
132 3 7

Requested by @Shalynn220

Canon/1899 Era

Also, typing in the car with a computer on your lap is hard.

"I'm going up to the roof."

"That was random," Davey said, frowning at his boyfriend.

Jack shrugged and kept climbing the steps of the fire escape, one by one, with Davey not too far behind.

He slipped on a step but Davey caught him.

Davey gave the shorter boy in his arms a remorseful look. "I've caught you now, and you're not going to reach the top of the roof before I do."

Jack puffed out his red cheeks. He knew that Davey's threat was empty.

(Yep definitely don't try to write in a car- I nearly vomited so I'm probably going to have to continue this later)

Yet they still trudged up the steps to the top of the roof together.

The colour of the night sky could only be described as blue, a shade so dark it was considered black, making the stars in the sky stand out more than ever.

Davey gasped, and ran to the edge of the roof. "The stars are so beautiful!" He pointed to the groups of stars scattered across the sky. "There are the main stars, which glow so brightly against the dark; and the more distant smaller stars, which do not glow so brightly but make up for it in terms of how many there are! It's like a burst of sparkly dust!"

Jack chuckled and looked at his boyfriend, whose figure was illuminated by the silvery light of the crescent moon shining in the distance. Jack creept up behind Davey. "Don't forget da moon," he whispered into his ear.

Davey nearly fell off the edge of the roof in fright, broken out of his trance of seeing the stars, but Jack caught him in time.

"FRANCIS SULLIVAN!" Davey yelled. "You scared me!"

"YOU'SE DO NOT USE MY REAL NAME!!!" Jack yelled back.

They stood there glaring at each other for a while, before laughing.

Once they'd recovered, the couple sat on the edge of the roof, staring at Manhattan.

"He's definitely beautiful," Jack said.

"Yeah, the stars are really-" Davey's eyebrows furrowed. "Do stars have pronouns?"

Jack's eyes widened. "No, I'm not talking 'bout the stars. I'se talking about you."

Davey chuckled. "You are cute."

A disappointed groan came from the fire escape, causing both boys to turn to the sound.

Albert and Race popped their heads up from the steps.

"It was so romantic! Just kiss already!" Race said.

Albert put a hand to his forehead dramatically. "I'se is going to die if you'se don't kiss!"

Jack blinked at his two sarcastic younger brothers. "Wha-" He began, but was interrupted by Davey turning Jack around to face him.

"Can I?"

Said shorter boy nodded.

"Woo hoo! They kissed!" Albert and Race sang, jumping around.

Jack and Davey broke apart, smiling.

"That was nice. Can we do it again?"

I just realised that most of their newsie accent is lacking, but mine is lacking in real life as well, and I'm concerned since my show is about a month away, but the two weeks before the show are the school holidays-

I'm so nervous.

-Yong (who cannot stop vibing to King of New York while writing this)

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