an alarm rang. It was the lockdown alarm.

The voice of Principal Pulitzer blared through the speakers, sounding panicked and rushed.

"Students! Find somewhere safe to hide! An armed man has entered the school grounds, and-" A bang cut the principal off and a scream followed suit.

"Ike. RUN!" Hotshot yelled, dragging his boyfriend behind him to a quiet spot in the very furthest corner of the school.

Ike was crying as more and more screams and gunshots sounded. "Shhh, it'll be okay," Hotshot tried to comfort Ike, but he wasn't so sure himself whether they would survive. Somewhat trapped behind a bunch of spiky hedges, if the person with the gun approached them, they'd have nowhere to hide.

Just then, the reassuring sounds of police and ambulance sirens blared from somewhere near where the screams were.

Ike could hear a lot of talking, shouting before eventually a small crackling sound led to silence.

"You can come out now," A sweet voice was heard behind the two. They both whipped their heads around to see a middle aged paramedic making her way to them. The woman held out her hand. "Are you guys okay?"

Ike managed a small nod and so did Hotshot.

"MIKE!" Ike yelled, scrambling to the small body lying on the blood-stained grass, yet to be identified and wrapped in a heavy-duty black plastic bed.

Ike sobbed, his tears like rivers running down his face. He looked for Hotshot, before widening his eyes. Spot Conlon. Dead. Shot in the head.

At least Mike had been shot through the heart, and the exit wound was not as tattered and messy as some of the other bodies Ike had just seen.









There were others, many others that he knew, but he couldn't take it anymore. He vomited at the sight of all this blood, all this life taken away in the space of less than an hour.

Ike knew that he'd never be the same again.

At least he'd still have Hotshot in his life, being a light stopping him from giving up on the world.


I gave up so much of my class time to write this lol.


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