Sprace Part Two

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La di da di da let's see how this goes.

(And I should be practising my piano but I'm writing a bit now and trying to perfect my pirouettes so that I can make my little solo in 'King of New York' extra special :) )

Spot watched as Race left Brooklyn.

He turned around and jumped in surprise. "Hotshot! How long have you been sitting there watching us?"

His second smirked. "Long enough to know that you and Race are boyfriends!"

The king of Brooklyn slowly stood up, his face stormy.

Hotshot's smug expression dropped quickly.

The peace of the docks by the river was broken by a very tiny and angry Spot Conlon waving his pimp cane at a much taller and scared Hotshot who was running for his life to avoid being soaked.

The sound of a splash occurred a few moments later.

Spot sighed and faced the rest of the gaping Brooklyn newsies, his anger immediately gone.

"Welp, we'se goin' to Manhattan tomorrow, so get ready to soak some scabs."

Race was getting nervous. He was about to start yelling for no reason whatsoever when Davey and Jack came into view.

He let himself smirk a small bit at the two oblivious lovebirds, but then turned to the more obvious problem in sight. "How is we going to win dis strike without Brooklyn? Without Brooklyn, no boroughs goin' to join us."

"Never fear Race, Brooklyn is here."

Race had to roll his eyes. "What da heck, Sean Patrick Con-"

Spot jumped down from the roof he was on.

"You finish that sentence and I'll make sure that everyone knows your darkest secret."

Race out his hands up in surrender. "Okay Spotty boy!"


Davey sighed. "Okay, okay, you two can stop now. We've got more important things to do than your flirty bickering."

"Such as?"

All the newsies turned around at Snyder's sneering voice, with Weasel and the Delancey brothers behind him.

"It's time these kids learned a lesson!" Weasel exclaims.

Race facepalms and says, way louder than necessary; "You already said that a few days ago. Can't you think of another line better than this? And we already learnt our 'lesson', Weasel."

Weasel looks like he's going to explode in anger, and Oscar runs to Race. "You. Are. Lucky that you're still alive!"

"And so are you!" Race replies, kicking the younger Delancey brother in the gut.

The fight commences, but boy the adults were dumb as they thought they would be able to take on more than 50 newsies, in which half of them are super tough and strong.

The bad guys fled.

"Is that the end of the strike?" Les asks tentatively.

Jack shakes his head. "Definitely not. But now we'es have a better chance of getting Crutchie back. And we'll win this strike. We ain't be giving up 'till we win." 

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