Specs x Pigtails

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I'm definitely going to get killed by my friends by writing this :) (Other friends not Zilin and Juline) They play Pigtails and Specs and both have the same name.

I actually suggested this idea not too long ago, and they both gave me death glares.

And this is set in Newsies Jr, in case you didn't know.

Pigtails is based on Henry.

Specs thought he'd never find love.

He'd also given up on it, instead focusing on selling enough papers everyday and treating all his brothers that became sick, started a fight (that was mainly Race or Albert being unable to keep their mouths shut) or got jumped.

Until one day, the Manhattan Newsies got their first girl newsie. He didn't really pay any attention to Lucie, instead just keeping to himself.

However, Specs couldn't control his emotions; and therefore, felt himself falling for her.

And Romeo did not get his newsie nickname for nothing.

"Heyyyyyy Specs," Romeo said one day as Specs was reading a newspaper. "Do you like Lucie?"

Specs hid his whole head in the big sheet of black and white.

Romeo chuckled. "I guess that's a yes."

"Shut up."


"Why did I even make you my best friend?" Specs muttered, tearing his fingers through his longish dark hair.

His spectacles nearly fell off in the process, and he caught them, and gave the lenses a little wipe.

Later that day in the Lodging House after selling

"You need a newsie nickname," Ike said.

Lucie frowned. "Then what will it be? It better be something good."

"What about..." Ike nudged Mike. "Temper."


It was now Crutchie's turn to be distressed. "Woah, woah, take it down. I thinks Specs doesn't wanna treat you two just because Ike did something stupid."

"Yeah," Specs said, before a thought entered his mind. "Hows about... Pigtails?"

Lucie blinked for a moment. Pigtails as a name was quite unusual; but it suited her perfectly. She subconsciously went to adjust her iconic pigtails before replying "Sure."

She never planned on joining the newsies- a bunch of street kids who sold newspapers for living. But then again, Pigtails never thought her older brother would die. Her newsie nickname would help her remember him, as he'd always put her hair in pigtails.

Timeskip to like a month later

"You need to tell Pigtails that you like her!" Romeo groaned, dramatically flopping his head onto Specs' shoulder.

"No! She won't like me back!"

Romeo gave Specs a disdainful look. "Reallllllyyyyyy?"

Specs sighed. "Yes, she won't like me back."

Pigtails guided Hazel into the newsies bunk room, and gestured to a bunk tucked into a corner, away from all the other bunks.

"This is the girls' bunk," Pigtails said. "Because we're a whole 'nother gender, we get to sleep a bit further away from the chaotic boys."

Hazel grinned. "Yay."

Pigtails grinned back.

Specs ran into the bunk room, Romeo not far behind him.


"Tell me what now?" Pigtails asked, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

Specs looked like he wanted to disappear forever.

Hazel smirked. "C'mon, tell us."


He sprinted out of the door, but was stopped by Jack coming in, and was pushed back into the room.

The realisation of what Specs said dawned on Pigtails.

"You like me?"

Specs nodded slowly, his cheeks turning red. "Do you like me back?"

Romeo was rolling around the floor laughing at his best friend's awkwardness.

Pigtails bit her lip. "Yes?" She said softly.

Arg that was sooo bad!!!!

Sorry 'bout that.

Also I noticed something, and I wanted to share it with you guys.

So in King of New York, Race goes like 'a pair of new shoes with matching laces'.

That means that his shoes don't have matching laces! I thought that might be a cool detail to put in my costume. (which I did)


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