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I'm just gonna say that this is after the strike. Like a year after.

Oops- violence. And homophobia. And soaking. And knives.

And requested by Shalynn220

(Race's POV)

Race was quite late getting back to the Lodging house, as the headline absolutely sucked, and nobody wanted to buy any of his papes.

Race looked at the sky and was nearly frightened out of his wits when he looked around his surroundings and the sunset. He didn't know where he was; and it was literally sunset.

Tearing his hands through his dark brown hair (that probably needed a trim) Race quickly stepped into an alleyway that looked somewhat familiar.

"A little newsie out all by himself, in Brooklyn. Soooo sad."

Race jerked his head towards the voice. "Oscar Delancey."

Oscar stepped out of the shadow of a couple of old cardboard boxes. "Nice to meet you, Race."

Race grimaced. He started to think of a snarky remark, but then caught the last rays of sunlight shining onto something made out of brass on Oscar's fingers. His eyes widened. Oscar's brass knuckles. Race knew he was not going to get out of this situation easily.

Race turned and ran out to the exit of the alleyway, only to bump into something rather solid that wasn't there before.

"I think you've mistaken me for a wall, Race." Morris said.

"You may as well be a wall, for how dumb you are." Race said, trying to buy time to think of an escape.

Morris' smirk was replaced by a frown. He drew a small knife out of his pocket.

Uh oh.

"Pl- please stop!" Race whimpered.

He'd given up fighting a long time ago. It should have struck him faster that he was obviously going to be outnumbered if he was one guy fighting two other guys with weapons.

"We saw you and your boyfriend in this alley kissing a few days ago." Morris said.

Oops. This was not good at all. Only Jack and Hotshot were supposed to know about Race and Spot's secret relationship; the rest of the world was still homophobic.

Especially the Delancey brothers, who wanted to soak any newsie any chance they got. (Unless the newsie had backup and were from Brooklyn)

With every slash or punch, the Delanceys' reminded Race of the harsh world he was living in and threw hurtful insults at him.

Eventually they left. (Probably too hungry, Race's delirious mind proclaimed)

He didn't know how much time he laid there, blood seeping from his numerous cuts, but Race eventually got up and started staggering to who knows where.

A familiar building eventually greeted him.

He knocked on the worn wooden door, before finally letting himself collapse onto the ground and give into the darkness, free from the pain.

(Spot's POV)

Spot was sipping a cup of water and leaning against the door to the entrance of the lodging house when someone knocked on the door.

He jumped and spilled what was left in the plastic cup.

Silently cursing whoever had knocked, Spot opened the door.

He didn't expect to find an unconscious beaten up Race at his doorstep.

Frantically picking up the smaller Italian boy, Spot yelled, "I NEED MEDICAL HELP!"

(Race's POV)

Race woke up with his head throbbing and feeling like he wanted to vomit.

"Blargh. I feel like sh-"

"Race. Language." A voice came from somewhere above Race's head.

Race recognized that voice and cracked open one bleary eye.

"Hey Spot. Also, that's not fair, you swear all the time, and when Jack betrayed us you called him a mother f -"


It seemed like Spot's piercing, grey-blue eyes were drilling holes into Race. "Does shutting my mouth seem like something I can do?" He tried to direct his voice wherever Spot was. "Anyways, I'm fine, I'm going back to the Lodging House in Manhattan-"

"Don't tell me you're fine, you're bleeding."

Race looked down at bandages wrapped around his body. "I look like a mummy," he grumbled.

He felt himself move slightly, so that he faced Spot.

"Oh. Hi!"

Spot raised an eyebrow.

"Okay, maybe I'm supposed to stay here, aren't I?"

Spot nodded.

Race sighed and moved around slightly. He may as well get comfortable.

He then winced because of the pain.

"You are going to be here for a long time, Racer."

I think that this is probably one of the longest chapters I've ever written.

~706 words (not including the Author's Note at the start and end of this oneshot)

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